
Chapter 157: Protective husband 2

He fast forwarded it to when Daisy put her phone in her pocket and saw his mum and Sofia walking towards her.

He saw when they abducted her with the two bodyguards he asked to guard her.

"Fuck!!" he cursed.

"What the matter, boss?" Mr Josh inquired.

"My mum and Sofia have become the she-devils in this house." He stated and started walking out of the basement. Mr Josh let go of the guard and he fell to the floor.

As Raymond climbed down the ladder with Mr Josh.

"No wonder your mum changed the CCTV room to the basement." Mr Josh remarked.

"They think they are cunning, I will show them what I am capable of." Raymond stated, with an evil grin.

He rushed to his room and saw the doctor checking Daisy. He dragged the two bodyguards outside the room to the middle of the living room. They both fell to the ground and looked up at him. They shuddered backwards as he walked closer to them.

Raymond gave one of them a resounding slap across the face. The bodyguard held his face as Raymond continued slapping him.

Mr Josh joined hands and started slapping the other one.

"My hand is on fire go get the whip." Raymond commanded, and Mr Josh ran away.

"Lie down," Raymond declared in a rumbling tone.

They both lay down on their stomachs.

Richard walked up to them.

"Bro what are you doing? Shouldn’t you be getting ready to go to work?" Richard inquired.

"I should be, but I want to use these two bodyguards to set a good example for the others so they don't support mom's stupid acts." Raymond stated bluntly.

"What did they do?" Richard inquired.

"Can you believe these two nincompoops have the audacity to kidnap Daisy?"

"So that’s what this is about, I don’t have time for this I have to go to work and maybe go and see my girl." Richard stated, and Raymond rolled his eyes.

Mr Josh ran back with the whip and handed it to Raymond. Raymond started whipping them as they were crying continuously on the floor, but Raymond didn’t stop as he was sweating and still whipping them.

The sound of the whip grabbed the attention of the rest of the family as they walked down the stairs, including Mr Kingston.

"Raymond! What the hell are you doing?" Mr Kingston asked in a deep voice.

"What does it look like I am doing?" Raymond inquired and Sofia ran to him and back hug him.

"Please let them go," she pleaded, holding him from behind.

Raymond pushed her away and she landed on the floor as he continued whipping them.

"Raymond, stop it you will kill them." Mrs Kingston begged.

"You have lost the right to talk to me."Raymond stated.

Mrs Kingston fell on the floor.

"Please, it’s all my fault." She pleaded, and Raymond stopped Mr Josh used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Take this as a warning not to mess with me and my wife again." Raymond stated, glaring at Mrs Kingston.

"Son, you have a honey moon this weekend." Mr Kingston informed.