
"I'm....I'm capable of magic?"

After her father dropped the twins at their kindergarten, it took another half-hour drive to her school. Evelyn's father finally arrived at the school and he kissed Evelyn's forehead and fist-bumped with Ethan.

"Now, you two enjoy at school. Also, here's your lunch! Don't forget!" Mr. Charming said and handed Evelyn and her brother some ham sandwiches in food containers.

"Ethan, no getting into trouble again. You should remember about the time you goofed around in class and got in detention," Mr. Charming told Ethan. "You was in the detention room for two hours straight, and when you got home, you lied to your mother, telling her you had to stay extra-late in class. Little did you know, I got a call at work from your teacher."

Ethan gulped. "I sure regretted goofing around. I promise I won't do it again, so please don't tell Mother about the detention thing! She'll kill me if you do!"

Mr. Charming nodded. "Now, hurry to your classes before your late!" he said and Evelyn and Ethan rushed into the school.

Mr. Charming chuckled as he got back into the car. "Children," he sighed. "They grow up so fast."


At the end of school, Evelyn was sitting on the school steps, reading a book when she spotted a familiar mini-van stopping by the school. 'Mother's here,' she thought. She brushed herself and got into the car right before her mother sped off to the public park. Once they were there, she pulled Evelyn out of the car, found a tiny, hidden bench behind a large oak tree and sat Evelyn down.

She hugged Evelyn tightly. "Promise me you'll not cry at what I'm going to tell you," her mother said and Evelyn promised.

"But before that," Evelyn said with a worried face. "Did someone.....die?"

"No. It's...." Evelyn's mother sighed. "I don't know if it's better or worse than death, actually."

"Then what is it?" Evelyn asked. "Have I ever told you you were adopted?" her mother whispered sadly and burst into tears.

A fearful reaction came to Evelyn's face and she laughed nervously. "You-you're just kidding, right? Ha, good one, mother. Father? Ethan? Guys? Where are you hiding?" she called out.

"It's not a joke...it's real." Evelyn's mother said and pulled a napkin out of her pocket and blew on it. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed. "Your father and I were planning to tell you about this when you was older, but...." Mrs. Charming stopped talking and tears rushed out of her red eyes.

"Your blood parents showed up when you were at school! They've come to bring you to your real home...." Mrs. Charming said weakly. "And I'm sorry about not believing you!"

"Not believing you about what?" Evelyn asked, wiping of tears of her own. "They were fairies! You are magical! You're a princess from another world!" her mother admitted. "You can do magic!"

Evelyn's eyes widened and she momentarily stopped crying. "MAGIC?!" she yelled, loud enough for the whole world to hear. Everyone stared at her and her mother dragged her into the car.

"We're going to meet your real parents and they'll tell you the whole story." her mother said once they were in the car.

Evelyn's eyes welled up with tears, but, she knew she had to be brave. She wiped her tears away and stared out of the window, wondering what would happen next. Did the universe just hand her a better or worser future?

********************************************************************************************************* When Evelyn and her mother reached the house, Evelyn found an odd but jolly couple standing on the front doors' steps and she could hear her siblings' and her dad muffled cries from the house.

"Are....are you Evelyn?" the woman asked, trembling. "Yes." Evelyn closed her eyes and sighed.

The woman covered her mouth and whispered something and the man wiped away a tear. After a few seconds, they rushed to Evelyn and embraced her.

"You're here...." the man whispered. "You're alive, too...."