
Chapter 106: Almost got him.

"I didn’t know you were so brave." Raymond praised smiling.

"Shh." She said and called the police.

All the models started running out of the shop and some of them stayed behind. Mrs. Jennifer was scared. She stood up from where she was hiding and started pleading with her customers to stay as some of them helped the injured model out of the shop.

"Please stay, don’t go, we have called the police." She pleaded, but they refused to listen to her. Their lives were more important.

Raymond squatted to look at the man on the floor and removed the glasses of the man

He was a white male, approximately six feet tall, with a medium build. His complexion was fair, and he wore a mustache. He looked young, perhaps between 20 and 25 years of age. He was wearing dirty blue jeans, a white, short-sleeve tee shirt with a logo on the back, and athletic shoes. He wore a tattered, black baseball cap, and his hair, blonde in color, hung out the back of the cap at about shoulder length.

"Do you know him?" Daisy asked, looking down at him.

"I have no idea who he is this is the first time, I am seeing him." Raymond replied, and the man opened his eyes and stared weirdly at Raymond. He held Raymond’s shirt and looked into his eyes.

"I will kill you." He said he was looking around for his gun, but he didn’t see it, Daisy had already taken his gun. He put his hand in his pocket and was about to bring out a pocket knife when Daisy carried the vase and walked closer to him. She wouldn’t hesitate to hit him again in the head, even if he dies. It was as if the man sensed that Daisy was behind him. He looked up at her and stood up immediately, letting go of Raymond’s shirt. Raymond was frightened, he was acting like a scary cat. The man showed the knife to Daisy as she approached him with the vase.  He started hearing the police serenade, and he pushed Daisy out of the way.

He ran out of the shop with a brown bag in his left hand. As he ran, he carried his right arm across his chest as if it were in a sling. A driver was waiting for him at the far edge of the shop parking lot in a dilapidated pickup. He climbed into the passenger door of the pickup and it sped off.

Raymond stood in front of the shop watching him go.

"Fuck!!, I can’t believe we let him go like that, what if he tries to kill me again." Raymond lamented.

"Why didn’t you hold him before the cops come?" Daisy teased.

"I thought he was going to stay unconscious for a long time, I guess you didn’t hit him hard." He remarked.

"Why didn’t you hit him yourself." Daisy said, glaring at him, and walked back into the shop.