
Chapter 171: Romantic Dinner.

"Anyway, where is our room?" Richard asked.

"There is a lot of room; you can choose anyone." Raymond replied, staring at Elena.

"I must say you look beautiful, darling." Raymond stated as he took Elena’s hand and kissed it.

Sofia narrowed her eyes at him.

"Come with me." Richard stated, walking away with his girlfriend.

"What are we going to eat? I am starving." Raymond lamented looking at Daisy. She stared at her fingernails.

"I would have loved to cook, but I can’t." she muttered, battling her lashes.

"It’s okay, I will order something." Raymond muttered, taking out his phone from his pocket.

"What about you, Sofia? Can’t you cook?" Daisy asked, staring at her.

"He is already ordering." She scoffed.

"Hello, I want four mini-sized pizzas and one wine." Raymond beamed.

"Alcoholic or non-alcoholic." The person inquired. Raymond looked at Daisy.

"Alcoholic." He beamed and hung up.

Sofia walked to sit on the couch.

Richard and Elena walked to the living room together.

"Bro, what are we having for dinner? I am starving." Richard muttered.

"Don’t worry, I already ordered something." Raymond assured.

Minutes later.

The doorbell rang.

Daisy quickly ran to the door and took the food from the delivery guy.

"Sign here." He said, handing her a paper. She took it from him and signed it.

"Money?" he asked.

Raymond walked to them and handed him a $1,000 bill.

The delivery guy put his hand in his pocket to bring out change for Raymond.

"Keep the change." Raymond beamed, walking away with Daisy.

"Thank you, sir!!" he exclaimed, kissing the money and walking out of the house.

They both walked to the dining table, Raymond sat down, and Daisy was about to sit next to him when Sofia pushed her out of the way and sat next to him.

Daisy glared at her and sat on Raymond’s left hand side. She stuck out her tongue at Sofia, who just rolled her eyes.

Richard and Elena joined them at the dining table.

                                                           Raymond’s POV

I took one pizza from Daisy and she put the rest on the table as Richard dragged one of the pizzas and opened it.

It seems he wants to share one pizza with his girlfriend. He took a slice and put it in his mouth. He took a bite and put it in his girlfriend’s mouth. She smiled widely at him and bit it, and they both started feeding each other pizza. I don’t know why I am getting jealous. I can’t do it with Sofia. I hate her. I glared at her as she was busy eating her pizza.

Daisy, however, was busy eating her pizza and staring at me. I smiled at her.

I want her to feed me. How do I tell her?

I raise my brow at her and use my eyes to point at Richard and his girl.

She stared at me with a confused look, as if she didn’t understand me. Gosh. I moved my hands on the table and pointed at Richard. She looked at them and opened her eyes wide.