
Chapter 4 Years pass

Let me tell you guys something do you remember when I told you Naruto would have it worse then the tv-shows or manga...well... that was a huge understatement...why? Because I have personally stopped over 500!. yes you heard it right 500!!! assassination attempts aimed for kushina and Naruto what the hell.

During Kushina's Pregnancy she has became rather rusty, it was surprising how quickly she got over minatos betrayal. But what is their to be surprised I mean she's an uzumaki!

Jiraiya is a dick, and an asshole got the nerve to show up demanding kushina and Naruto like they were objects, He probably was the one who messed with the yondaime's mind I started to gain suspicions of sarutobi as well as he was doing some shady shit. oh come on is their anybody in this fucked up world we can trust. *Sigh on the bright side I unlocked chakra manipulation.

thats right! apparently due to being in close contact with the kyuubi Some of its demonic energy managed to get to me creating another set chakra coils I now have two energy coils, yeah I'm just that awesome.

and also... I regret my decision to place 2 million dollars for donation, I mean seriously The money was for ninja stuff not for hotsprings as well as new shops. all that I saw starting to pop up.

and when they asked me for more I was Like nope. Haha you should of seen the looks on there faces it was hilarious. when they asked why I told them straight up "The money was for ninja stuff not Civilians

Just because I was focus more onkushina and naruto does not mean I haven't stopped training.

with My training I could now reach kiao ken all the way to 20

I am now as strong as goku when he arrived at earth to face trunks according to kira.

Its so much fun training with the system I realized that I started to eat like saiyans do which made me nervous.

Luckliy Kushina didn't mind as she said it was the least she could do after doing so much for us.

Oh and I'm 17 years old right now.

Me and Kushina got out of the council after dealing with the financial problems which were a pain in the ass.

Right now Kushina was walking more closer to me than usual . I was really nervous, I mean I had a crush on her ever since I was a kid you know I always thought of her as my future waifu until I was shown anime actually exist Then I started treating them like people,

Me and kushina were walking through a park watching children playing with happy smiles it truely was a sight to see

"I wish I could do that with Naruto" She spoke suddenly

I smiled nervously "y-yeah you are a great mother,y- you've already done that.


She smiled I tried with all my might not to blush "thank you... But thats not what I meant with a husband "

"o-oh" I stuttered "w-well I'm S-sorry for b-bringing it up I hope you will find a better husband "I gave a weak smile and hurriedly left kira was laughing hard in my head it was giving me a headache

"Shut up kira" I yelled redfaced only for her to laugh harder


I was sleaping alone peacefully in my bed when I felt something heavy curiousity peeped my interest as I opened my eyes only to see kushina in nothing but her blue bra and panties

My face turned beet red and my heart rate was pounding at a normal rate

"k-kushina w-wha-"

" I can't take it any more my feelings At first I thought it was hero worship but then As I waited to test my feelings I saw you save Our life multiple times without anything in return "She then started to cry when I saw you with me at the park cheering me up It was when my feelings were confirmed

love you Jake and I want to be with you

I stared on in shock face turned a darker shade until my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I fainted