
THE School Rivals

A story revolving around the life of “Kim Do Hee” the heiress to the Kim investments and corporations and Park Min Jae, the daughter of Do Hee’s nanny, grew up as friends but later on, they became rivals, read along to discover the reason they turned to rivals and a lot more of secrets revolving the female leads and their family.

Kris_Esther · Urban
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CHAPTER FIVE:My partner.. I’m doomed.

Min Jae dragged Jae Mi out on her hand, and when they got outside, Jae Mi pulled off her hands. She asked Min Jae why she was in support of the new girl back there in class "I am not in support of her, that's the last thing I will do, it's too early for chaos and ruckus like the principal always says, and what if our class gets reported then we will surely be punished and you don't want that, right? cause I know how much you hate punishment" Min Jae uttered, Jae mi smirked; as she folded her arms portraying someone ready for a fight, "I just don't like the fact that she has desecrated our class, we are the elite class all thanks to the absence of any scholarship students in our class but not anymore because of that idiot," Jae mi said and hit her legs on the ground while Min Jae laughed. Jae Mi asked what was funny and stormed off while Min Jae called out to her but rather she ignored her. The necklace Min Jae was putting on fell from her neck but she caught it immediately "Aish, it fell off" She said out loud, not quite long she felt a hand stretching to her front and then snatched the necklace, she turned back tensely and it was "Lee Joo hyuk". "let me help put it on" he said while Min Jae smiled "Thank you" she said and turned back to enable him put on the necklace, Joo hyuk quietly crossed his arms around her neck and gently put on the necklace, and then shifted her hair backward "Done" he said, Min Jae turned smiling broadly at him "Thank you for the help paddy" She responded. "You always look more beautiful with jewelries, don't ever stop wearing them" he complimented and this time she blushed, "thank you for the compliment my paddy," she said and hit his stomach, "Ouch" he giggled in pain, "Let's hang out this weekend, you, me, Gu won, Jae mi, and my sister, what do you think? he said, Min Jae tapped her fingers on her face,"uhmmmmmm I will think about it and besides you know I don't get along with your sister" She retorted; "Not to worry about that, she doesn't bite and she has been bored during weekends so she will buy the idea" he tried to convince her, "Fine then, I will come with Jae mi" She let out smiling," thank you, let's go back to class," he said with a mean face, Min Jae held his arms and they walked back into the class as their class members kept looking at them and murmuring as usual, Kim Do Hee was staring as well.

IT was time for lunch and all the students were rushing to the cafeteria to eat, Do Hee got her food and was looking for a space to sit until she sighted "Na Na" eating with another girl beside her and the girl she was eating with looks very attractive and sexy, with the combo of her lip gloss and curly straight hair, "Hey Do Hee come over here" Na Na shouted and Do Hee walked up to their sit and sat opposite the both of them.

"Who is she? the girl beside her asked "Kim Do Hee, meet my best friend, Ga Eul, Lee Ga Eul, then Ga Eul meet my new seat mate the one I told you about her name is Do Hee" Na Na introduced,

"Hello, my name is Kim do hee" She brought out her hand for a shake, "Ga Eul, nice to meet you" and they shook hands together. The girls started discussing, they were telling her of funny things that had been happening in the school complex and funny moments of themselves, She was enjoying their company and laughing too, she was happy to have made friends with the two beautiful girls she just met on the first day of school. Kim Do Hee got a text from Min Jae on WeChat which said she should come to the basketball hall, "Excuse me, I will be right back" Do Hee said to Na Na and Ga Eul, "Where are you heading to? Na Na asked "to meet the principal will be back" Do Hee said and walked out in haste, while she was walking she was also confused on how to locate the basketball hall and at the same time admiring the beauty and luxury of the school, the school was big and vase "Oh my gosh, this is indeed an elite school" she said in her mind till she got to a door written on it" Basketball games" she smiled and pushed it open, and she saw Min Jae sitting pretty on one of the chairs with her leg crossed, she walked down to her and sat at the back of where Min Jae was sitting, she did that so if anyone sees them they won't suspect anything.

