
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Home sweet home

As the meal containers were handed to him, neatly packed and ready to travel, Zero held onto them with care. Each container held not just food, but a taste of nostalgia and connection to the past. With his precious cargo in tow, he made his way back to the waiting taxi, its engine humming softly in anticipation.

Climbing into the vehicle, Zero settled in for the journey ahead. He watched as the familiar streets passed by, the cityscape transitioning from one scene to another. Time seemed to flow at its own pace, the world outside a moving tableau.

After what felt like a lengthy ride, the clock finally struck 2 pm. As the taxi continued on its path, Zero took a moment to reach for his phone. Fingers tapping on the screen, he composed a message to his mother, Allysa Elsher.

Zero: "Mother, it's been quite a while. I'll be arriving to visit you and Father in about 20 minutes."

The anticipation of their reunion filled him with a mixture of excitement and comfort. The car's interior was a cocoon of privacy, allowing him to exchange messages with ease.

A reply soon appeared on his screen, his mother's name illuminating the display.

Mother: "Zero!! we've missed you so much!!! how is school?? 20 minutes right? I'll prepare food right away!"

With a soft smile, Zero began typing his response,

Zero: "Don't worry about preparing food, Mother. I've brought along some fried chicken – Father's favorite."

Zero: "And I'll tell everything about the school when I arrive"

Mother: "Oh, Zero! That's so thoughtful of you. Your father will be delighted. We're eagerly waiting for you to arrive. The house isn't the same without you. Safe journey, my dear."

Zero: "I'm looking forward to seeing you both."

As the message was sent, Zero leaned back against the seat, his thoughts drifting to the forthcoming moments. The taxi continued its journey, the distance between him and his childhood home gradually decreasing. Emotions swelled within him – the yearning to see his parents, the excitement of sharing stories, and the deep-rooted bond that time hadn't diminished.

In Zero's previous life, the concept of spending quality time with his parents felt like a distant memory. Back then, at the tender age of 12, his days were consumed by relentless studying in an attempt to bridge the gap between himself and his more accomplished peers at the NSE Academy. Despite his efforts, he found himself trapped in a sea of mediocrity—average physical build, average knowledge, average looks. The world seemed to offer only shades of gray, and his pursuits yielded no remarkable outcomes.

Everything changed with the sudden and tragic news of his parents' demise in a car crash. The world he had known crumbled beneath him, leaving behind a void that was both numbing and heart-wrenching. The once-vibrant hues of life turned dull, and his motivation to strive for excellence faded. The loss of his parents at such a young age in his previous life left him yearning for a chance to show them the happiness and success they deserved.

Now, armed with the power of the system, Zero held knowledge and abilities beyond his wildest dreams. He longed for the opportunity to make his parents proud, to create a life that would honor their memory and fulfill their aspirations for him. This second chance at life was a gift he intended to embrace fully, determined to rewrite his past and manifest a brighter future for the people he loved.

After a few minutes, Zero's taxi arrived at his childhood home. He settled the fare and left a generous tip for the driver, appreciating the smooth journey. Stepping onto the porch, the familiar creak of the wooden boards under his feet sent a rush of nostalgia through him. The porch, once a setting for countless childhood adventures, now held the promise of a reunion he had yearned for.

As Zero reached for the doorknob, it swung open before him. His mother, a vision of warmth and welcome, stood there with open arms. Her face lit up as she enveloped him in a tight hug. "Zero, my dear, I've missed you so much. Come inside, your father is waiting in the dining room."

Returning the embrace, Zero felt a mixture of comfort and longing. "I've missed you too, Mother," he admitted, his voice laced with sincerity.

Crossing the threshold, he found himself in the familiar embrace of home. The environment felt unchanged—just as it should after a mere two weeks of absence.

Zero's father, John Elsher, awaited him in the dining room. Seated with a warm smile, he exuded a sense of calm authority. "Hello, Zero. Have you been well?"

With a respectful nod, Zero greeted his father, "Hello, Father. I've been well." His words were accompanied by a genuine smile that reflected the love he felt for his parents.

John's smile widened as he gestured for Zero to take a seat. "We're glad to have you back. Your mother and I have been doing well. How's school?"

