
Spider-bite and Mutation

It's been several years since I saved my parents. I haven't done much since, except for a small job in hacking into various companies to expose any fraud, and if I found fraud, I rerouted their money and sent evidence to proper authorities, but if not, informed them of holes in their firewalls and received compensation. My off-shore account currently has about fifteen million in it, which should be plenty to forge my career as spider-man. Getting out of bed, I noticed the date. October 23, 2007. About fifteen years since my date of birth, August 27, 2002. (Not sure how accurate that is, but I'm going with it) Getting dressed for the Osborn Industries science field trip, I made sure to bring a camera, as well as two small glass jars with breathing holes. I encouraged my parents to take a week-long vacation to Washington D.C, so I was going to try to have the spider bite me in a protected environment.

With the camera, jars, and school supplies in my backpack, I hurried down the sidewalk to get to my school. Today was going to be great.

After we arrived at Osborn industries, the everybody filed out of the bus and into the building. Since I was born in the south in my past life, these huge buildings would never cease to amaze me. The students were given freedom to roam in a certain area of the building, where several exhibits were placed with attendants ready to explain them to anyone interested. Looking around, I spotted the spider making its way down a web in the far corner, near the bathroom. I decided to act like I was going to the bathroom, and catch it with one of the small, flat jars beforehand, before transferring it to the larger, breathable one once I was in the bathroom, away from prying eyes. As it made its way down the wall, i focused on the bathroom door, an exo-suit exhibit that was built to help with construction, even the janitor. Anything to disguise my real target. As I passed it, I discreetly reached out for the wall, small jar hidden in the palm of my hand, before catching it and closing the lid. Entering the bathroom, I placed the small jar inside the large one, let the spider out, and closed the jar, leaving the spider inside.

The rest of the trip was a bore, with the attendants explaining things I already knew. Noticing how most of my friends were very interested in the exhibits, I took a few pictures before settling in a corner and waiting out the end of the trip.

After the trip was over, I rushed home, noticing package I ordered in front of our door. Unlocking the door, I brought the package in and set it off to the side. The first thing I did was drain the spider's venom into a small syringe, before taking several DNA samples from the spider. Thankfully, this process did not kill it, and I now had a spider-venom making machine. Opening the box from earlier, It was revealed to be a thick metal container about the size of my forearm, and filled with a special nutrient-rich fluid. Heading into my bedroom, I sat down on my bed and opened the canister, and began to chug the thick, almost syrupy liquid. Finishing the drink, my stomach felt extremely full, and before I could think about how bad of and idea this was, I injected the venom into the vein on my arm. For a few seconds nothing happened, and then all of a sudden a wave of pain hit me, so intense and mind-wrenching I thought it would be fatal. Not able to hold on for much longer, I blacked out. If my eyes were opened, I would be able to notice the miniature sandstorm forming around me.

I awoke to a knock at the front door. Opening my eyes, I could immediately tell something was off. Mainly, my room was covered in sand. It wasn't a thick layer on the floor, but enough that it should irritate my feet. But strangely enough, it didn't. It felt soothing to the skin, kind of like whenever you wear some extremely comfortable shoes.

Making my way to the front door, I took the chance to examine my body. I had an eight-pack, and the rest of my body was covered in muscles that definitely weren't there before. I had to be gentle with everything, as I hadn't found time to thoroughly examine my body. I took a deep breath, instantly noting smells I would've had no chance of smelling before. I smelled things like the old meatloaf on the dirty plates that I hadn't washed yet, even the subtle things, like the sweat that covered my body from the bodily mutation the previous night.

Opening the door, I was greeted with a sight you could only find in comic books. It was a bald man in a wheelchair. I instantly recognized his as Professor Xavier. He was closely followed by the Wolverine himself. My body shook with excitement at seeing these two legendary figures.

"Ah, Hello. Wait a minute, aren't you Charles Xavier? Why is a leading scientist like you in front of my parent's apartment?" I had to act clueless, can't reveal all of my knowledge yet.

"Ah yes, I am, and this is my colleague, Logan." Xavier introduced the two. "And who might you be?" He asked, holding his hand out for me to shake.

Firmly shaking his hand, but making sure to be careful with my newfound strength, I replied "Peter Parker, sir. May I ask the reason for such a sudden visit from a major scientist.?'"

"Ah, yes, well, the reason for my visit is quite particular, and the explanation is long. May we come in?" He asked in his polite manner. "Sure." I held the door open while his motorized wheelchair hummed and pushed him into my living room, with Logan close behind. I took the chance to analyse him. Logan walked with the confidence and aura of an apex predator. Like nothing here could hope to beat him. Xavier on the other hand, was calm and collected, but still slightly on guard.