Min Jae looked back and smiled, "I wanted to see you to verify if you are coping and if you are good after everything that happened in the morning" She said, "Yeah, I am good, do you think what they said got to me? of course not I am a strong girl and little things don't give me reasons to react and you know that" Do Hee answered, "Sorry about that though" Min Jae apologized, "I'm

Not mad at anyone but I am mad at you for hiding for so long that you have a boyfriend" Do Hee said and Min Jae looked at her in shock, "what boyfriend are you talking about Do Hee because I have none", "I mean the guy, the rude guy that's so annoying Aish I feel like scratching his face with my sharp nails" she said squeezing her face but still looked beautiful, "You mean joo hyuk, his idol name is "Rocky" Min Jae uttered and Do Hee stared at her surprisingly, "Wait, Wait, did you just say idol? She asked and Min Jae nodded right before she spoke up "He is a famous teenage musician, signed to "Moorim Record" last year and not quite long he became popular because of his first hit especially, his first hit is a super jam you do have to listen to it bestie you will love it, as she was talking she was blushing as well," he is crazily popular and his songs are top notch and trending everywhere in Korea and overseas, wait don't you listen to his songs? haven't you ever heard of Rocky? Min Jae questioned in curiosity, "I have and that's why I am shocked, I must say I am not his fan cause I don't listen to his songs or rather follow him on snap or WeChat or any of his social media platforms but I heard my overseas friends talking about him on a night hangout at "Walkers cafe" they were admiring and wishing they could come to Korea to meet him but I never paid attention to that, so that jerk is the "Rocky" disgusting" She said gritting her teeth and Min Jae laughed, "He is popular in the entertainment world and here in school, lucky as well to be the Son to the….and Do Hee interrupted "Owner of Lee Royal High school" Do hee completed and Min Jae nodded. Park Min Jae was lost in her thoughts while she went on talking to Do Hee about "Lee joo hyuk". "he is not my boyfriend, he is my close friend but it usually looks like we are dating, what you heard is a rumor and that's how we are always the headline in the class news, most people have the thinking that we are couples meanwhile we are not, we are tight paddies" Min Jae explained, "So gist me, how were you able to become close to such a jerk and arrogant guy like him"

"Well,it started from the very first day I was enrolled into this school,I felt on top of the world that very day bestie,everybody was staring and admiring me while walking,they kept murmuring words I could hear like,"wow she is beautiful,that I am sexy,and all that",I felt like a princess that very day and to worsen the situations I got to class and answered a lot of questions and that was how I got the recognition of being intelligent and smart,your mother gifted me like two pairs of new expensive Roland shoes which was trending back then,so they also thought I am from a wealthy and influential family and I never wanted to lose such treatment and fancy,I had to play along and deceive them that my parents are rich,all thanks to the clothes,shoes,jewelries,and money you do dash me,I was able to keep up with the disguise;Min jae started to get emotional over the past she was recalling and Do Hee held her shoulder, "I just wanted to be that new student who is beautiful,fucking rich,classy,mean,and intelligent,I wanted to be the attention of everyone,so I had no option than to fake my damn life cause if they knew I am certain I will have to transfer back to my former school in hurt and in pain because they don't mingle or tolerate with scholarship students in this school and of course you have experienced a little of it,Schorlarship students from low class and middle class families rarely survive in our school,the rich kids torture them till they Finally give in or give up,either they are bullied,disregarded,or chased away,so I would have been a victim of all that and you know I am fragile,I can't endure pain not even a scratch,so I had to fake everything,I know that I am not the Min jae you used to know that was proud of her family background,I am sorry but there was no option…., "Shiiiiiiiii,shut up,(Do Hee shut her up)you don't have to explain,I understand,if I was in your shoes I will do the same just to roll with people and make friends,I can see how tough it is here and I won't blame you,I promise to always stand by you and protect your deep secret in this school,I will give you more more clothes,shoes and jewelries as you wish,I will always take you along whenever I go shopping,so do not be bothered that I might be mad at you,I am

