
The Savior Return (Dxd)

This is the story of someone who has already made extraordinary feats in an unusual world. Why? that's because that person comes from the modern world where some people think that supernatural phenomena are illogical and a duping of science that has advanced civilization and made humans the top of the food chain. That person belongs to this society, at first he also did not believe in supernatural phenomena which according to him was just a fictitious story made up by the previous society to raise, frighten or worship other people. But who would have thought, he who doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural instead supernatural phenomena occur to himself. At first, this man had just stepped into his teens. To be honest, he wasn't a pleasant person, everything he did was boring, unlike most teenagers who were always energetic all the time. Even after 15 years of his life, he still doesn't have anything to stand for or the motivation he wants to become. His mindset is like that of a grown man who thinks about work, eating, sleeping. That's the average man in the environment where he grew up. He also even thought of that life in his adulthood. It would be a pity if a man did not use his life to create something so great that it would be remembered by a number of people. The phenomenon that made him stranded in another world, people in his world often refer to this world as Isekai, which has so many stories in the form of novels, films, dramas, manga and even anime. Usually, in stories like this. the main character is excited to explore new worlds, adventure to new places, meet heroines who will go on a journey to defeat the demon king… and many more. However, for this one person. He was confused about what to do in this new world. His mindset was not like a normal teenager, so he did what he had to do there. In that world, for the first time he did what he wanted to do without having to following the flow of society. after gaining power beyond the understanding of modern humans. he is capable of being at the top of that world's society, even being able to side by side with beings of the embodiment of evil that is said to make the entire other world, engulfed in fear. After a very difficult and long battle, the man finally destroyed the creature, making himself a savior for the people of the other world. Time flies, still in another world. He doesn't have any goals anymore so he lives a leisurely life without any burden in his life now. But apart from his leisure life, he feels bored. with full life spur adrenaline, which can stretch life. When he was in a dangerous place known as the land of death, it was unexpected that he dared to challenge an ancient ruler. The ancient fairy's name was Oberon. The goal of him challenging Oberon was just for fun, thereby angering the Ancient Fairy. The result of the clash between the two great forces caused the spatial distortion to occur again. The same incident repeated itself to the man, sucked into the (Astrophysical) wormhole. He himself was not with Oberon, because the Ancient Fairy was very far away from the location where the spatial distortion occurred. That phenomenon made him return to his original world. With different traits and personality, as a result of his exposure to another world. But that didn't make him any better because he was back in the wrong place and situation.

Fuku_San · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 2 :Releasing the Noose


Some time passed, ever since the invasion of the underworld with the victory of the invaders…even though the invaders retreated, it didn't escape the fact that the Underworld along with their three Demon Lords…Lost before a single human.

Even though the current generation of devils will sometimes become the golden generation, with many talented people appearing at one time. But all of that disappeared when they were in front of one human who changed the situation in the war. Previously, the underworld side won the war but with his presence, everything changed in a snap.

It was as if they had tried hard to build a very high and sturdy wall, but with just one punch from that human everything collapsed, as if he was laughing at their hard work.

Then now their government is faced with the trust of their people, who are starting to have doubts about their leader, namely the demon king and the 72 pillar Devil Lords. This is because the situation will get worse if it is not resolved immediately. After all, it could become another war due to different opinions from the crowd of commoners.

Then, at this time Sirzechs had to intervene himself to regain the people's trust by saying that he alone would eliminate the threat that had threatened the sovereignty of the underworld, with such a promise. Sirzechs had to swallow protests from several parties, especially from the human partner of their business.

With just the presence of a single human, the entire situation that was previously stable had now become chaotic at once… because he had to gain the trust of his people first, so he set aside matters with humans with whom they had business relations.

This made human businessmen begin to feel doubtful about making the devil race their business partner again, then they thought twice when talking about business with the devil race even though the business was very profitable... but humans were more concerned with their life and assets so that humans now have a bad view of the existence of devils and others who live side by side with them in the earth.

"…Haah…This whole situation has become so chaotic"

Sirzechs heaved a tired sigh as his current state of the house was in complete chaos, because the war against terrorists a while ago was waged throughout the underworld which caused this whole mess to happen.

He has to work extra hard to set everything back up or start over again if necessary, what he needs now is to restore his people's trust which is starting to fade because of the many victims that fall due to his inefficiency work as a demon king, the most powerful leader of the underworld.

'This is why I refused to become a demon lord'

His thought, at first he refused to become a demon king because the job was very troublesome and the responsibilities were very heavy for him, but because he is the golden child of the underworld, with power that surpasses all devils from the past to the present. the throne replaced Lucifer who had died in the great war before.


Someone put a cup on the table, and Sirzechs glanced at the person who turned out to be his assistant as well as his wife. Even though the wife of the strongest Lucifer, she still wanted to act as a servant.

She brewed hot tea.

"Thank you, Grayfia"

"Um…this has become my duty, Sirzechs-sama"

Even though they were both in Sirzechs' office, his wife still acted formally to him...then she saw the worry on her husband's face.

