
Reincarnation + Rude Awakening

Life was frustrating.

Why, you may ask? Well, dear friend, that is because of how little emotion is allowed to be expressed on a day-to-day basis in this society. Happiness, sure that's perfectly fine. But god forbid sadness, or even anger, and anger is the main problem.

I don't wish to hurt people by releasing stress and anger onto them, and for games to be very effective, I'd need to be an addict.

One frustrating day, I was driving home in my shabby old hand-me-down car i'd received from my parents before I left high school. I'd had a long night working, trying to support my college education by doing manual labor, such as working with a suspicious construction company that did't ask too many questions. I was pretty large for my age, standing at a maximum height of 6'10, and extremely broad, which was perfect for construction.

Anyway, as I was saying. I was driving home through the pissing rain and dense forestry to get to my house, when I suddenly felt my car shake. I tried to slam the brakes, only for my car to skid sideways in the pouring rain, crashing into a tree. From the corner of my slowly dimming vision, I could see a the wheel from my front passenger side rolling across the highway. "I always knew that damned wheel would be the death of me!" I mumbled through my lips, which were slowly getting heavier, as my eyes dimmed, and I blacked out, full of spite.

After what felt like an uncomfortably long sleep, my eyes opened once more. Where am I? I can distinctly remember dying. The feeling of blood slowly draining away from my body was strange, to say the least. I looked around and found that either I had gotten smaller, or my surroundings had gotten larger. Looking around, I found I was in what appeared to be child's bedroom. "Oh no." I thought to myself. I brought my hand up to look at, which was much more difficult to do than it should have been, and instantly realized something. I was a baby again. It appears, that I've been isekai'd, or I guess, reincarnated.

At least I didn't heave to go through my own birth like some reincarnated people do. I shudder to think what that must be like.

Before I could contemplate my situation any more, a woman walked through the room, who I recognized instantly. Mary fucking Parker. Confirming my suspicions, she walked in followed by the whole crew. The crew being Ben, Richard, and aunt May. Considering they didn't start talking about me, I figured I must be at least few weeks old, and my size, as well as the amount of stuff in the room, i figured I was at least 3 months old. I couldn't understand them, tough, as they were talking in very hushed tones, as if afraid of getting spied on.

I figured I wouldn't have much to do for quite some time, so as a child does, I drifted back off into sleep.

It's been about seven months since my rebirth, and man, was it boring to be a highly intelligent baby. I have made some discoveries, though. Such as the existence of Tony Stark, and Professor Xavier, through watching the news with my parents. I also figured out that the original peter's intelligence mashed with my own, making a super-intelligent, super-bored baby. I'll probably be bored for a few years until I can move and act on my own effectively.

It's been a few years since I reincarnated. My parents learned early on I was super-genius, and started teaching me from an extraordinarily early age. I'm now five years old and am constantly waiting for my parents to announce their plane trip, so I can sabotage their tickets to keep them alive for as long as possible

About a year later, a few days after my sixth birthday, my parents announced their plane trip in two days. Not much time, but I can work with it. My mind spinning at insane speeds, I tried to figure out my options.

First, I could take their passports, which wouldn't allow them onto the plane. While this was a viable option, it is possible for geniuses like my parents to have spare passports, or even spare tickets, just in case.

My second option was exceedingly complex, but if pulled of, an almost assured win. I could use my enhanced intelligence to hack the company that owned the airport, and make them ground all of their flights for the day, but even then, they might book another flight the next day. This might not be the best idea, as according to my knowledge, their flight was sabotaged, causing it to crash.

My third option has similarities to the first option. I could simply send a false message to the workers, causing them to keep the plane grounded for further inspection, which would help solve the sabotage.

Looking over my options, I sighed, exhausted already. None of these were simple, as the first one required heavy stealth, and the second and third options required knowledge of hacking. They would be much harder for any other six year old, as this particular one was, well, I'm not gonna say it again. I'm not narcissistic.

Comparing the options, I decided to go with the third, as it was probably the most likely to succeed that I could think of right now. My parents already give me free access to their computer, and I can just take a few short coding and hacking courses, and use my intuition to solve the rest.

Walking over to the computer, which was in a side room in the apartment, that also contained a few StarkGaming systems, I turned it on, instantly getting to the home menu, as it was made by Stark industries. I opened up Google (assuming google exists in this universe) and found a few introductions to coding and hacking within a few minutes. Over the next hour-and-a-half, I learned the introductions and basics to both coding and gaming, using my superior intellect to absorb and process knowledge at an extreme rate.