Not,I understand "Do Hee uttered smiling and they both hugged tightly,few seconds later they released from the hug, "But I don't have to be selfish,I think you should also show your real self,I don't want you to keep getting mocked and humiliated,I feel so guilty Do Hee"Min Jae said, "Do not worry about me,I will be perfectly fine,I am here now and my name is "Kim Do Hee"I don't tolerate nonsense or headaches so I will definitely deal with anyone who tries such,my entrance in this school is the end of discrimination,no more"Do Hee retorted sternly with her two hands folded into a grip, "hope you won't get mad when you see me bullying any scholarship student though,it's just to feel among"Min Jae said and pouted, "It's alright,don't just go deep though so you won't get used to bullying and discrimination"Do Hee said, "Alright,(she tapped Do Hee's laps)back to what I was saying,I then met Lee joo hyuk and we became competitive in class,before, it was said he was the only student who answers questions in class,but my entrance changed a lot,I noticed he hardly talked to any girl and he is mean and hostile till one day he approached me and asked to be friends,I was surprised and I gave in,that was how we became friends,he told me he likes how classy I am,intelligent,and super beautiful,he used the word super beautiful,and in summary he said that these qualities are his spec for a female friend,so after that day,people began to notice we were getting close including his best friend Gu won,and that's it,we hang out together just the both of us,play games,eat out in one of the private hotel that belongs to his dad, we attend cinemas on private booking which he must have paid a ransom amount of money to disregard everyone that day and let it be only the both of us,I visit his home and we play like kids in his room,a whole lot of friendship memories with him"Min Jae said and went silent for some seconds before she spoke up again "Joo Hyuk is not a jerk Do Hee if you get to know him more,he is just used to being hostile and mean to girls especially,he is really caring and kind"She rounded up,Do Hee sighed, "Wow,that is indeed a memorable past,but I still don't care about him because he is such a jerk,did you see the way he insulted me at class?called me ugly face, Gosh how I wish I could reveal my real face of course he will apologize for calling me that, "Calm down" Min Jae laughed, Do Hee looked at her and burst out in laughter, and they kept laughing till they heard the sound of the school bell, "That is the bell for lunch break end and we have to go to class now" Min Jae said, "You should go first so no one will see us together" Do Hee replied and Min Jae did as she said. Kim Do Hee stood up, dusted her shirt, and then soliloquized "You have to be strong Kim Do Hee, your disguise will bring you a lot of humiliations and temptations but you have to be strong" She said to herself, sighed, and cat walked out of the basketball hall.

A teacher came into science class A., she was beautiful, tall, chocolate in complexion, and dressed elegant and porch, her suit looked so good on her and was costly, she walked into the class smiling and the students stood up and greeted her, after which she instructed them to sit. "A very good afternoon class, as some know and some don't, my name is teacher Kim, and I am your biology teacher, I did not coach you all in senior grade one but I will do that in grade two, you are highly welcome to this class" She rounded up her speech and they all clapped, "Without wasting much of our time, I will get to the business of the day because time waits for nobody, I came up with a great welcome back to school assignment for you all," She said and they all shouted and were murmuring out of anger, "Enough!I don't want or need the noise,you all are pissed cause I know yeah yeah in your mind it's too early for an assignment but I don't care,the first week of school resumption is always not useful and so as to keep you all busy I have to give an assignment,now you all should listen attentively please,I wrote out a partner list for each and everyone of you in this class,you will have a partner and will be given topics to search and present on that very day,that is the assignment"She concluded and they started shouting and making noise again till the teacher hit her hands on the podium and they were called to order "I'm sure no one wants a detention on the first day of school or maybe a punishment like getting rid of thousands of milk cans at the school old warehouse or Joining the janitors to clean,so shut up and maintain order now"She said and everywhere was silent, "As I was saying before your insolent noises interrupted me,I have already written the partnership list before coming and I will call it out soon so you all can know your partners,before that,I will love to announce that I will be adding the assignment to my test recording register and it will be part of the normal test and school exams record,so if you have decided not to take it seriously then I am sorry you already lost a mark,and I know you won't want that,and apart from it being among the test record I will give a gift to the two partners that will win and also a ticket to the popular film premiere that is coming up next month,"Love in the moon"she said and they all clapped smiling,"these are what the best presenters will get"their mark,the tickets,and of course a gift of my choice for both of them"She said, Min Jae raised up her hands"Yes Min Jae,go on"teacher Kim said and Min Jae quietly stood up, "How do you know my name mam cause I remember vividly you never taught us in grade one?Min Jae asked and the teacher smiled "Who doesn't know you Miss Min Jae, the most beautiful and intelligent girl in grade one now in grade two that kept trending, so why won't I know you, all students both the juniors and staffs as well knows you" Teacher Kim answered and Min Jae smiled, Do Hee too, "Thank you teacher, I want to ask about the gift, is the gift the film ticket or separate from it"

