
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

True Strength!

"Holy!" Cabba yelled when he was blown back by a shockwave caused by Akuma and the man grabbing each other's fists and they began to struggle to for control. The man suddenly headbutted Akuma in the face before he fired a beam from his mouth and it pushed him towards a rock formation but Akuma released a burst of energy that destroyed the beam.

"Why are you fighting for someone you don't even know?" The man asked Akuma as he floated down to his height and Akuma gave him a serious look.

"Because it's the job of heroes to protect those who can't protect themselves!" Akuma asked him as he began to fill energy in his hands and he fired a volley of blue energy bullets at him, "As long as I'm here you won't lay another hand on anyone!"

"That girl can give you the ultimate power and your only want to take her from me?! You could be the most powerful being in the universe and you don't care for that kind of strength?!" The man asked as he flew through the attacks and Akuma put his arm up to block his kick, "I am the ultinate being and you'll never reach my level with that mind set!"

"Don't make me laugh!" Akuma yelled as he delivered a vicious right hook to the man's jaw and they began to punch and kick each other at high speed, "If you think this'll be easy then you're in for a rude awakening!"

"It doesn't matter if you take her anyways! I was planning on killing her when I got my hands on her again so there wouldn't be anyone who could stop me!" The man yelled as he threw a powerful punch but Akuma caught his fist with ease and the man saw that his eyes were now burning with hatred. He tried to pull away as Akuma cocked his energy covered fist back and blood flew out of his mouth as Akuma punched him across the jaw. He immediately grabbed Akuma by the back of his head and kneed him in the chin, forcing him to let go. Akuma put his arms in front of his face as the man began to deliver destructive punches and Cabba could feel the man's strength rising higher by the second.

"Galick Cannon!" Cabba yelled as he fired a purple energy wave at the man to get him away from Akuma and his eyes widened when the smoke cleared as the man seemed unfazed by the attack. The man flipped and kicked Akuma to the ground before landing on his chest with enough force to break the ground under them. He stomped Akuma's face when he tried to get up and began to punch his head further into the ground. He was launched off of Akuma by a sudden kick to his jaw and Akuma saw someone standing over him but he couldn't see them clearly with the blood in his eyes.

"Palsey!" Caulifla yelled as she rocketed into the battlefield and Akuma quickly got to his feet when he processed what she said. The man stood up before firing an energy blast at her and he smiled wickedly at the cloud of smoke, "No!"

"Get her out of here." Akuma told Caulifla as he appeared behind her with Palsey in his arms and she quickly took her from him, "Cabba you go to. I've been holding back to try and keep damage to a minimum but that clearly isn't working and if you stay then you'll just get caught up in it."

"Right!" Cabba yelled as he and Caulifla took off and the man pointed an energy filled hand at them but he felt his hand get crushed before he realized the Akuma was now in front of him. Once he was sure they were far enough away he let the man go and slammed at energy ball into his face, causing a massive red explosion. The man flew into the ground, leaving a trail of smoke behind him and Akuma landed a few feet from away. The man slowly got to his feet and he was immediately kneed in the chin, making him fall on his back.

"Let me tell you where you messed up! Your power is stolen from others for your own gain!" Akuma yelled in anger when he saw the look of disbelief on his face before soccerball kicking him with enough force to shake the area and sending him tumbling along the ground, "Your nowhere near my strength!"

"Then all I have to do is steal more!" The man yelled as he got to his feet and his eyes widened when Akuma grabbed him by the throat. He clawed at Akuma's hand in an attempt to get free until Akuma slammed him into the dirt before bringing him close to his face so he could look him in the eyes.

"That's another mistake you're making. You think I'll just lock you up like the Sadala Defense Force but I'm not nearly that merciful." Akuma told him in a cold voice as he manifested a shining orb of energy in his free hand and the man knew he was telling the truth immediately, "Do you really think you were going to leave here alive after what you've done?"

"W-Wait! I'll change my ways! I'll never do anything like that again I swear!" The man begged and Akuma crushed the orb before throwing the man to the ground. Akuma threw sparkles of light at him but when the man realized nothing had happened he charged for Akuma and punched him in the face. Akuma looked at him past his fist as his body began to be destroyed from the inside and a white light began to shine from his mouth and eyes and Akuma powered down when the man was completely disintegrated. He towards the castle and tried his best not to look at the destroyed parts of the city. Akuma saw Caulifla and his parents waiting at the front gate as the castle came into view and he landed in front of them with an upset look.

"Thank goodness you're ok!" The queen said as she hugged him tightly and he immediately began to look around, "She's currently resting in the infirmary if that's what you're worried about."

"What about the people in that building?" Akuma asked as he turned and looked at the rubble where the large building used to be, "How many people were hurt?"

"The Defense Force were able to get most of them out and the rest had minor injuries." Cabba explained and Akuma sat down with a sigh. Caulifla put her hand on his shoulder as he watched the clouds float by and she gave him a soft smile.

"That wasn't your fault." Caulifla told him before they heard someone clear their throat and they turned around to see a doctor standing in the doorway, "Is she awake?"

"Yes and she wants to see you." He explained while looking at Akuma and Akuma took one last look at the city before following everyone inside.