
Chapter 173: Drunk wives.

They all held their glasses and started giving me one after the other as I poured the wine into their glasses.

I poured into mine and dropped the remaining wine on the table. I took my glass and lifted it up.

"Toast to the honeymoon." I beamed.

"Yes, toast to that." Daisy said sarcastically. We all raised our glasses and clunk them together.

We started drinking continuously, and before we knew it, the wine bottle became empty. Just now they have finished the wine.

"I have to go to bed now." Richard beamed as he got up from his chair and started stretching his muscles.

He smiled at me and Elena got up with him.                                              

"We will take our leave now." He muttered. I wished I could tell him not to go, because he was turning two in my eyes.I think I am drunk.

"But I am not the type that gets drunk easily." I took the wine bottle and stared at the ingredient: 50% alcohol. No wonder.

I got up from my seat as I stared at Daisy. She was smiling endlessly at me as she played with her hair.

I think she is also drunk.

I tried to walk out of the dining area when too many hands grabbed me. Holy shit I am screwed. I looked at them. It was Daisy and Sofia and they were both holding my hand.

"Hubby, where are you going?" Daisy muttered with pouted lips. I think she is cute.

"Don’t go, hubby, what about the thing we talked about? I want to fuck you real hard." Sofia stated emphatically. OMG, she is a nasty bitch.

I removed her hand from my arm with great difficulty and put my hand around Daisy’s shoulder as she hugged me and put her head on my chest. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Let’s go to our room." She mumbled. I could smell alcohol in her breath.

"You mean our room?" Sofia added, glaring at Daisy.

"Who is your husband? Go and look for someone else; this one is taken." Daisy muttered as she wrapped her hands around my waist, giving me goosebumps.

I removed her hand from my waist and started leading her up the stairs as Sofia staggered behind us.

Daisy turned to face Sofia.

"Go away, he is my mine." She said it in a possessive manner, making me blush. Even in her drunken state, she hates Sofia.

"Just ignore her." I muttered and held her hand.

We both entered our room and Daisy staggered and fell on the bed.

She was facing the ceiling on the bed, she stared at me as I was about to climb the bed. I nearly fell because I couldn’t see the bed. I swung my hand in the air and fell onto the bed.

lying next to her.

She moved closer to me and put her hands on my chest. trailing her fingers down my chest.

"So big." She mumbled. I can’t believe I am enjoying this. What the hell is she doing? I need to get down from this bed. My goodness knows what can happen if I stay here much longer.