
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Super Saiyan Four!

"I'll admit that the power radiating off of you is amazing but no matter how much you want me dead you're attacks will only make me stronger." Zero told him with a smug grin before Akuma appeared next to Goku and Vegeta and left him floating above them with a surprised look.

"How is she?" Akuma asked him in a rough voice as Zero landed with his arms crossed and waited patiently for then to finish. Goku tied the pouch of Senzu Beans to the belt of his gi before picking Caulifla up.

"If she hadn't brought the Senzu Beans then she probably wouldn't have made it but it's still going to take some time before she wakes up." Goku told him in a serious tone and Akuma sighed a breath of relief.

"You can't be serious?!" Vegeta yelled as Zero's army flew towards them and their eyes widened when the soldiers suddenly exploded in a burst of dark energy.

"I didn't give those fools permission to interfere." Zero told them with an annoyed look and Akuma could feel his blood boiling.

"This bastard is just like All for One." Akuma told them with an animalistic glare on his face, "Get Caulifla out of here and go get the Dragon Balls."

"You better not lose!" Vegeta told him as he and Goku quickly left the area and once he was sure they were far enough away he looked at Goku, "That form of his doesn't feel like White at all."

"I noticed it to. There wasn't a single trace of God energy in him and it felt like it wasn't straining him like Super Saiyan Three." Goku said as they landed next to the group of Namekians they had met earlier and after explaining the situation the Namekians quickly went to get the Dragon Balls before Goku looked in the direction of Akuma and Zero with a serious look, "His new form doesn't seem to use a lot of energy so I don't think Zero will be able to take enough to recover from his attacks."

"I couldn't get a read on Akuma's strength but Zero managed to absorb our God energy and that definitely made him a hell of a lot stronger." Vegeta said before they felt Zero finally power up, "If we need to get involved then things are only going to get worse."

"That giant ape form you used felt a lot stronger than this one so don't think you'll be ab-" Zero was stopped by an elbow to his gut and he took a few steps back as the wind was knocked out of him by the surprise attack. He could tell from Akuma's strike that he needed to take him seriously and they both charged forward at full speed. They caught each other's fists and destroyed the ground at their feet, sending debris and dust flying in every direction. Akuma slammed his head into Zero's face and followed up with a fierce knee to his chin before throwing him into the air. Zero recovered as Akuma quickly chased after him and they two began to trade powerful blows as they flew across the landscape.

"You're the only one who's lasted this long against me!" Zero said in excitement as he knocked Akuma away with an explosive release of his energy and Akuma watched in surprise as Zero transformed into a darker, more muscular form before he suddenly grabbed Akuma in a bear hug and began to crush him, "However it's time for us to end this little game of ours."

"Get off!" Akuma yelled as he began to force Zero's arms off before he planted both of his feet on Zero's chest and making him let go with a gasp of pain. He recovered in time to see Akuma slam his hands together and fire a volley of red energy bullets at him. Zero flew out of the smoke and grabbed Akuma by his throat before dragging him along the ground. Energy covered Akuma's left fist as he slammed it into Zero's jaw and blood flew out of his mouth as he spiraled into the sky. Akuma knew his arm was damaged as he chased after Zero and he delivered a devastating kick to Zero's chest before he wrapped his good arm around Zero's neck as hard as he could and flipped upside down. He roared as red energy surrounded them and they rocketed to the ground. Goku and Vegeta made it to the fight in time to see them hit the ground and the impact destroyed the area with a massive explosion.

"Did he do it?" Goku asked before Akuma flew out of the smoke in his base form and slide to a stop. Zero walked towards him with a wicked smile as Akuma began to stand to his feet while holding his hurt ribs.

"That bastard absorbed the energy just before they hit the ground and saved himself!" Vegeta told Goku as he clenched his fists and they watched as Akuma yelled while forcing his form out once again. They almost flew in to help before they saw the smirk on Akuma's face and they felt his energy begin to rise drastically.

"Kaioken...Times...Fifty!" Akuma screamed as crimson energy exploded off of him and they covered their faces from the wind that blew past them.

"What the hell is he doing?!" Goku asked with wide eyes, "There's no way his body can handle that sort of strain right now and even if it could he's not going to be able to move!"

"He doesn't need to. He's planning to use more energy than Zero can absorb." Vegeta said as he glared at the teen and Goku realized what he meant, "Kakarot we need to get as far away from here as we can!"

"Dammit!" Goku yelled as he teleported them to the Namekians and they watched them put the last Dragon Ball down, "Change of plans!"

"What do we need to wish fo-" The elder stopped when they saw a bright red dome of energy form in the distance and Caulifla sat up as the planet shook from the force of the explosion.

"What's going on? Where's Akuma?" Caulifla asked as she put a hand on her pounding head and Goku gave her a soft look, "Why did the hell weren't you helping him?! Wish him back now!"

"O-Ok." The elder said in a timid voice when he saw the anger in the young girl's eyes and he summoned Porunga in their native language before making the first wish. Porunga said something that surprised the old man and the three Saiyans gave him a confused look.

"What did he say?!" Caulifla asked when she realized Akuma hadn't returned and the elder quickly turned around with wide eyes.

"He's still alive!" The elder told them and Vegeta quickly grabbed Caulifla when she tried to fly towards where they last felt Akuma.

"If Zero is still alive then you're just going to your death!" Vegeta yelled as he pushed Caulifla back before he turned to Goku, "Kakarot go help that fool and I'll make sure the rest of the wishes get made!"

"Right!" Goku said with a nod before he teleported to the battlefield and Caulifla gave Vegeta a sour look. When he got there he saw Zero holding Akuma by his throat as he weakly tried to pull his hand off and Goku immediately kicked Zero off of Akuma in Super Saiyan Blue.

"Got any Senzu Beans?" Akuma asked weakly and Goku reached into the pouch before giving him a serious look, "Figures. Where's Vegeta?"

"He stayed back to make sure everything went according to plan but I'm sure he'll be here when their done." Goku explained as Zero released an explosive burst of dark energy and they saw that he had transformed into a more grotesque form, "Got any ideas?"

"Just one but we're going to have to hold out until Vegeta gets here." Akuma told him as he stood up straight and they both dropped into their fighting stances, "Let's hope they don't take their sweet time."

"You filthy beasts need to be put in your place!" Zero yelled as he charged towards them with a deranged look and he swung his large arm at them. They put their arms up to block his punch and he sent them flying into a nearby mountain. They both coughed up blood on impact and Zero dragged them along the mountain before throwing them to the ground, causing the it to break apart. Goku screamed in pain as Zero landed on him and began to slam his massive fists into his chest. Akuma began to stand up when he saw the sky return to normal and he knew that Vegeta would be there soon. Akuma launched off of the ground as hard as he could and crashed into Zero, forcing him away from Goku.

"About time." Akuma said as he saw Vegeta and Caulifla rocketing towards them and he pulled Goku to his feet before motioning for him quickly to follow. Once they got behind a large piece of debris and Akuma took tried to catch his breath as they heard Vegeta and Caulifla begin to fight Zero.

"Alright what did you have in mind?" Goku asked him as he torn off what was left of his top and Akuma quickly explained his plan, "We've only got one shot at this."