
: Chance encounter

Last time on the Saiyan immortal. Our protagonist had a deadly battle whilst in great ape form, had to recover and began learning the beginnings of how to sense Ki.

So we join our runt as he has decided to find civilization. Question is where should he go. All he can see is a mountain range to the west a forest which he believes to be the one he escaped to the east a giant lake to his south and a long plain to his north.

"If I remember correctly my survival lessons said most civilizations tended to build near a water source. " Cade decided to head south towards the Great lake Ontario while following the river he had fished in previously.

During many days of walking, he kept practising his new Ki sense to fish and hunt. He hadn't met any being of great power since leaving the forest further reinforcing his naive idea that it was special. He suddenly felt a large Ki heading in his general direction. Our runt quickly hid in a crevice and lowered his power level as much as possible.

A few minutes later, a man with a dark expression and a skull and bone tattoo on his face appeared.

"Hmm I was sure I sensed an odd energy in this direction. I have to find something to appease the sect master. After my failure to retrieve the meteor against that damn lizard's minions. I could of swore this energy was similar to the meteor. DAMMIT why didn't I give the proper information to my junior brothers? Why did I have to be so greedy. Now our master will send us all to be disciplined and that's if they don't figure out I gave them false information. They could blackmail or me worse!" The man muttered aloud as he shuddered thinking of what may befall him. That man could be seen to be the very same grunt from much earlier.

Our protagonist tried to gauge his power level as the grunt flew by only to find it was roughly 10 times his own(350BP). He had picked up the habit of using his own power to quantify beast Ki in the last month. Soon the grunt had disappeared over the range of his Ki sense which had become 3 kilometres.

"Hmm he said my energy was odd. I wonder it's because I'm not from here or that the energy itself is unusual for these people. OH DAMN did he say they found a meteor that felt like my energy! MY POD!!" Cade started panicking. This pod represented his only possibility of leaving this world. Now he had lost an avenue of retreat. Long term survival on this planet his only choice if they destroyed it or damaged it.

Cade waited in the crevice for a few hours before continuing his journey while keeping his Ki sense up at all time. He had leaned his lesson after almost dying from simple inattention in the forest of death at the claws of a wolf and komodo dragon. Using Ki sense wasn't a particularly costly skill for his Ki reserves as it cost less then he recovered at any given moment. He still had improvements to make in his manipulation of Ki but currently had no idea how to progress. The lessons on Ki in the pod were the basics that were pre-programmed for lower class warrior infiltration infants. These lessons were kept vague and limited in case they fell into alien hands. No lower class warrior was worth helping to strengthen possible enemies.

Cade pondered what he knew about Ki as he kept walking onward. What he currently understood of Ki was that it was the energy produced in every cell of his body. A kind of life force or vital energy that flowed throughout his body's every inch. It seemed to grow in quantity and quality as his strength increased. It could be used in physical combat by reinforcing the tissues, muscles and bones involved. It could be used in external attacks by forming Ki blasts or other more complicated attacks. It also could be used as sensing tool. He knew he still had so much to learn about it. He renewed his commitment to practising his Ki training exercises daily.

A week after leaving the cave, he sensed four 2 meter tall, black wolves near 275 BP chasing what appeared to be kids his age. He decided to wait in a tree to see how they fought. He had naively assumed that all kids knew of combat. Assumed his instinct to seek battle was common. He quickly realized his error upon seeing a young boy holding a stick desperately trying to protect a slightly younger girl. He thought back to his father's saying of living with honour and decided to try and help. Plus this seemed like a chance to practise combat against a group. The call to combat made Cade grin. So he jumped down the tree to right in front of the other boy. Which seem unnerved by the sudden appearance of a random boy.

"wh wh who are you? What are you doing here? Did "they" send you? I wont let you harm my sister!" muttered the boy as he lunged at Cade.

"Whoa there "he said as he caught the boy's stick strike.

