
The Secondary Magician

Ranjha has dreamed to be an Attack Magician all his life but on the day of the tryout he could only muster enough magic to be a Secondary Magician, what is going to happen Will be updated every Monday

Ishaan_agarwal · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The learning part of the day was taken up completely by each of the class head, with the explanation on how the various classes existed and their respective role in the field. Soon it was afternoon and we were supposed to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Kunal guided Ranjha through the winding halls and confusing huge size of the academy.

Ranjha entered the cafeteria and the atmosphere reminded him of school life, it was as if there was no difference and a rush of anxiety went through his body. "Fuck! Where do I sit" he thought, as he swept his eyes across the hall thinking what to do, Ranjha was never sure where he stood in the social ranking, he was not one of the popular nobles who were already covering two tables with Rohan almost acting like a slave to them already, he was not exactly sure about his own classmates who were already exchanging notes and had been giving him looks since they got to know he aced the exam, past them were the tanks giving looks to Rohan, they actually seemed nice but you could hear them showing off their muscles to each other from here, then there were the warriors all of them socialising and almost made him walk him towards the table when he noticed Ruhi waving from the table right next to it. She was still talking to her classmates after Ranjha noticed her but she was in a separate table.

Ranjha walked over and said "You didn´t get a seat with the warriors aww!"

"Says! The guy whose classmates are giving him a death stare, I was just late and couldn´t get a seat"

"Other than me. Hi my name is Kunal Secondary Magician" Ranjha completely forgot he had not walked in the place alone.

"Ruhi, warrior" she replied almost surprised.

They got their food and went back to sit with Ruhi and as they were sitting all the Attack magicians entered.

Leading the Magicians was this girl with black hair and a terribly annoying fake laugh that probably woke up a few gnomes living thousands of kilometres away and hundreds underground, her cackle scared kids out of their minds and you could see she made sure everyone knew she was a noble with the number of jewels on her and Ranjha hated her from that very moment but behind her were these girls basically copying that fake laughter and then there were these guys surrounding this group like bodyguards. All that was left, was for someone to put some rose petals in her way and start worshiping her, before Ranjha could even make a comment on how disgusted he was, his shirt was tucked from the side.

"I think I am in love" Kunal said staring in that direction.

"You can´t be serious that pretentious bitch come on man, even you could do better than that"

"How dare you say that about the noir beauty"

"Did you come up with that name just now, please believe me she is going to turn this place into hell if left to it, who is she anyway even the nobles respect her"

"Broooooo…! You don´t know about the black goddess… "(Kunal made a new name) "You see that pendant above those perfect *coughs*, it´s the symbol of the house of Minister Sanju, who is the closest advisor to his majesty and one of the most important people in the kingdom"

Ranjha knew Minister Sanju well, but then he noticed Ruhi waving to the end of the group. He soon saw Sara and she walked over to their table leaving the whole group.

"Hello, I am glad to see you guys" she said in a soft voice.

"Me too girl! I was sick of these guys discussing that girl´s boobs"

"Hey!!" Ranjha shouted.

"Not you too, everyone has been obsessed with Rashi even Malina Madam barely even talked to us, she just had a conversation with Rashi about her house and all apparently she knows her father, it was like we were just there to observe a personal conversation."

"That´s sad our class was fun, Hari Sir is so awesome and he even explained how we are awesome"

Sara, gave didn´t know how to respond to Kunal´s sudden comment.

"This is Kunal he is my classmate, don´t be too surprised, he was the one discussing the boobs not me" Ranjha said shooting a look to Ruhi.

"You know discussion requires at least two people," "but I…" Ruhi continued ignoring Ranjha´s protest.

"My class was great too, I even got to decide on a weapon on he first day itself Talwar Sir even said that my goals were clear and he liked that"

"Good, at least you guys are enjoying I hope other classes are better." Sara replied and got up to get food for herself.

As she walked to the counter some attack magicians were looking at her as she was the only one out of 14 to leave that table and sit with other people, she was almost embarrassed to walk all the way up to the counter, that´s when she heard

"Wait for me I also want seconds" it was Ruhi, who walked up to her put an arm around her and they walked and got food.

"Oof! I already hate the attack mages what´s their problem"

"It is kind of my fault, I should stay with them, after all we all are from different classes, they said only an attack magician can form a party alone whereas the other classes need each other´s help so we don´t need to mingle, so I think I should just sit with them"

"Ooh come on; you need your friends more than pretentious wannabes."