Sitting down at my couch, I gestured for Logan to do the same, but he shook his head, preferring to stay standing.

The professor began his explanation. "Since you recognized me, I'm sure you are aware of what a mutant is, yes?"

"I'm aware"

"Then this is much easier. Based off of the energy readings, we have determined that you re at least an alpha level mutant, but most likely omega. I assume you are aware of what these terms mean?"

"Yeah" I answered, though my mind was reeling. I remembered a Peter Parker, the one of Earth-13270 who had the X-gene, but it was repressed by the spider bite he got which mutated him. Based on what the professor said, I should be an impossibility, as I can already tell I have spider powers, but I've been feeling something... more.

"Hold up, is this related to the sand I found on the floor of my room this morning?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Most likely, but we would like to take you to a special area for testing, if you are willing" The professor offered.

Intrigued by this new sequence of events, I replied "Sure, just let me get my phone and a change of clothes."

"Great, meet us outside when you are done"

"Got it"

It took about ten minutes to find a sufficient pair of clothes and to get my phone, as well as my keys. After I had collected everything, I left the apartment, locking the door in the process. Making my way outside, I saw Logan standing outside of an SUV, waiting for me. Getting in the car, I was excited. This should be a lot of fun.

After a drive that was almost an hour long, my enthusiasm dwindled, but not by much. Arriving at the driveway of the X-mansion, I was impressed by its sheer size. It was about four stories tall, which was huge compared to its environment, but it was also extremely wide. I guess it made sense, accounting fro all of the mutants who both live, learn, and practice with their powers. We got out of the vehicle, and Logan helped the professor into his wheelchair. "What do you think of the place, Peter?", the professor asked. "It's great, but I really want to learn about these powers I apparently have." I replied.

"Of course, Right this way, then." the professor drove his wheelchair, not towards the main entrance, but towards a large building that looked like an oversized school gymnasium. As we approached the building, the professor spoke up. "After the physical examination, I hope to invite you to become a student here, at my school for gifted youngsters."

"I'll need to ask my parents, and I already have many friends at midtown high, so I'll need to think about it" I replied

"Please, contact me whenever your mind is made up." The professor seemed to expect my answer, which was partially due to his telepathic abilities. I really need to find a way to make psionic or telepathic shields soon. Considering his offer, my reply was "I'll make sure to."

It was the last thing either of us said before we entered the oversized gym. What greeted me inside was a large blue-furred man. Taking a second to recognize him, I instantly remembered who he was. Who stood before me was Henry Philip `Hank` McCoy, The Beast himself. "Hello, you must be Peter Parker, Nice to meet you. My name is Hank McCoy, but you can just call me Hank." ."Nice to meet you, so when are we doing this?" I asked, wanting to hurry up and start. "Ah, yes, but before we start we'll need to do some physical tests. The tests include things like natural strength, and other things like it" Hank responded. "So where are we going to do those?" I asked. "Just follow me" Hank started walking toward a room full of what look likes gym equipment, but much more advanced. The first thing he brought me to was a medium-sized room, with what appeared to be an extremely large hydraulic press in the center. "With this machine, we can test for superhuman strength, by changing the force of the press to mach different weight levels." Hank explained. Damn, this really was a strange world. "If you'll just stand beneath there, we'll start increasing the pressure. If it gets too high, let me know, okay." He explained. "I got it" I walked beneath the giant metal cylinder. I raised my hands to reach it, and I told Hank "You can start now!". "3, 2, 1, and start." Hank counted. "First off, one-hundred pounds, and we'll up it by fifty every few seconds." Hank pressed a button on his panel, and I felt the Cylinder start to push against my hands. One hundred pounds, while a noticeable weight, felt extremely light to my new superhuman muscles. After a few seconds, the weight increased, but only by a negligible amount. "Turn it up by more!" I shouted to him. Hank sighed, many people end up hurting themselves this way, he thought, as he turned the dial up.

About fifteen minutes later, I stood beside the machine, slightly sweating. "So what was my max?" I asked him. Hank looked at me, shocked. "Your maximum weight was around sixty-three tons. give or take.". Damn. I'm pretty sure the most weight a spider-man lifted in the comics was around seventy tons, so I was extremely impressed with myself. "So when do we do the other tests?" I asked him, ready for more. "In a minute, I need to mark all of this down." He replied, almost looking eager to test my limits. I sighed to myself, not really wanting to wait.

Oh well, what can you do?