
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs


In the wake of the moment, Zero's thoughts took on a reflective tone. He couldn't help but think that this was a step in the right direction, a move that held the potential to change lives for the better. His decision to bring Tom into the fold wasn't made lightly – Zero was aware of Tom's background, his skills, and the intricate web of experience that had led him to this point. It was this knowledge that made Zero's conviction unwavering.

With a resolute grin, Zero mused inwardly. 'Good. Tom, in my previous life, held significant influence and power. By having him on my side, the journey ahead should be both intriguing and smoother.'

His mental gears shifted as Zero took stock of the date. Saturday, August 25th, 2023. The significance of this particular day wasn't lost on him. In his previous life, battling the humdrum of routine, Zero had sought out sources of amusement and adrenaline. Among his unconventional pursuits was a keen interest in lottery tickets, driven by the hope of striking it big. This quirk had led him down a rabbit hole of research, delving into the patterns and history of lottery winnings. The culmination of that knowledge was a clear memory of today's date – one of the highest lottery payouts in history, set to be announced next week. Zero's memory was crystal clear; he remembered the numbers vividly.

A decisive plan took shape in Zero's mind. This was an opportunity to bolster their financial resources, securing not just his own salary but also a substantial amount for Tom and the company.

Texting Tom, Zero conveyed his intention to send over money next week.

Zero: "I'll send money next week. Also, open another bank account under your name that I can use"

Tom: "Yes I will, Thank you, boss."

But there was another matter at hand – the lottery ticket. The convenience store that held the winning ticket was a destination Zero was more than ready to reach. He hailed another taxi, the vehicle propelling him toward the prospect of unexpected fortune.

The convenience store, bathed in the soft glow of its fluorescent signage, emerged from the urban landscape as Zero's destination. Stepping through the entrance, he found himself encompassed by the hum of refrigerators and the hushed chatter of customers. A sense of purpose guided his steps as he navigated the aisles, the muted colors of products creating a tapestry of choices.

Approaching the counter, Zero found himself facing the store's cashier, a middle-aged woman with tired eyes that held a hint of curiosity. She peered at him, her expression inquisitive, and finally voiced her question. "What can I do for you, kid?"

With a composed demeanor, Zero met her gaze and replied, "I'd like to buy a lottery ticket, please."

The cashier's eyes narrowed slightly, and she shook her head, her tone tinged with a touch of skepticism. "Sorry, kid, but you have to be of legal age to buy those."

Undeterred, Zero offered a small, enigmatic smile and reached into his pocket. Pulling out stacks of 50,000 won bills totaling 300,000 wons (or 230$, Lottery tickets usually cost 13,000 won each, or 10 each) ticket usually cost, he neatly placed them on the counter, the notes forming an organized stack. "I understand. But I assure you, I have the funds."

Zero's smile remained intact as he leaned slightly closer, his voice soft but resolute. "I'll take those five tickets, please. You can hold onto the rest of the money."

The cashier's gaze shifted from the money to Zero, her interest piqued. She hesitated for a moment before her lips curved into a sly smile. With a nod, she took the money, her fingers deftly counting the bills. "Alright then, considering you're so insistent."

As the transaction was completed, Zero received a set of lottery tickets from the cashier's hand. Each ticket held the promise of chance, a symbol of the potential twists that fate might take, but with Zero's previous knowledge fate goes to hundred percent. He tucked them securely into his pocket, his fingers brushing against the textured paper.

In his mind, Zero's thoughts churned with purpose. He had meticulously chosen these tickets – four were non-winning, strategically placed to divert any suspicions that might arise from an unexpected win. The fifth ticket, however, was different – it bore the numbers he had memorized, the numbers that might hold the key to a substantial prize.

With the tickets now carefully tucked away, Zero's purposeful footsteps led him to a nearby street-side fried chicken restaurant – a place that held a special corner in his heart. The tantalizing aroma of freshly fried chicken danced in the air, enticing his senses as he pushed open the restaurant's door. His gaze swept over the cozy interior, a nostalgic comfort that he had missed.

At the counter stood a friendly auntie, her face adorned with a warm smile. "Hello, dear," she greeted, her tone carrying a sense of genuine hospitality.

Zero returned the smile and nodded in acknowledgment. "Hello, Auntie. Can I order some food, please?"

"Of course, sweetie! What would you like?" Her voice was as inviting as her smile as if inviting him to indulge in the simple pleasure of a hearty meal.

"I'd like to order a variety of dishes, including some fried chicken," Zero replied.

The auntie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Fried chicken is always a good choice! How about some sides to go with it?"

As they discussed the menu, the auntie's recommendations flowed seamlessly, her familiarity with the dishes evident. Zero was struck by her genuine interest in making his dining experience enjoyable. After finalizing his order, he took a moment to appreciate the restaurant's atmosphere – a humble space filled with the clatter of kitchen utensils and the sizzle of cooking.

With the order placed, Zero found himself a comfortable spot at a corner table, his senses embraced by the cozy ambiance. The hum of activity around him was a comforting melody, a symphony of comfort and nostalgia. The interior decorations, though simple, exuded warmth – a reflection of the auntie's caring personality.

it reminds Zero of his past life where he met his past girlfriend Lily. Reminded of the past, Zero felt quite bad for her, if the system instead of transmigrating her to the past decided to move to other worlds, meaning Lily would be alone right now.

'well there's nothing I can do about it, not until I have enough knowledge of the system'zero thought in his mind.

As he settled in, Zero took out his phone and requested a taxi to transport him back to his parents' house. With each press of the screen, his thoughts began to drift to the imminent reunion with his family. He envisioned the stories he would share, the laughter that would fill the air, and the insights he hoped to glean from their experiences.

the auntie approached his table with a warm tray of packed food, each dish carefully arranged. "Here you go, dear. Enjoy your meal!"

"Thank you so much," Zero replied, his gratitude genuine. The array of packed dishes before him was a testament to the care put into his order.

The auntie's smile widened as she gestured toward the spread. "Take care dear! If you ever need something to eat again, you can bring your friends here!"

Paying the bill, he exchanged a final smile with the auntie who had made his visit so pleasant. He then exited the restaurant.

When the meal was ready, Zero gathered the neatly packed food containers and made his way back to the world outside. The taxi he had requested was already waiting, its engine humming softly. he climbed into the vehicle, ready to embark on the journey that would bring him back to the embrace of his family and the comfort of his childhood home.

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