After lunch the Sath students were called into Boro Sir´s office to be given an actual tour of the place so they won´t be late for their classes, for some reason Kunal tagged along and volunteered to show us around. For some reason more than a tour of different facilities, it was a tour of all the hidden and dark spots from hidden staircases to rooftops that no one came to his only agenda was to tell us that it was a good place to meet with someone and in his words "Do stuff", Rohan literally had a notepad in his hand was noting down the places and weird stuff Kunal said like,

"Girls are like a prey you must lure them and trap them",

And he would either get bonked on his head by Ruhi or a snarky reply like Sara said to this under her breath,

"I already feel trapped" which that idiot heard and said,

"See it´s working" turning around and facing Sara who got awkward and thus Kunal received another one of Ruhi´s Bonks and a bit of Rohan´s admiration.

The rest of the evening went by and all of them went back to sleep. The next day they had their first classes. Ranjha´s first class was TAM as soon as he entered class and sat on a random desk Sara appeared out of thin air and sat beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Is this the wrong class my curriculum said I needed to be here?",

"It´s the right class but its not graded for you so no one attends",

"So where should I go hang out with Malina", she said in a timid voice,

"Nah! You are right this is better stay here."

"Oh my god! Ruhi was right making your voice small and acting like a kid does make guys listen to you",

"Wha…! No… no… no what is that idiot even teaching you I just agreed because I agreed with you "

"So you chose this one huh?" it was Kunal with an obnoxious look.

"The warrior is kinda hard but it´s a piece of cake for Love Knight",

"And who is that?" Sara said,

"Well, me of course little one"

"Ooh then can I be the princess of the kingdom"

"What!?" Kunal exclaimed,

Ranjha didn´t know if Sara did it intentionally but her comparison in impossible roleplay had shut Kunal up for the time being.

"Hello everyone I am Hari, you can call me Hari Sir, and I see at least one attack magician has joined us, that´s always great to see, now we will talk about a lot about what is magic and what it has to do with you here, so who can tell me what is magic?"

"It´s the manifestation of mana that resides everywhere in our surrounding and inside us" said a student in the back,

"Correct! Even though a bit too bookish but ok, but mana resides in you what does that even mean?",

Alot of hands went up but Hari sir said picked Sara even when her hand wasn´t raised,

"Umm, it lives inside you in the form of chakras "

"Right and kind of wrong, mana flows throughout your body like the rivers through the lands, from the to the bottom but different kinds of mana pool at different places in your body and these pools are what is called Chakras respectively from top to bottom,

Third Eye Chakra small but hard to use, situated between your eyes,

Throat Chakra used to control other chakras mostly or small spells,

Heart Chakra also called the wind chakra,

Solar plexus Chakra also called fire chakra it is at your stomach,

Sacral Chakra or the water chakra located in lower abdomen,

Root Chakra or the earth chakra located at the top of your legs.

Any questions"

"Sir, where are heart and throat chakra´s located," asked the same student who answered the last time,

"In your knees,"


"Listen you might be good at learning but what part of heart and throat don´t you understand",

The student got red and sat down,

"Ok we will be doing a lot of meditation in this class to increase proficiency with each chakra but today is first day so I will teach you a spell, based on throat chakra, it is the chakra that is used to speak out your spell and then mana flows down and casts it, so your first spell would be… Dhaal or shield, you can choose the incantation as the word doesn´t matter the meaning does, so everyone wear an apron and stand under my small rain spell whoever doesn´t get apron wet using Dhaal will know the spell."

Ranjha got his apron and became excited his first spell, he shouted "Dhaal" and walked in the rain, he was happy to notice not getting wet at first but then boom, the rain got stronger and he was drenched.

"I never said I won't increase intensity" Hari Sir smirked,

Sara cleared it without a problem normal and heavy rain and was asked to practice separately as she had reached the level here with mana. After some time second round started and Ranjha thought about not having enough mana like sara so he did something he tried to use Dhaalonly in the upward direction, where the water was, when uncontrolled Dhaal formed a skin uver you with man but if concentrated it can be controlled.

Ranjha went in and the rain almost instantly started becoming heavy which he easily withstood, he had a smug face for a second but soon started feeling pressure over him he saw it war no longer rain but hail,

"What, you were only excited to do it and I thought I should test how strong is it",

Ranjha survived 30 seconds before being hit by a little ice when it all stopped,

"You pass, go train with Sara, also great idea don´t tell the others yet"

Ranjha felt happy for his first successful spell he was finally a magician.