
The Savior Return (Dxd)

This is the story of someone who has already made extraordinary feats in an unusual world. Why? that's because that person comes from the modern world where some people think that supernatural phenomena are illogical and a duping of science that has advanced civilization and made humans the top of the food chain. That person belongs to this society, at first he also did not believe in supernatural phenomena which according to him was just a fictitious story made up by the previous society to raise, frighten or worship other people. But who would have thought, he who doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural instead supernatural phenomena occur to himself. At first, this man had just stepped into his teens. To be honest, he wasn't a pleasant person, everything he did was boring, unlike most teenagers who were always energetic all the time. Even after 15 years of his life, he still doesn't have anything to stand for or the motivation he wants to become. His mindset is like that of a grown man who thinks about work, eating, sleeping. That's the average man in the environment where he grew up. He also even thought of that life in his adulthood. It would be a pity if a man did not use his life to create something so great that it would be remembered by a number of people. The phenomenon that made him stranded in another world, people in his world often refer to this world as Isekai, which has so many stories in the form of novels, films, dramas, manga and even anime. Usually, in stories like this. the main character is excited to explore new worlds, adventure to new places, meet heroines who will go on a journey to defeat the demon king… and many more. However, for this one person. He was confused about what to do in this new world. His mindset was not like a normal teenager, so he did what he had to do there. In that world, for the first time he did what he wanted to do without having to following the flow of society. after gaining power beyond the understanding of modern humans. he is capable of being at the top of that world's society, even being able to side by side with beings of the embodiment of evil that is said to make the entire other world, engulfed in fear. After a very difficult and long battle, the man finally destroyed the creature, making himself a savior for the people of the other world. Time flies, still in another world. He doesn't have any goals anymore so he lives a leisurely life without any burden in his life now. But apart from his leisure life, he feels bored. with full life spur adrenaline, which can stretch life. When he was in a dangerous place known as the land of death, it was unexpected that he dared to challenge an ancient ruler. The ancient fairy's name was Oberon. The goal of him challenging Oberon was just for fun, thereby angering the Ancient Fairy. The result of the clash between the two great forces caused the spatial distortion to occur again. The same incident repeated itself to the man, sucked into the (Astrophysical) wormhole. He himself was not with Oberon, because the Ancient Fairy was very far away from the location where the spatial distortion occurred. That phenomenon made him return to his original world. With different traits and personality, as a result of his exposure to another world. But that didn't make him any better because he was back in the wrong place and situation.

Fuku_San · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 5 :The Truth

Main Building, Meeting Room.

Chaotic voices could be heard throughout the room, the executive members were discussing their current goals which would be announced by Akio. As the main door opened to reveal Georg carrying several letters in his hand and welcoming someone.

He was Akio who was dressed casually, he was wearing a neat black and white striped shirt with an open collar, paired with chinos that matched the color of his shirt. On his feet, he wore clean and well-maintained black leather shoes.

Sitting on the center seat, a straight and serious expression made all the members a little nervous. only Akio and Georg were different in their eyes, those two people looked authoritative today.

Especially Georg who usually looks like a high school student now looks mature with a neat black suit a white shirt and a dark tie that gives a formal and professional impression. The black shoes were shiny and matched the color of the suit. he stood beside Akio acting as an assistant.

"Good afternoon everyone...I'm very pleased to see the executive members present for our simple meeting to discuss the future vision of our faction."

Everyone listened quietly to Akio, in silence only Akio spoke and presented the vision he thought was the most appropriate. The reaction of the executives was mixed, but there was someone who asked a question in the middle of the presentation.

"Excuse me" - He is a member of the executive relations department,Demian. Since Akio took the lead had divided the members into several divisions.

"Yes," Akio invited him to ask, although it was rude if it was an official meeting but because they were all awkward because they attended a meeting with a serious air like this then Akio could tolerate it.

Because some of the members were also still immature. only Akio was at least mature enough there and followed by Heracles.

Demian was a little nervous because he was looked at seriously by everyone. but by gathering all his courage he finally asked. "Look...I agree with the proposed plan, but what about the reactions of other supernaturals?...seeing this plan that will be very difficult for them, it must make them not stay silent, right?"

Before answering that, Akio composed the right words in his head so that they could be digested well by everyone including Damian.

"That's right...We all know that humans are already far behind compared to other supernaturals. They develop innovations that have been published by humans so that their technology is more advanced because of the mixture of magic and science, therefore we must also not remain silent. there is no need to wait for adulthood to start, if we continue to wait then we can never catch up with them. for that, this service plan is very important for us. besides can strengthen ourselves, we can also learn from the various events that occur in the world so that we no longer need other supernaturals to solve the problems that occur because we are independent to solve these problems...Damian, you are worried that this plan will become another war, right?"

Damian nodded slowly in agreement with Akio's opinion.