"Thank you, Father. I'll share everything with you, but first, let me freshen up a bit. I'd also like to help Mother with preparing the food," Zero replied.

True to his words, Zero joined his mother in the kitchen. The process of preparing the meal became a shared endeavor, a moment to connect and create together. The fried chicken and side dishes from the street food vendor were laid out with care, the aroma of the food filling the kitchen with a sense of anticipation.

As they worked side by side, Zero couldn't help but appreciate the simple yet profound joy of being with his parents in this moment. The act of preparing a meal, a task often taken for granted, took on a deeper significance as it symbolized the bond they shared and the new opportunities that lay ahead. The sounds of laughter and conversation filled the kitchen, a harmony of voices that echoed the unity of their family.

With the meal prepared and their shared efforts bringing warmth to the room, Zero and his mother carried the dishes to the dining table. The table was set with care, each piece arranged thoughtfully to create a welcoming ambiance. As they sat down to share the meal, the air was filled with a sense of contentment that only family can bring.

The hours that followed were a tapestry of stories, updates, and shared laughter. Zero recounted his experiences at school, the progress he was making, and the aspirations he held for the future. His parents listened attentively, their expressions a blend of pride and encouragement. The conversation flowed effortlessly, each word deepening the connection between them.

Amid the exchange of tales and anecdotes, Zero's father leaned forward with a warm smile. "I've heard that you secured the first place in your first year, Zero. You make us incredibly proud."

Zero's lips curved into a modest smile. "It's really not that big of a deal, Father."

His mother chimed in with a playful glint in her eyes. "What do you mean it's not a big deal? Getting the first place in one of the most prestigious and competitive schools? I guess you got your smarts from me." Her tone held a touch of playful smugness.

His father simply smiled, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that words couldn't fully convey. Then he turned to Zero and asked, "So, are there any interesting clubs you're planning to join? Are you going to follow in your old footsteps and join the soccer club like you did with Mike?"

Zero shook his head with a chuckle. "No, this time I decided to take a different path. I've joined the student council."

His mother's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Already? Isn't the council usually reserved for second-year students and above?"

Zero's father leaned back in his chair, an amused glint in his eyes. "Well, I guess that's how it works now. But back in my day..."

Zero's curiosity got the best of him. "Wait, Father, you also went to NSE Academy?"

His father's smile grew even more pronounced. "Yes, I did. And, to top it off, I was also a member of the student council during my second year."

The revelation left Zero somewhat astonished. In his past life, he had never really had the chance to delve into his parents' personal stories. The chasm between them had been unintentional, a result of his busy academic pursuits. Now, with this second chance at life, he saw the opportunity to bridge that gap and truly understand the people who had raised him.

His mother leaned in, chuckling. "Well, your father is an amazing man after all Zero."

His father chuckled softly. "There's always something new to learn about each other, isn't there?"

Zero's heart warmed at the easy camaraderie between his parents. The realization that he now had the chance to unearth the stories that had shaped their lives filled him with a sense of purpose.

With a contemplative expression, Zero turned to his father. "Father, you must have had many experiences at NSE Academy. Any advice you'd like to share?"

His father's eyes twinkled as he considered the question. "Well, son, one thing I learned is that it's not just about excelling academically. Building relationships, joining clubs, and engaging with the community—those are the things that make your time truly worthwhile."

Zero's mother nodded in agreement. "Your father is right, Zero. Education is important, but it's also the experiences and connections you make that will stay with you."

As the conversation flowed, the night drew to a close, and Zero's heart was full. As he bid his parents goodnight and retreated to his room.

With the sun setting outside, the room was bathed in a gentle glow. Zero's heart swelled with gratitude, knowing that he was living a reality that his past self could only dream of. As the evening drew to a close, Zero exchanged knowing glances with his parents. The bond they shared transcended words, a silent affirmation of the love that bound them together.

The reunion was a testament to the power of second chances, the ability to rewrite one's story, and the beauty of seizing the opportunities life presents. As they cleared the table and began to wind down for the night, Zero's heart was full. He looked forward to the days ahead, the journey of growth and transformation that he would undertake with his family by his side.

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