
The Savior Return (Dxd)

This is the story of someone who has already made extraordinary feats in an unusual world. Why? that's because that person comes from the modern world where some people think that supernatural phenomena are illogical and a duping of science that has advanced civilization and made humans the top of the food chain. That person belongs to this society, at first he also did not believe in supernatural phenomena which according to him was just a fictitious story made up by the previous society to raise, frighten or worship other people. But who would have thought, he who doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural instead supernatural phenomena occur to himself. At first, this man had just stepped into his teens. To be honest, he wasn't a pleasant person, everything he did was boring, unlike most teenagers who were always energetic all the time. Even after 15 years of his life, he still doesn't have anything to stand for or the motivation he wants to become. His mindset is like that of a grown man who thinks about work, eating, sleeping. That's the average man in the environment where he grew up. He also even thought of that life in his adulthood. It would be a pity if a man did not use his life to create something so great that it would be remembered by a number of people. The phenomenon that made him stranded in another world, people in his world often refer to this world as Isekai, which has so many stories in the form of novels, films, dramas, manga and even anime. Usually, in stories like this. the main character is excited to explore new worlds, adventure to new places, meet heroines who will go on a journey to defeat the demon king… and many more. However, for this one person. He was confused about what to do in this new world. His mindset was not like a normal teenager, so he did what he had to do there. In that world, for the first time he did what he wanted to do without having to following the flow of society. after gaining power beyond the understanding of modern humans. he is capable of being at the top of that world's society, even being able to side by side with beings of the embodiment of evil that is said to make the entire other world, engulfed in fear. After a very difficult and long battle, the man finally destroyed the creature, making himself a savior for the people of the other world. Time flies, still in another world. He doesn't have any goals anymore so he lives a leisurely life without any burden in his life now. But apart from his leisure life, he feels bored. with full life spur adrenaline, which can stretch life. When he was in a dangerous place known as the land of death, it was unexpected that he dared to challenge an ancient ruler. The ancient fairy's name was Oberon. The goal of him challenging Oberon was just for fun, thereby angering the Ancient Fairy. The result of the clash between the two great forces caused the spatial distortion to occur again. The same incident repeated itself to the man, sucked into the (Astrophysical) wormhole. He himself was not with Oberon, because the Ancient Fairy was very far away from the location where the spatial distortion occurred. That phenomenon made him return to his original world. With different traits and personality, as a result of his exposure to another world. But that didn't make him any better because he was back in the wrong place and situation.

Fuku_San · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 1 part 3

The reason for Akio's anger was simple... because of human civilization in his home world, which he thought was destroyed making him unable to enjoy the pleasures provided by modern civilization.

All this time he endured it, as a modern human society how could he get used to living in medieval European civilization? certainly no ,even after living there for quite a while...therefore, he was not used to living in another world and its culture for reasons like that.

Akio decided to advance the world's civilization... at first, it was very difficult to change the mindset of the people there, who had the same repeating patterns every day.

Although he used to be like that too. however, he had decided to change the mindset of an idiot who didn't make the most of his potential.

With his efforts and hard work, Akio succeeded in advancing civilization to the next 1500 years in 5 years.As a result, the other world now is not like a fantasy world in general, due to Akio's actions who brought knowledge from the modern world, finally, the civilization of the other world changed from the Middle Ages to the early Industrial Revolution Era.

It wasn't easy to do such a job. However, in the end, he succeeded to the point that he was known by everyone as the originator of the era, Takashi.

Even though there are so many conflicts that occur in other words, it doesn't stop Akio from making human civilization progress. Therefore, he is angry when his world's civilization is destroyed because it is like an insult to those who have tried hard to make human life easier.

...Akio jumped to conclusions just by hearing the minimal information, and his bad temper came out. Thus making matters worse...Even though it had been a long time since he spoke Japanese. but, he still remembered the language of his hometown.

