
Chapter 105: Stalker 2

As I was walking, it was as if someone was trailing me. I halted and looked back, but I didn't see anyone. The streets were dry and I was the only one walking down the street for now. Maybe because everyone has gone to work. 

I continued walking and started hearing footsteps behind me. I knew immediately that it wasn't my feet but someone else's. I looked back and saw the man I had seen earlier in the super market. He started running toward me, and I started running away from him. Why is he chasing me? Who the fuck is he? I started running with all my strength. Normally, the shop is not far away from the super market, but today, for some reason, it was far.

I arrived at the shop and stopped to look around to see if he was still following me. Gosh! I lost him. I sighed and was about to open the shop when I heard the sound of a gun and before I knew it, I saw a hole in the door. A bullet has penetrated the door. I looked at the man and he started shooting at me. I quickly opened it and ran into the shop. 

      Author's POV

Raymond was sweating continuously as he walked to Mrs. Jennifer and handed her the wipers.

"Why are you sweating so much? Did you run?" she asked, and they started hearing gun shots. 

Everyone started panicking and Daisy quickly ran and hid behind her desk as the man opened the door of the shop and started shooting in all directions raining bullets. All the models started laying on the ground as the bullet started destroying everything in the shop. The man was firing his gun, not caring if he would kill anyone, and his bullet touched a model in the hand, and blood started coming out of her hand as she lay on the floor.

Daisy slowly tried to bring out her phone to call the police, with her hand trembling as she put it in her pocket. 

The man eyed Raymond and started walking towards him as Raymond walked back quickly.

"Who who are you? what do you want from me?" Raymond stuttered.

"I was sent to assassinate you, I won't rest till you are dead." he said. 

"What do you mean by that? Who will want to assassinate me?" Raymond asked.

"You think I don't know your true identity." the man said, walking closer to Raymond and his back hit the wall as the man pointed the gun at his head.

"Rest in peace." he said, and Raymond closed his eyes.

Daisy carried a vase, walking closer to the man as he was about to pull the trigger. She hit him hard on the head, and he held his head and blood started coming out of his head as he collapsed on the ground.

Raymond slowly opened his eyes and saw the man on the floor and saw Daisy staring at the man on the floor with a vase in her hand.

Author's note

Rate and review my lovely readers today is my birthday!!