"War is inevitable if the other side acts aggressively...we can't let that happen. even creating another casualty, the innocent will also become victims...Therefore, we need to find a person to be placed in the Armament and Development division. someone very smart who can turn fantasy into reality without the help of magic." - While everyone was stunned by Akio's speech, Damian looked a little worried. However, after Akio explained further about the importance of the merit plan and calmed Damian's concerns regarding the potential for war, the atmosphere in the room began to become more relaxed and the executives seemed more open to listening to Akio's ideas and suggestions. Some executive members may have nodded in agreement and appreciation of Akio's speech, while others may have shown signs of interest and wanted to contribute to the discussion. There is no visible reaction against or rejection of Akio's ideas, so the meeting atmosphere is conducive and productive.

Akio was still looking for that person... but he had gotten some information and data, the reason he and Georg had gone to Iceland was not for referrals but to see the person who had gotten Akio's attention.

"Thank you sir for the answer," Damian said as he bowed his head once, then sat back down. Then, Akio continued his conversation.

The meeting ended smoothly. All the questions asked by several members of several divisions were also answered with satisfactory answers. thus making Akio's honor in their eyes increase even more in just a short time.

He already had experience in running organizations, and being the head of them...even last time he had been the chief executive of a large alliance of several countries and kingdoms, against a heretical sect at the end of his adventures in another world.

When the meeting room emptied, only Akio was there and staring far ahead, deep in reverie. The noisy voices of children could be heard from below. The meeting office was right above the lobby, so after the meeting was over, all the members were gathered in the lobby to be coordinated by their respective division heads.

Akio leaned back in the chair and stared up at the ceiling of the room, thinking about something in his head.

"The process of this project is already underway, as I've given them instructions on what to do. Now I'm quite idle... Should I pretend to be an ordinary member to oversee their mission?" - he thought to himself.

"But that would be too boring, I need a new challenge,"- Akio muttered as he turned his gaze to the scenery outside the window.

'No...let's just wait to see how it goes' - He thought to himself, as he stood up and walked over to the window and breathed in the fresh air. 'Beeh...not fresh at all, instead it's like a lot of black smoke coming out of an old vehicle' - Because this world is a Dimensional Pocket created by sacred gear Georg. That's why the air here is created not through photosynthesis by plants, the mechanism of life here is created through magic except for the living creatures. For that reason, Akio thought of moving the headquarters to a more natural place, not an imitation of magic.

Opening the map that he had provided for the previous meeting, looking for places or areas on earth that other supernatural beings could not reach directly. Then, Akio focused on an area of wilderness the African continent.

The African forest.


Two days passed.

Akio had already decided to move the base to a better place, but he had to get the other members' approval. He didn't want to be a tyrant because he wasn't the kind of person who like that. When leading, he had to weigh the feelings of the other members and listen to their opinions.

Because it was troublesome to ask one by one since the meeting was no longer possible because everyone had already done their work. then, he thought of one thing.

'Why should I bother? And there are smartphones that all members have' - Akio was happy to be in the modern world again, one of which is this technology that makes life easier for people both individually and in groups.

Then he created a group chat for the other executive members, then shared his plan which would be forwarded to all divisions which meant that all members involved knew.

In a short time, Akio got the go-ahead which turned out to be that everyone agreed to the move of the headquarters...to their surprise, Akio didn't tell everyone that the builders and the selection of the place had been done by himself. With magic and alchemy, he can create golems that can perform simple and complex commands. With Akio's enormous magic capacity, making tens of thousands of golem worker units is an easy thing for him.

So that the construction only takes one week...of course, security matters must be considered so that the construction runs smoothly and safely for everyone involved. Akio made sure that all golems and equipment used in the construction were properly inspected and tested before use.

Once construction was complete, Akio proudly introduced the new headquarters to all executive members and future employees. They were all amazed by the beauty and sophistication of the new headquarters.

Akio was happy and satisfied with his decision to move the headquarters to a better place. This is an example of how technology, such as smartphones and magic, can help in making informed and effective decisions. In this case, Akio managed to save time and effort by using technology to make good decisions and get approval from all executive members quickly and easily.

A peaceful day is passing, and Akio is working on signing and reading the data of the faction members, his current job is still relaxed compared to the other world. Where he didn't even have a second to rest because of how tight a schedule he had, because of the reforms he made himself.

For the construction is already running smoothly, he has been looking for a strategic place with a beautiful view to be able to provide a refreshing atmosphere for members, when not on duty. Blueprints and details of the building structure, Akio has hired a famous architect in earth. payment does not need to worry because Akio himself is very rich not only that, the faction also has some gold booty if weighed can reach one ton.

The wealth is very large for a faction filled with children who lack experience. Fortunately, the faction has someone competent like Akio who can take advantage of the faction's wealth to be able to achieve greater benefits than just treasure.

In his quiet office while Georg was in another room. In the silence, Akio felt time seemed to stop. He was not wary because he had experienced similar situations. Someone with absolute power like him was visiting.

A crack opened from the space, but nothing came out of the human-sized crack...only a voice could be heard.

"Hey... Mortal"

That stressful voice seemed to emerge from the darkness. if it was anyone else it would have been an instant fear, but Akio. was being casual.

Instead, he replied.

"Hey again... Lizard~" - Even daring to make fun of, the entity with the number one power in the world. True Red Dragon. Great Red, the Dragon of Dreams.

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Creation is hard, Give Me Power Stone!

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