"Okay...no more compromises"

Akio's aura exploded so that it could be seen by ordinary eyes. People who were near him if they didn't have a strong mentality would immediately collapse. But none of them collapsed indicating that the mentality of people who opposed him was very strong, even though they couldn't completely contain the raging aura… can be seen could be seen from their trembling legs.

Kiba and Xenovia were already on the defensive and still forced themselves to fight, even though they weren't sure they could win against Akio. It wasn't just the two of them, it seemed like the Dragon had such a good attitude that it put everyone on his side.

Yes, all the inhabitants of the underworld support the dragon, they hope that Issei will rise again and defeat Akio's terror.

What disgusted Akio, however, was that distorted nickname.

'What's with this Oppai Dragon nickname? Are they insulting or praising?'

Akio didn't understand why everyone was shouting that absurd name, even though the nickname was abstruse. it made the dragon rise again to answer everyone's expectations. if he could stop Akio's brutality.

"Everyone-…hope with me"

Issei got up slowly, even though the two women beside him forbade while crying for him. but, his determination did not fade even though his whole body was covered in blood.

That would make Akio the real villain here.

"I not-…. will die again¬!"

As expected, with such a condition he made a drastic development where his body was getting smaller, taking the shape of a human body. When the light dimmed it revealed a humanoid form in full armor with several green gems embedded in his armor.


He took off quickly as the armor on his back formed a small jet engine which gave him an extra boost causing him to go as fast as lightning. But that was nothing to Akio. Even though everyone branded him as a criminal, he just did what he thought he should. he does. without any interference from others, he will do what he wants even if it goes against the norm.

[Grand Chariot: Seven Star Power]



Issei's movement which was fast before stopped in Akio's view. Not only he, but the whole world's time stopped in his point of view. Then he moved so quickly that the brain's processing speed couldn't keep up.

[Second Star: Merak]

Suddenly Akio already was behind Issei, while Issei was lost in confusion because his whole world was turned upside down. the last thing he saw was Akio who was turning his back on him.

Even though his Mitra, Ddraig. kept screaming like he was informed of something. but, it was all ignored by him who was still drowning in his confusion before finally, his head hit the ground.


When the time was running normally again, Issei's head detached from his body and fell to the ground leaving his body which continued to move away as a result of the thruster engine on his armor still running and ended up collapsing because no one was controlling it anymore.


Everyone screamed when they saw the horror scene before their eyes, he who was the hope for everyone had been collapsed by human strength.

All of Issei's colleagues witnessed his death which was something they didn't want to see. His head was severed and fresh blood gushed out of the slash.



Kiba and Xenovia exploded in anger, the two of them didn't hesitate anymore and immediately attacked. not just the two of them but everyone including the reinforcements that had just arrived and watching the horror move forward simultaneously for attacked Akio.

Even though Akio was beaten in all directions, it only added to his enthusiasm. He didn't hesitate to continue his advanced techniques.

[Grand Chariot]

[Pointer Star]


The next advanced technique is a very fast movement by eliminating the presence that makes him almost undetectable by enemies, an attack leaves a mark that formed a geometric structure in the air. thus paralyzing everyone who attacks him, the movement is so fast that it can't be stopped by all of them.


But there was one person who succeeded in stopping his technique, the devil was named Fallbium Asomedous. He managed to block the agile attack with his body. but unfortunately, he also couldn't give a counterattack.

However, he gave that task to his partner, Serafall. who threw an ice spear which, if hit by the target would explode and freeze it. they were wrong as there was no need for him to,escape just cast away the magic with his.

[Fire Spirit Materialization: Rising Of Sun]

Quickly, Akio cast a magic spell. It didn't matter that he went straight to Tier 8 where the highest level of magic was. Because high-level magic was cast by Akio. Serafall's ice spear attack was devoured by a fireball that was shaped like a sun.

