
Chapter 170: Honey full house.

He was enjoying the show as he put his hand on his face and stared lustfully at Daisy, who was busy dancing, not caring if anyone was staring at her.

Sofia walked to Daisy and started to tap her continuously on the back, but Daisy didn’t answer her. She swung her hand and hit Sofia on the face.

Sofia held her face. She was burning with fury as she walked heavily to the home theater and switched it off.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Daisy snapped. Glaring at her.

"Not only did you leave me on the plane, you also came home without me and now you are dancing?" Sofia stated, standing akimbo.

"So what do you want to do? beat me?" Daisy asked.                                       

"I am not going to beat you, but I want to tell you to stop dancing. You are a terrible dancer." Sofia scoffed. Daisy chuckled.

"Can you dance more than me?" Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don’t like to brag, but I am a very good dancer." Sofia stated, with her head held high.

"Then prove it." Daisy beamed.

"Is it a dance off?" Raymond asked, running down the stairs, and they both turned to look at him.

"Yes, it is." Sofia stated with a grin.

"Very good." Raymond remarked and relaxed on the couch.

"How I wish I had popcorn." He added.

"You can dance first." Daisy beamed. She walked majestically to Raymond and sat next to them.

Sofia switched on the home theater and started dancing, swaying her hips as she put her hands on her waist. Winking at Raymond.

"My eyes, they’re burning." Raymond remarked

"Stop being dramatic, just say she is a terrible dancer." Daisy added.

Sofia smiled broadly at them and began dancing maniacally, picking up her shoes from the floor and tossing them at Raymond.

Raymond caught one of her shoes before it could hit his face.

"She is crazy." He whined.

"What is going on here?" Richard asked, standing at the entrance of the house with Elena.

Sofia stopped dancing immediately and turned to them.

Richard and Elena walked into the house, carrying their luggage.

"What are they doing here?" Sofia inquired.

"They are also here for the honeymoon," Daisy muttered.

"What why? I am calling Dad." She whined and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She dialed his number and put the phone in her ear. She was about to speak when Daisy snatched the phone from her.

"Give me back my phone." Sofia protested, hovering around Daisy.

"Here you go." Daisy stated, and dropped the phone on the floor. But to her greatest surprise, it didn’t break.

Daisy stepped on the phone and started crushing it with her leg. She looked at the phone. It had a small scratch. Daisy gnashed her teeth and started jumping on top of the phone..

"No!! my phone." Sofia lamented as Raymond smirked. Looking at Daisy.

"Why are you guys torturing the poor girl?" Richard inquired.

"I didn’t do anything?" Raymond shrugged.

                   Author's note

Sorry i didn't post yesterday there was no light.