"It's about them again?"

"Yes, the Hero faction has made such a huge impact in the supernatural realm of the humans… that some of the community members who are made up of humans, enroll in the faction."

Grayfia put the teapot back down, then continued speaking.

"This is very dangerous for our people... if this continues like this, our people might lose their place in the human world."

"Umm...I understand what you mean, but we have to calm the masses first, I misplaced the media on the battlefield just because some of our top brass wanted an interesting spectacle."

Sirzechs explained with a complicated expression on his face, just like Grayfia. He couldn't believe those old-fashioned old men were making the war between terrorists as entertainment.



Someone knocked on the office door, and Grayfia swiftly opened the door…then a man with a soldier appearance entered the room.

"Excuse me, your highness!"

Sirzechs motioned to the soldier if he could stop his formal greeting, and go straight to the report.

"Right now, all the representatives from our alliance have gathered in the meeting room. They expect your highness' presence!"

"I see...it's about time"

He got up from his seat, about to reach for the coat. Grayfia deftly put on the coat. Sirzechs glanced at the soldier who was still there.

"You can go now"

"Haa!… Then, I'll excuse you, Your Highness!"

The soldier quickly left the office leaving Sirzechs and Grayfia who were preparing to start a meeting to discuss their new enemy.

'We still have powerful allies…Haah, I hope this mess ends soon

After the coat was put on he glanced at Grayfia and nodded in understanding then the two of them walked towards the meeting room with Grayfia following Sirzechs from behind like a master and servant having a stroll.


After Akio and Georg withdrew from the war, that's when things got a little awkward because the hero faction was currently in a really bad state where every member Akio saw was in tatters in a wide field... they line up waiting to be cured, and a half again the ranks of the members who had fallen on the previous war, others were tending to the wounded and there are also some were mourning their comrades.

'This sight just makes me nostalgic'

Akio thought, he felt sorry for their current situation and wanted to help some. Georg wanted to guide him to the guest room and discuss their future problems. But the action taken by Akio was unexpected because he escaped Georg's supervision and approached one of the injured people.

"Can I see it?"

Ask surprising people around him including the person in question.


The woman was very nervous when Akio approached her and asked her, Then Akio saw what injury the woman had.

He saw that the woman, had a broken leg, several broken ribs, and was blind in her right eye. After examining the woman's condition, Akio stretched out his hand while muttering in a language couldn't understand, neither the woman nor everyone on the open field.

[Green Spirit Realization: Heal]

A soft green light appeared in front of his palms, then the light also enveloped the woman's body which made her panic instantly, but shortly after that, a miracle happened where the woman slowly recovered from his injury, even her left eye was blind due to the attack of the underworld troops, get well again.

"A-aah…my eyes!"

It greatly surprised not only her but everyone in the large field, even Georg had an indescribable reaction on his face.

Spontaneously the woman who was healed earlier immediately wanted to thank Akio.

"T-Thank you!"

Seeing the woman thanking him while crying sobbing because she was touched because she could see again with his eyes.


Akio was satisfied with his work, which made him show a slightly tempting smile on his handsome face. It made the woman instantly fascinated as if she were in a flower garden. Soon she became an impromptu doctor and many people wanted to Akio heal them.

Georg had to step in to bring order to the crowd, then create a queue for anyone who wanted to Akio heal.

It took a little time, but because of Akio's fast work made things easier, because in just half an hour he managed to heal 300 people. Even though what Akio did was very mysterious to them, because they didn't know which magic spell he used to heal them.

Then, after healing many people, Groeg guided Akio back to the executive member waiting for him.

In one of the rooms in a building, in that room, there is a round table where each chair is placed around the table. lost of empty seats because member executives had many absences due to the aftermath of the war, making Akio think that the executive of the Hero Faction is the only 3 only people who can still be invited to think and talk.

After Georg came in with Akio, the room suddenly became silent. 3 pairs of eyes stared at him as if he was assessing Akio. being stared at like that, Akio relaxed instead he sat on an arbitrary chair and took out a cigar behind the small bag hanging from his waist.

"Everyone, let me introduce...he was our savior from the defeat of fighting the underworld before...Excuse me, sir, can you tell me your name?"

When the three people including Georg expected an answer from Akio, he was even busy with his cigar, but he still answered while lighting his cigarette.

"Earlier...was it exclusive to just you guys?"

Georg shook his head.

"No sir, currently 4 of our exclusives are recovering and the others are preparing a proper burial for our previous leader"

He hears the answer from Georg while exhaling cigarette smoke.

"I see... My name is Akio Takashi, you can call me whatever you like."

The others recorded in their memories the name of the human who rocked the underworld alone.

"By the way…where is this?"

He asked while glancing at the window where the sky and this place were filled with purple mist.

"Forgive my delay sir… this world is a world that I created through my Sacred Gear, Dimension Lost."


Akio looked at Georg in confusion when he said something about Sacred Gear. Georg immediately realized that he didn't know what Sacred Gear was and immediately explained it.