"I am here to help. You seemed like you could really use some right now" said Cade as he kept his eyes on the wolves the whole time. They had refrained from approaching so far as his appearance had startled them but now were eyeing him as their new meal.

"wh wh why would you bother helping us? Now we will all die here to these stupid wolves." said the boy.

"Who said I had a reason. I saw you guys down here about to die. I could do something about it. So why not. Plus this will help in my training. Do your best to protect yourselves! I'm going in." said Cade as he leapt to the nearest wolf catching it off guard as he had increased the launch force with Ki.

Throwing a round-house kick at its head he knocked it to the ground 5 meters away. With the wolf visibly disoriented Cade thought to go for the kill but another wolf ran towards him on the right while on the left another was watching waiting for an opening. As the wolf on the right got into range to bite him, he dodged by sliding to it's side while positioning himself for a killing jab to its chest containing Ki.

While he was going to launch the blow, the wolf that had been waiting for an opening pounced towards his back. He connected his jab successfully killing the wolf but found himself pined to the ground and so released a focused Ki blast at its head killing it.

The wolf that had been watching the situation unfurl, was more cunning then the others and had noticed there was something off about this kid and had been trying to sneak up on the others. It wanted to avoid the potential calamity and snatch a snack at the same time. Unfortunately for it Cade knew where it was via his Ki sense and so he shot himself towards it at frightening speed. Cade then delivered a rising kick to its body causing it to rise up in the air. He then jumped and delivered a powered nukite(spear hand) at its chest causing a gaping bleeding wound to show up. It then lied down slowly bleeding to death.

The wolf that had been disoriented had fled during his battle with the third wolf. ARRROOOOOOO! It howled in anger as it got away.

"Damn still needed to rely on a Ki blast in the end. I still can't keep up with multiple opponents in combat even though I can sense locations with Ki. It lags behind as I end up focusing on what I can see instead. So much for using this for training. I saved those two kids though. I wonder why they are out here if they can't fight. I guess I should introduce myself. Wait how the hell are they speaking my language?" Cade thought with a bit of delayed shock. He noticed the boy was staring at him with the stick still in hand intent on protecting his sister from him for some reason.

"Hi I'm Cade you can put that down. I am not here to hurt you. Do you mind answering some questions?" asked Cade brimming with curiosity at potentially getting some answers about this world.

The boy visibly still anxious and not fully trusting him stopped pointing the stick at him. The boy felt no ill will coming from Cade just curiosity.

"My name is Aden and my sister is Elena. Thanks for saving us from those wolfs back there. How did you fight those wolves? Kids our age shouldn't be able to use Chi." asked Aden.

"No problem don't mention it. I have been in a forest fighting and hunting beasts on and off for I believe 2-3 months. I kinda lost track of time." said Cade.

"He thought I used Chi not Ki. What is Chi? Is it just a different name for Ki? He said kids couldn't use it at our age. I shouldn't tell them about Ki or how I created the blast. It could cause problems or attract too much attention. I'll feign memory loss until I understand the world more. The memory loss will allow me to ask questions about things that most people should already know. I don't really want to start deceiving the first people I meet but it's seems like my best option for now." thought Cade.

"You have been in a forest at our age alone? To hunt willingly?" Aden's eyes showed he was bewildered by this.

"Well yeah I kinda woke up in the forest with no real memories of my past or my parents. But for some reason I had fighting instincts and I knew how to hunt. So I spent my days fighting and eating gradually stronger beasts until I was chased out one night by some giant lizard. I lost count of the times I was injured. I seem to heal pretty fast. Once I was out of the forest I followed a small river and that's when I happened upon your situation and decided to help. If you could answer some of my questions it might help me understand my situation better. I have been asking myself sooo many questions without answers lately " said Cade while trying to keep as close to the truth as he could.

"Wow that's awesome! Can you teach my brother to fight like you? Please! Please! Pretty please...." Elena's eyes were shining with hero worship.

"Elena you're embarrassing us! Cade sounds like you have had a tough time if I can I'll answer some questions as soon as we get out of the forest." said Aden.