It didn't stop there, the attack caught up with Serafall making him immediately respond to the attack otherwise it would be fatal. But before she could reply someone already stopped the large-scale attack's advance.

Many magic circles blocked the attack and made Akio's attack stop in midair. The one who managed to block the attack was Ajuka Beelzebub, he came with a book in his hand.

"Tch, more bastards are coming"

Akio sighed, even though it was expected by his that the situation would turn out like this. he was still a little troubled by all the anger these people were aiming at him... since his sword couldn't reach Fallbium, he did something with infusing some form of energy on his blade.


Fallbium widened his eyes when Akio's sword managed to penetrate his absolute defense. Before the blade sliced him, he immediately moved away and managed to escape from the slash.

They were wary of Akio, their gaze seemed to stab him. But Akio himself didn't care about their bad opinion of himself. Whether he was considered evil or brutal, he didn't care.

"Kiddo…did you know that this act of yours would earn you the hatred of all the denizens of the underworld?"

Ajuka dared to speak to Akio, the only smartest devil in their history, of course, he realized that their strength alone was not enough to stop Akio's rampage, but at least he could bear his mentality.

"Kid?...do I look like a child to you?"

Akio's voice sounded displeased, which was evident from the glare he gave them.

"Well never mind… I don't care if I get antagonized here in that place anyway-…wait, what do you say the underworld? This isn't Earth!?"

His demeanor changed 180 degrees. from horror to confusion when Ajuka mentioned the underworld, Akio realized something.

"No... we are still on earth, but not in the human realm. You are in the underworld, the devil realm."

Serafall shouted, she became disappointed because of Akio's ignorance about where he is now...hearing what they said, Akio did something to confirm the truth of their words.

[Compass Aura]

A martial arts technique spreads Aura as wide as possible to detect the presence of opponents, but this can detect the surroundings, from the smallest to the largest.

'They are right, this place is not Japan'

After confirming the truth, would Akio apologize? No, even if he wasn't sure what exactly happened, he wouldn't apologize.

War always happens unexpected things, even though they refuse to accept it but that's the reality.

"If you already know―, please stop this!"

Please ask him. To stop the rampage from a known threat, he has tried his best to be able to stop this tragedy. but, Fallbium can't accept it...because the damage Akio has caused is enormous. Forgiving him at this time is tantamount to insulting their honor.

Seeing Akio's inadvertence creates an opportunity for Fallbium to punch him... seeing his inconsiderate partner make such an action shocks Ajuka.

"Wait Fallbium!"

"No Ajuka ... even if you forgive him, I and all the devils he killed will never forgive him!"

Fallbium replied to Ajuka's words quickly, while punching Akio from behind with a fist that had been covered by the power of his family's bloodline.


Thinking that his fist would hit Akio then he was wrong, the whole world slowed down in Akio's viewpoint. The sensitivity in his use of his six senses was extraordinary It made Issei's fast attacks seem slow, especially Fallbium's fists.

He only moved very minimally to dodge the fist, and immediately responded by kicking Demon King Asmodeus in the face and so it hit the ground.


Serafall screamed when she saw Fallbium being thrown away so easily, even though she was angry like Fallbium but she would not make a reckless action as her partner did.

Amidst the intense tension, something happened on the other side. At the place where Issei was severed, there a pillar of fire rose to the sky and formed a phoenix. the bird landed on the ground and embraced everyone in the place.

Indra Akio said that the Sekiryuutei came back to life. even though his head was beheaded by him. it seems the Pheonix was the cause of his awakening. but according to Akio, the healing power of the phoenix alone is not enough because the wound from the technique cannot be healed in the usual way. there must be other factors that cause Issei's body to recover.

Even though he didn't know what it was, there was still something that made him curious, then left the current battle to go to the previous place.

Ajuka and Serafall were stunned when Akio was no longer interested in them, but they were even more shocked when he flew to his previous location. Before long, the two of them rushed after Akio and stopped what he was about to do again.

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