After a few minutes of explanation, Akio finally had an epiphany on the current situation. it turns out that this world is still his home world, he is a little grateful to know about it. then the deceitful supernatural wants to exploit the human population under the guise of a population shortage of his race.

Hearing this story, Akio was a little angry which caused his cigarette to burn instantly due to his aura leaking out.

"Actually, i don't really care, but since this is my world and also because of supernatural actions that don't directly want to enslave humans, I can't just keep quiet about this."

He muttered, then he glanced at the three exclusives there.

"Can I know what your names are?"

The three looked at each other, then they decided who would introduce themselves first using the suit.

The loser was a tall woman, with green hair that fell to her waist.


Her nervousness didn't match her cold and sharp features, Akio bet that girl could be very scary when she was serious.

'Hero again, huh?...even though it's been explained by them that their members are made up of people who are descendants of heroes, it's very fitting for the name of the faction, the title of hero is given to those who have done great deeds and those who benefit many people...to call yourself a hero just because you're a descendant of a hero, that's insulting the meaning of hero itself'

From Atalanta it was on to the next person.

"Demian...my name is Demian!"

Another person who was nervous when introducing themselves.Demian was a man, a former priest in a vatican church who had the misfortune of being framed by a familiar friend who turned out to be a devil.He was condemned by the entire church and exiled in his own homeland.

"Haa! If I were Sujin! Nice to meet you Akio!"

Only Sujin among the three of them introduced herself cheerfully, he was a tall and athletically built teenage boy. His hair was dark brown, and he had black eyes with bright golden pupils.

Then after the three people it was Georg's turn to introduce himself in more detail.

"As you know if my name is Georg, as you think...I am also a descendant of heroes...among the four of us only Demian is not from the descendants of heroes."

He was a young man with black hair and glasses. Like Cao Cao, he wore a combination of a Japanese school uniform (more precisely, the gakuran worn by Japanese schoolchildren in the fall) and wore a wizard-style cloak over his uniform with a feathered cape. After his defeat against one of the peerage of the gremory clan. Georg lost an eye, an arm, and his left leg was also damaged and black in color.

So how could he be okay now?

It was because of Akio's plan…he had thought of a plan during the fight, and it also happened that he knew that Georgwas a proficient magician as seen from the fact that he controlled his magic energy stably even though his condition at that time awfully.

Therefore, when everyone's focus was on Akio, that's when Akio also cast healing magic towards his which made him heal instantly, then his next action would have been predicted by Akio. The magic that Akio used was not an ordinary magic spell. it was a tier 8 white magic spell that could restore a previously disabled person's condition to a whole state.

While on the way a few moments after retreating from the battlefield, he had already thanked Akio, apparently he realized what his plan was by saving him first, even though Akio only concluded just by looking at the magic structure that had been measured on his body.

And it is also unexpected that Georg is a good friend, the person who summoned him back to his original world, therefore Akio feels that he has a responsibility to bear.

After hearing a lengthy explanation from the executives of the Hero Faction, Akio had to choose between the two options.

Currently, they are high-class fugitives, and that is certainly if each of their heads has been installed by a bounty, after all, they are fighting against people who have dominated the human world for a long time.

Although it's harsh to say... from the very beginning they thought of going to war, that's when they already lost... because their preparations weren't really mature, and only acted based on the ego of the leader, who was a battle maniac.

Therefore Akio has two options that he must choose immediately.

First, disband the Faction or

Second, namely recycling organizational goals by showing a different vision and mission from the previous leader.

Although Akio prefers the second option he must know the time because at this time everyone in the Faction is still in a state of mourning over the loss of their comrades and their old leader.

"Haah…for now, I have to think about it first."

Akio glanced at Georg and the others like they were nervous about something.

"Hmph…you guys can go…Bury them off properly"

Akio's words sounded indifferent but they knew the meaning behind them, suddenly the atmosphere became awkward with everyone sobbing, except Akio.

After being left by the others, Akio checked the file that he had asked Georg... this file contained the data of all the members, both those who had died and those who were still active.

The number of victims of the hero faction is 50 including their leader, if Akio doesn't immediately heal the other members then the number continues to increase.

'Again, I have to do something like this

Akio sighed while thinking and reminiscing about his daily life in the other world, at this time he didn't expect that his life in the original world would be the same as his life in the other world. Even though reluctant to do so personally, he fell already assigned the responsibility of guiding the Hero Faction to the true path.

Even though this moment was out of his mind.

From being the leader of the Eden alliance, an alliance formed in another world based on his ideas, the formation of this alliance aims to fight the Heretic sects who summon gods worshiped by their followers. The gods worshiped by the Heretic sects are extra-dimensional beings who are very dangerous and threaten the extinction of all living things in other worlds and are also the main enemy of Akio.

Now Akio must become a leader again, as the head of the Hero Faction which was formed to liberate and oppose slavery under the guise of the increasing population by the three races of Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils.

"Haah... even if it's troublesome...let's do it, our revenge"

He muttered while reading the membership data file.

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