
Chapter 174: Drunk wives 2

I tried to get down from the bed, but she back hugged me.

"Stay Chris, please. I missed you so much." She mumbled. Who the hell is Chris? Maybe he is her lover. I turned to look at her and removed a strand of her hair from her face.

"I have to go now. I will be back." I muttered. Her expression changed as she clung to me.

"No, don’t go. I won’t let you." She mumbled, hugging me. Her touch gives me shivers. I don’t know what I might do if I sleep in the same bed as her. I need to find a way to get out of this room.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Sofia walked in. She smiled deviously at me.

"My husband!!" she exclaimed and jumped on top of us.

"Oh no!!" i screamed. We both fell back on the bed as Sofia lay on top of us.

She moved down a little towards my face and smirked. She licked my ear. Eww, I scrunched my brow as she pouted her lips and closed her eyes as she moved her lips towards me in an attempt to kiss me.

I pushed her to the other side of the bed as Daisy started hitting her on the head.

"Get out of this bed." Daisy stated authoritatively, still hitting her.

Sofia reciprocated and started hitting Daisy on the back as they engaged in a slapping fight.

I used the opportunity to run out of the room and lock the door.

                                                   Author’s POV

Daisy and Sofia continued fighting when Daisy realized that Raymond was no longer in the room.

"My hubby is gone. See what you cost." Daisy whined and pushed her out of the bed with her leg.

Sofia fell onto the floor with an audible thud and drifted to sleep on the floor.

Daisy stared at her on the floor and smirked as her eyes started closing. She lay comfortably on the bed and drifted to sleep.

Richard and Elena were cuddling each other in bed, as he kissed her on the forehead and closed his eyes.

Raymond started banging on the door. He wanted to sleep in there. He thought there was no one in the room.

"Who could that be this late at night?" Elena inquired as Richard let go of her.

"I don’t know." He replied as he put on his flip-flops. He walked to the door and opened it. He stared at Raymond.

Raymond looked at him and collapsed on his hand.

"Babe, I am coming. I need to take my bro to another room." Richard stated.

"All right, babe," she said.

Richard struggled with Raymond as he dragged him to an empty room and put him on the bed. Raymond relaxed on the bed. Richard sighed and walked out of the room. He closed the door and headed back to his room.

He walked into his room and got on the bed, but Elena was already asleep as he slept beside her, moved closer to her, and wrapped his hand around her.