
Chapter 161: Cook 2

She walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Kingston standing there with the chef.

Daisy twisted her mouth as she pulled her hand from Sofia’s grip.

Mrs Kingston walked closer to Daisy and started sniffing her.

"You smell good, are you trying to consummate your marriage?" Mrs Kingston asked bluntly. Daisy chuckled.

"We have already done that a long time ago." Daisy whined. Hearing this, Sofia clenched her fist and glared at Daisy.

"Anyway, the reason I called the two of you here is because I want you guys to cook for your husband before he comes back." Mrs Kingston stated.

"Why can’t the chef cook for him?" Daisy protested.

"You are too smart for your own good, I want Raymond to taste the food made by his wives, and he will choose who can cook better between the two of you." Mrs Kingston stated, and Daisy’s eyes widened.

"I am not interested," Daisy said, and turned to Sofia.

"You can cook for him." Daisy stated, attempting to walk out of the room.

"I am not asking you if you are interested or not; it’s an order." Mrs Kingston declared, giving Daisy a dagger eye.

"Okay, I will cook." Daisy muttered and stared at her finger.

"My manicure." She mumbled. Mrs Kingston walked out of the kitchen with the maids and also the chef.

It was only Daisy and Sofia left in the kitchen.

"I heard you are a princess. Can you cook?" Daisy inquired, resting her hand on the kitchen counter.

"Unlike most princesses, I can cook." Sofia snarled.

"Okay." Daisy muttered, taking an apron that was hanging on a nail in the wall.

"Okay." Sofia mimicked her and took an apron.

Daisy brushed her hair backwards and tied her apron. Open the cupboard and take out a small pot and put it on top of the kitchen counter. She started looking at the vegetables and food stuffs in the kitchen.

"What should I cook?" Daisy muttered, putting her finger to her lips.

"You don’t have the right to choose; mum has already picked a dish for us." Sofia informed.

"And that is?" Daisy inquired.

"Creamy Pumpkin Soup." Sofia muttered.

"Is this Halloween?" Daisy asked and opened the drawer. She took out a pumpkin and washed it in the faucet. She put a bowl on the counter and started removing all the insides of the pumpkin while Sofia stared at her with side-eye and mirrored her actions.

After cooking for hours. Daisy's soup started boiling as she took a pinch of salt and sprinkled it in the soup.

She started moving her hand around the table. She wanted to add a chili pepper to the soup, but she couldn’t find it.

"I am sure I kept it here." Daisy muttered. She glared at Sofia, who was busy stirring her soup.

She had to get another one from the top shelf.

Daisy dragged a stool and stood on top of it, trying to open the shelf, backing the soup in the process. Sofia gave her a brief look before bringing out the bottle of chili pepper Daisy was looking for.