
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


"She's in here." The doctor told Akuma and Caulifla as he opened one of the doors and when they went in he quietly closed it behind them. Pasley gave them a small smile as they sat down next to her and they noticed the bandages that were now on her arms but decided not to ask why.

"I told you he wouldn't be able to get you again." Akuma told her with a grin and she looked at the sheets with tears building up in her eyes, "So how old are you?"

"I'm five." Pasley said without looking at him and he felt Caulifla's power spike for a moment before it returned to normal, "Why did you help me?"

"Were we supposed to let you be taken by them?" Caulifla asked her in a soft tone and Akuma couldn't help but notice how attached she had gotten to the girl in such a short amount of time, "Akuma would go through hell and high water if it meant saving someone and I'm no different."

"I do want to take you somewhere whenever you're ready." Akuma told her with a smile as he stood up and she gave him a nod as she tried to get off the bed only to be stopped by Caulifa, "You need to get better first."

"Get some rest. We'll be back later." Caulifla told Pasley as she ruffled her hair and followed Akuma out of the room, "Who are you planning on bringing her to?"

"I want to show her Earth." Akuma explained as he put his hands behind his head and Caukifla gave him a confused look, "She's only known evil and I want to introduce her to some truly good ones. She may be five but she's already been mentally scarred and I'm hoping we can fix that."

"I guess you're right." Caulifla said with a sigh before a look of anger covered her face and Akuma knew what was on her mind but decided to stay quiet, "Why do horrible things happen to innocent people?"

"Don't think about that. Let's just be glad we were in the right place at the right time." Akuma told her in a serious tone and she took a breath to calm herself down. A few days later the doctors notified them that Pasley was healed and they went to get her.

"Hold on to me Pasley." Akuma told her with a smile as he put two fingers to his forehead and once Caulifla and Pasley he teleported them to Kale, scarring the timid girl, "Sorry about that."

"You really need to let people know before you do stuff like that." Kale told him with a glare before she noticed Pasley hiding behind Caulifla and she gave the young girl a wave, "And who are you?"

"My name is Pasley." Pasley to her in a shy voice as she tried to get further behind Caulifla and Kale gave a small smile before giving them a confused look. Akuma explained the situation and before Pasley could react Kale gave her a tight hug.

"You'll never have to go through that again." Kale said as she let her go and put her hands on her shoulders with a big smile before turning to Akuma, "We should go visit Aizawa."

"Alright?" Caulifla said in a confused tone and Akuma teleported them, catching their former teacher by surprise as he talking to a young girl with pale blue hair, "Yo."

"I'm going to put a bell on you if you do that again." Aizawa told Akuma sternly before he noticed the little girl behind them and he narrowed his eyes, "I'm not taking in another one."

"The hell you talking about?" Akuma asked with a confused face and Aizawa wrapped his scarf around his mouth with his eyes glowing red. He let Akuma go when he nodded his head and gave him a stern look.

"So who's the kid?" Aizawa asked as he watched Pasley hide behind Akuma, "Don't tell me you kidnapped her."

"First off how dare you. A couple of days ago she happened to run into us while trying to get away from some thugs and after finding out that they were using her DNA to get stronger we took her away." Caulifla explained as she motioned for Pasley to stop hiding and the little girl stepped in front of Akuma, "Their boss came after her and Akuma took him out. She's only five and we thought it'd be a good idea for her to see some good guys for once."

"You're just like me!" The little girl said with wide eyes and it was their turn to be confused, "My name is Eri and they saved me from some bad guys to!"

"So that's why you told us to come here." Caulifla said as she looked at Kale and she rubbed the back of her head while smiling at her, "Pasley be polite and introduce yourself to Eri."

"Ok." Pasley said as she walked up to Eri and she timidly looked at her, "My name is Pasley and these two saved me from a very bad man."

"Did you kill him?" Aizawa asked Akuma and he got his answer from the serious look on his face before they watched the little girls begin to get along, "Sometimes I think you're right."

"He caused severe destruction to a city and threatened to kill Pasley. He was too strong for the authorities of Sadala to keep locked up so I didn't really have a choice." Akuma explained as he smiled at the girls and they heard knocking on the door moments later. All Might peaked into the room and his eyes widened when he saw Caulifla and Akuma before seeing Pasley talking to Eri.

"It's good to see you two again but what's with the kid?" All Might asked and Akuma gave him a quick run down of the situation, "I see. I suppose it's a good thing you brought her here then. Aren't you two a little young to be adopting kids though?"

"I don't know about adopting but we did spend over a year in a special room that distorts time so technically we're eighteen if my math is right." Akuma explained clearly unfazed by the question but it was obvious that Caulifla was immediately lost in thought, "One day in there was one year out here but it really depends on how you look at it. Not to mention that's Earth's rules and Sadala's are different."

"Is that the planet you're from?" Aizawa asked them with a curious look and all four Saiyans gave him a nod, "So how has being on your home planet been so far?"

"Well I found out that I'm the prince of the Saiyans." Akuma explained with a grin and everyone besides Caulifla and Pasley were shocked to here that, "Apparently All for One managed to block out my memories but a doctor managed to fix them for me."

"Well that's good. You should visit your friends before you leave again." All Might said as Pasley walked back to Caulifla and Akuma looked deep in thought, "Don't want to?"

"I don't know to be honest." Akuma told him as he rubbed the back of his head before he gave them a grin and Caulifla immediately knew what he was thinking, "I want to see how far they've come."