
: Learning from mistakes

Last time on The Saiyan Immortal, our runt's pod was pulled into a tear in space and crashed landed on a massive earth like planet. Unfortunately for him, the pod's descent was mistaken for a meteor a potential source of heavenly material. Many groups began the hunt for the "meteor". Our runt escaped the immediate area and tried hunting only to end up being chased by oversized,overpowered and it would seem overly delicious boars.

As he slept he heard movement down in the bush. A 2 meter tall wolf clearly scarred across its face had been trying to sneak up on him. It jumped at him. Seeing it almost snap its jaws on him he dodged but getting a large cut on his arm from the claw he couldn't dodge.


He quickly started running. He checked the scouter seeing an 850 power level on this wolf.

"Why the hell didn't the scouter tell me it was there or alarm me to it!" Cade though as he was running in the trees and trying to bandage the cut.

AROOO! The wolf was still chasing him but he had a slight advantage of terrain as a wold wasn't truly made for treetops.

"Give up already you damn wolf" thought our runt

Then after an hour of continuous fleeing, he found on his scouter a few low level beast and decided to head towards them in the hopes the wolf might change target. It didn't seem interested until our MC missed a branch and it got too close for comfort. Left with no other choice our Runt unleashed a punch reinforced with Ki straight at its throat in close quarters. He then landed on the ground and spun himself with the momentum to deliver kick to its stomach reinforced with most of his remaining Ki Which left him mostly drained thought he tried to act as if full of energy, tried to convey his unwillingness to lie down and die and tried to make him self seem more imposing. This succeeded in making him seem a target that could fight back in the wolf's eyes. It decided to switch targets, after a few moments, in which it looked at him and the other prey over and over again.

"I truly have to find a better way to hide at night so I am not in perpetual danger" thought our exhausted Saiyan

After finally getting away he remembered why his scouter didn't alarm him. His mother had told him in a simulation of the many times a scouter was unreliable for his father, such as beings that could hide their power levels or could transform and gain more power. She told him of having seen a surveillance device in the scouter while modifying it. She told him that depending on it would become a crutch and prevent him from gaining true survival instincts. She told him there were beings that could sense power levels without the scouters by using their Ki and intuition.

"I guess the only way to grow is to depend on myself" Cade though He decided to try and rely more on himself as it was the only way to truly grow.

After finding a tree trunk to sleep in and waking up the next morning, he felt stronger and was wondering why.

"I guess trying to survive yesterday tapped into my Saiyan blood." Cade thought back to his lessons and remembered that Saiyans always seemed to get stronger after surviving a potentially deadly situation. He checked his battle power(BP) in his scouter he now had 200 BP.

"I guess I should train in this forest for a while who knows what kind of crazy strong people are out there!" Cade made the decision to train his senses and his battle skills in this forest filled with death for the next month.

He spent the month trying to rely less on the scouter only using it to determine if a fight was winnable if he sensed his opponents where a bit too strong.

A week after the wolf debacle, he had hunted 2 200BP beasts, a bird and a young deer, for meals through surprise for the bird and straight combat for the deer. He found his BP seemed to grow from consuming some of the animals. Their was a sphere developing inside those beast and it tasted good so he had tried it. The result his BP had grown to 225. Today, he was hungry and so decided to find his next meal. Finding fresh dropping on the ground he started tracking a beast. After an hour of tracking he found a large meter and a half wildcat which was dozing off in the trees and so snuck up on it and tried to attack it only for the wildcat to wake up

ROWW! It jumped at him preparing to bite him.

He tried to dodge its jump only to be held down by the wild cat. He kept punching its face trying to get free.

"Shit this isn't working!" He tried for its eyes which made the wild cat jump away. He decided to see if it may be more then he can handle by check its BP only to find it was 300.

"I can still win this. Just have to think it through a bit better. What did Ki class say again using Ki doesn't always have to be an internal thing where you increase your strength you can always try to turn it into an attack but it usually takes practice to do so." he thought to himself

Cade decided to try to create a Ki blast only to find his attempt failing and the wildcat closing in. He hastily tried it multiple times, only to fail, wasting energy every time. He only had enough for 1 more blast.

"Damn I need this to work!" he yelled

Trying again from the basics he tried to feel his Ki trying to bring it gently from his body to his right hand. He felt it gathering he then compressed it into a small sphere. He then tried to throw it only to find the wildcat right in front of him. He had no choice but to thrust the Ki blast directly into the wildcats face as it tried to bite down on his neck.

KHAAA BOOM Causing a loud explosion and hurtling himself in the opposite direction. He crashed into a tree feeling pain from his shoulder from the impact.

Deciding to go see what happened to the wildcat. Finding only it rear left intact he started to cook it away from this area as he surely attracted attention.

"I cant believe I won. That was way too close!" said our runt of a Saiyan to himself with a bit of fear in his voice but with a sense of accomplishment at surviving.

"I really need to practice using Ki. I can't rely on luck during fights anymore this was way too close" thought our Saiyan reflecting on the battle and analyzing how he might of done better.

After this fight, his BP reached 275. unfortunately for him the core was gone with the front half of the wildcat. From then on every morning he would practice Ki control. Eventually succeeding in increasing his defense, attack power and being able to reliably form Ki blasts. The number of blast he could currently generate in a fight were only 3 as he was wasting some of his energy while forming them. It took him an hour to regenerate the loss of energy which would of left him vulnerable to the dangers of this forest as such he tried to keep from using the last one. He also found out he recuperate energy if he consumed the meat of the beasts. It seemed it was bathed in energy.

A few days later, while drinking water at dusk, he was chanced upon by a 3 meter tall black komodo dragon. It attacked him without a second thought as it recognized his scent. While fighting him and trying to flee, our runt realized it was much too strong and fast to escape and decided to check it power level which turn out to be 1500 BP.

He fought a losing battle for the better part of an hour with the dragon successfully biting his arm causing massive pain.

"I may not of found the comet before the other but he strangely smells like the comet. I guess bringing him to the boss alive might be a good idea" thought the komodo dragon.

All seemed lost until our runt saw something in the sky.