
The Second Coming of Gluttony: Gojo Satoru Template

A man is reincarnated into the protagonist with the powers of Gojo Satoru.

NHyper · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Invitation (4)

In the reflective state before what resembled an undesirable movie scene, my ears picked up a robotic voice:

The message from the Guide has arrived. We recommend that all contracted and invited confirm the message immediately.

Clearly, I focused my attention on the source of that sound: a telephone. I picked it up without hesitation and, as I did so, the same voice resounded once again.

Identity confirmed. User registration is complete.

The screen lit up and a mail icon blinked tirelessly in the corner. When pressed, various messages were displayed.

[ Sender: the guide ]

[ 1: Arrive at the Paradise High School assembly hall before time runs out. ]

[ 2: Time remaining - 00:09:45 ]

The content was simple. In addition the sender had also kindly attached an image which turned out to be a map. 

I took a look and found that my current location was not too far from the place. However, I was sure that there was no school there before.

All things considered, though, it wasn't something I should be surprised about either. Then,

I found my suitcase near the place where I woke up and placed it on my back before heading to the school from the apartment.

And it wasn't long before I found the spot marked on the map after a short but intense walk.

In that brief two-minute span, I couldn't help but experience the feeling of being the only human being on earth.

Like in that Will Smith movie. 

Not to mention the gray sky that announced the fall of rain giving the impression of an even more depressing atmosphere.

However, at least he had the company of a dog, while I only had my thoughts as companions.

Luckily, there were no monsters lurking in the dark in this case.

At the entrance, with its doors wide open, a plaque proclaiming the name of the school was conspicuously displayed beside it.

Paradise High.

Evidently, they did not give the name too much thought, when I remembered that appellation given to that other world mentioned in the letter of invitation.

But at the same time, there was no better name when considering what was to follow. He didn't remember many details but enough to conclude this.


'Someone is coming.' 

I thought as I sensed some energy approaching: that was how I anticipated Kim Hannah's arrival a few hours ago.

"That name sucks."

A voice with thoughts akin to my own emerged next to me. I turned to look at the person in question, who at the same time was watching me.

It was a girl in a hoodie. 

Her pale, flawless complexion revealed her youth, though the arching of her eyebrows suggested a remarkably fierce personality.

She looked like an apathetic, carefree person with an expressionless face. She looked away from me and brushed against me.

Then he quickly shoved both hands into his pockets as he hurried through the open doors. He seemed to be in a hurry for some reason.

With a slight trepidation caused by doubt as to whether I was missing something, I also opted to hurry.

I had arrived at the school, but not at the assembly hall, so I had not yet met the agreed schedule.

So, with alacrity I set about the task and when I did, sounds of voices, murmurs, could be faintly heard. 

So I went up a short flight of stairs, until I saw a blonde woman waiting by the door that would take me to the assembly hall.

Curiously, this blonde woman was dressed like a maid. She was also gently waving her hand as if she were saying to me, "Please, this way, welcome, sir...." 

Anyway, I nodded, reciprocating her greeting, and headed for the living hall. 

Or at least I would have been had she not trotted over, and blocked my path, then held out her hand and looked at me silently.

I instantly assumed she wanted something from me, but what was that something? 

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long to find out since she used the index finger and thumb of her hands to form a rectangle.

'You mean that thing?' I thought of the invitation letter I had tucked in my pocket.

Seeing her hand outstretched once again before me, I pulled out my invitation letter and asked, "Is this what you need?"

She nodded in response, but did not utter a single word, as if mute.

I handed her the letter and when she received it, she was quick to open it. But as she began to read it, her expression gradually froze. 

I wondered if something had gone wrong; she looked at the invitation letter and then back at me.

His eyes, initially wide with surprise, closed as he refolded the letter. Then he folded his hands together on his chest, culminating in a deep bow, graceful and dignified.

With the murmurs replaced by a deep, sight-induced silence, the blonde maid pointed to the left side of the hall and led me there until she reached an empty chair.

After doing so, she bowed politely once more before gently retreating, as if she were gliding on roller skates, without turning her back.

"What's the matter with her, why is she acting like this all of a sudden?" 

"I wonder. She didn't do that when I introduced myself."

Is that so?

Listening to some people, I came to the conclusion that Kim Hannah's invitation seemed to have a greater significance than I initially thought.

It made sense when you consider that this stamp possessed more of that energy than the rest of them she showed me during our meeting under the bridge. At least it did to me.

I looked around me once I sat down in the seat offered by the maid: The number of people gathered in the assembly hall was well over 30.

However, there was a clear differentiation as it was divided into two sides of the hall.

The left side had only eight people in total, including me: six men and two women. They had chairs to sit on, and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere.

In contrast, the right side held almost thirty people, but they were sitting on the floor or standing. The atmosphere there seemed anxious.

It was evident from the start the value of invited and contracted to those behind it.