After I finished with the basics, I decided to make a virus to give me a backdoor to the airport control and management, and I'll use the internet routers in the airport to establish a connection to the phones and more importantly, messages, of the higher ups in the airport chain of command. I even went as far as to have the message sent from the chief operating officer, or COO.

In this world of technological advancement, most people use messages, calls, or apps to relay information. The COO had an app that was used to give quick orders to workers under his jurisdiction, as well as receive orders from the chairman and CEO. Using this app to relay information, I could set the order to be on a timer for exactly thirty minutes before liftoff, allowing plenty of time for the plane to be checked, and for the people to check for sabotage. I can also make his phone relay an order to do a pat down and extensive item check, just to make sure there aren't people on the inside. With an achievable plan conceived, I got to work, using my combined intelligence to work out and test my virus on much smaller companies, only messaging them of their firewall errors instead of capitalizing on their mistakes, which also got them to send a little bit of money to an off-shore account I set up, allowing me to have a little bit of money for anything I might need in the future, though it only amounted to about three thousand dollars.

After finishing up the creation and testing of my virus, I uploaded it one of the USB drives we have around the house, to take with me to the airport when we see them off. My virus works fast, demolishing the firewalls of round five small companies in a few minutes. With that out of the way, I decided that the best thing to do now would be to play the waiting game. Tired from my coding, I decided to just head to sleep, since I'd need to be awake tomorrow in case anything goes wrong. With that in mind, I walked towards my bedroom, eyeing the living room clock on the way. It was around eight o'clock. "Night Mom, Night Dad." I gave them a hug and walked off to my bedroom. Opening the door, I had barely made contact with my bed before I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up feeling extremely nervous, before I steeled myself and started to prepare for the airport to see my parents off, as I had been instructed to do the day before. All I needed to bring was My phone, an adapter, and the USB containing the virus. I also need to get dressed in better clothes for the event. I just put on a t-shirt and some blue jeans. Walking out of my room, I made sure the equipment was safely stored in my pockets, and made my way towards the living room, where my parents, aunt, and uncle were waiting.

"Good Morning" I said, before yawning.

"Morning Sweetie, are you ready to go?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I guess"

"Okay then, let's go." My mom said, getting up from her seat, gesturing for the rest to do the same. We all left the apartment, and piled into my dad's SUV. It was a pitch-black SUV, like the kind the FBI uses in the movies.

After about thirty minutes of driving, we arrived at the airport. As we all left the car, I silently cursed New York traffic. As we made our way into airport, I innocently asked "Mom, Can I go to the bathroom?".

"Yeah, But I thought I told you to go before we left?"

I smiled innocently, before making my way towards the bathroom. After leaving my parents' line of sight, I pulled out my phone, and hooked up the adapter and USB drive. After taking a few seconds to download the virus onto my phone, I uploaded it into the free internet that the airport uses. The virus traveled from phone to phone, checking to see if they had a connection to the private internet router. Most companies or businesses use a public router, and a faster, private router. The virus was also built to use the computing power of any device it travels through to help increase its speed.

After about fifteen seconds of searching, the virus found a suitable phone and, using the connection, began to search through the private internet to find the COO. It took about a minute to find his phone, and immediately began searching for the connection to the workers.

In this er of technology, most companies or businesses use an app or multiple apps to relay orders, instead of the old-fashioned grapevine (word of mouth). The app that this particular company uses was Management-Plus, a crappy name if you ask me, but I guess all of the good names were taken. After searching for the right workers to contact, the virus set to work, sending messages and orders to the right workers in order to get plane 36, my parents flight, triple-checked.

Since the virus finished its work, I headed back to my parents, to see them off. I arrived just before they were set to go prepare for their flight. Giving them a hug I said "Bye, Mom, Bye Dad"

"Bye Sweetie" My mom replied. "See ya in about a week, son" My dad said as him and mom turned to leave. Waving goodbye, I sighed inwardly. I really hope this works.

A week later, my parents just arrived from their return flight home, and were set to be here any minute. I was ecstatic, mainly because I managed to save my parents and their entire flight from almost certain death, but also because I managed to test the limits of my new intelligence, and I was definitely not disappointed. Hearing their keys rattle in the door, I ran up to them just as the door opened, and greeted them with a hug. "Hi Mom, Hi Dad"

I don't know if it's these Parker genes or what, but it man, did it feel good to save people.

Next Chapter will start off with the spider bite. This was super fun to write and I hope to write more, But with winter break ending soon, I'll have to try to keep up a schedule, and I'm not sure I'll be able to. Worst case scenario, I'll just have to write on weekends

Solomon_Slothcreators' thoughts