"Separate honey, the gift is separate from the movie tickets", "Alright teacher" and she sat back on her seat. Another girl at the back raised her hand and she was asked to speak "Don't you think you are taking this teaching job seriously, how can you assign us a presentation at the beginning of a new session, Aishhhh that's so not cool, I must tell my dad about this and you will be fired" the girl said with her arms folded, teacher Kim smirked and went closer to her" I don't care who your parents are or how much money your family has, what I won't tolerate which other teachers do are you students talking to me the way you wish, don't try that next time or you will be screwed, do you understand? she said in a loud voice, "Whatever" the girl replied, eyed her, and sat down, while teacher Kim went back to the podium.

"I will start calling the names now, Na Na come up and help me bring out the list from my file, my nails can't allow me do that," She said and got the attention of the students on her nails, "Surprising how you know our names," Na Na said still sitting down, "Let's say you have forgotten you once competed with the grade two science when you were in grade one, there was a laboratory competition between a team of grade one student and also a team of grade two students and you were the leader of your team that won, do you forget so easily? teacher Kim said, "And that is because I and Joo hyuk were preparing for another international competition back then if not she won't see the space to be the leader neither the team member" Min Jae said out loud with envy but Na Na ignored her, stood up, and walked up to the podium to help their teacher get the partner list, she did and handed it over to her before she went back to her sit. "Listen carefully, the first partners on my list are Na Na and Hae Soo, where are they please stand up, both girls stood up and the whole class clapped, "You can sit" and they sat down. Teacher Kim kept on calling till she got to the last line of the list," Then the last two pairs on my list are, Park Min Jae and Gu won, "What, Gu won!? She said out in a loud voice, "Yes, any problem with that? teacher Kim replied "No…No" Min Jae stammered in shock, then the last two are,"Lee Joo Hyuk and Kim Do Hee, at this moment the whole class shouted because they never expected such partners, "You must be joking," Joo Hyuk said in a gentle but clear voice,

"What do you mean? teacher Kim asked

"There is no way she will be my partner, how can you pair me with a new scholarship student, a low life like her, how on earth do you expect me to work with her? he questioned the teacher still with a gentle but mean voice.

"That is because she is the one who I wish to be your partner and you can't question me about that" teacher Kim retorted angrily

Joo Hyuk stood up from his sit with his hands in his pockets, and he walked up to the teacher, looking at her eyebrow to eyebrow,

"And what if I insist that you must remove a low life like her from being my partner" he challenged

"Hey, don't you dare address me as such ever again, I am not a low life" Do Hee uttered with a stern look and he turned to her and smirked

"And what will you do about that? you don't challenge me, scholarship girl, you don't dare talk to me that way….

"or else what? what will you do? She interrupted and the whole class was shocked by her boldness toward him,

"Enough the both of you, don't do that here," teacher Kim said

"As I said, she is your partner and so be it, I am not one of the teachers you can order around just because of your power or position in this school or perhaps your fame, and yes, don't forget your father is a no-nonsense man and he doesn't discriminate here when it comes to studies, you will have to comply to every rule just like other students and there is no excuse about that, just try and skip this presentation and then I will report you to your father, Lee joo hyuk and Kim Do Hee and that is final," Teacher Kim said and walked out of the class while Joo hyuk kicked his leg on one of the lockers angrily and left, Gu won followed him up immediately.

"Do Hee or whatever you call yourself, we can see you don't want to respect your place in this school, you want to be a hero all of a sudden for people to notice you, so sad darling but you are invisible to us, you are like a weed that should be gotten rid of, how dare you talk to our Joo hyuk that way?" Jae Mi said from her seat, Do Hee stood up, folded her arms, and looked back," I think you should be telling yourself that, were you sent to school to defend boys? Of course not, you were sent to read, then do the needful and read please just stop roaming around with your empty skull, that brain of yours should be watered" Do Hee Lashed back and the students started laughing at Jae Mi and she ran out of the class followed up by Min Jae.