
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

IF Story: Happy Birthday Miu! Part 1 (updated)


Sorry, version 1 was mostly a draft. It's more polished now, and the flow should be a lot better. I kinda wanted to get it out on the right date. Anyway, enjoy the IF Story!




 In an empty hallway, a soft and delicate familiar voice rang in Alum's ears. Turning around, he found a girl with hair as white as snow and red eyes like beautiful rubies.

 "Miu? What's wrong?"

 "Nothing. I just wanted to walk together," Miu replied brightly with a soft smile; her eyes stood firm, meeting his. "Is that a no?" she reluctantly tilted her head.

 "I don't mind, I suppose," Alum dismissed in a somewhat indifferently.

 Hearing his reply, she sighed, her hand resting on her chest. She then ran up to him so that they could walk side by side.

 "…How's Noel?"

 "Ah…he caught a cold... Do you want to check on him together?"

 "He'll get better in due time," Alum bluntly replied.

 "Ouch," Miu giggled. "That's a little harsh, don't you think?" she said playfully.


 After that, nothing was said between them. As they walked, each step echoed loudly, and Miu started to find it somewhat awkward—she hadn't fully gotten accustomed to someone like him yet, but she didn't find it too bad—they hung out occasionally. But always as a group, with Noel connecting them.

 Cautiously, now and then, Miu would glance at him; her heart played pranks; twice or trice, it would throb or skip a beat completely. She tried her best not to let it show as she didn't want to be seen as easy, but it wasn't like she wanted to play games, either.

 (Uaaawh! Nanase Miu! Why are you such a coward!) 

 Suddenly, she heard a whisper. (Aww, c'mon, Mi-chan, press those massively humongous knockers against him! He's a guy, so he'll at least react!) It was a small little devil who stood on her shoulder. She reached out to lift Miu's chin playfully while grinning devilishly.

 (I-Indecent!) the angel appeared and cried in a fluster; her face was completely red due to the devil's suggestion. (Mi-chan! Please don't listen to her! It would be best if you took it slow—especially with a boy like Alum, who has difficulty opening up!) 

 The devil smirked, licking her lips, and bit the lower one suggestively. (Not a bad one, Angel-chan! Slowly gain his trust and attack when he's vulnerable!) 

 Flustered, the angel's face lit bright red in anger. (Don't twist my words like that!) She retorted while stomping her feet repeatedly and huffed.


 As Miu listened to the two fight, she felt a strong tug. In a swift motion, Alum pulled her close to him, and before she realised what was going on, they'd already left the empty school halls and were walking on the streets. More peculiarly, she found herself close to her crush and had bumped her head on his chest due to the tug.


 Miu found herself briefly resting on Alum's chest; when she came to, she looked up, and their eyes met. In the moment, it was as if time froze. She continued to be distracted by her increased heart rate—until his calm voice rang in her ears, snapping her out of whatever fantasy she was having.

 "You should watch where you're going." He sighed, still holding her close. "You almost walked into a pole. What's distracting you?"

 "Oh…" she gasped. (I was thinking about you!) she cried in her mind. (As if… I couldn't possibly say that.) 

 Alum's gaze was still on her. However, she grew increasingly embarrassed and turned her head to avoid his eyes completely. It was then she realised that Alum was holding onto her hand, giving her a sudden heartache. Her face flushed, and she could feel her temperature rise.

 But as all of that was going on. Alum seemed somewhat amused as a soft and gentle chuckle escaped his lips—which Miu instantly reacted to by looking up.

 "Why are you giggling!?" Miu protested with inflated cheeks.

 (Uuuwaa! He's so close!) 

 "No, nothing really," Alum shook his head lightly.

 "How is it nothing when you, of all people, chuckle out of nowhere?"

 "Well…I found it amusing. You're quite easy to read. You're flushed red, absentminded, and would occasionally glance my way, turning the other way almost instantly, not thinking I'd notice," Alum bluntly stated.

 "…My skin is naturally pale, so I get flushed easily… A-Also, I wasn't thinking about you or anything! I was thinking about the weather, and it's so nice!"

 (I never mentioned that, though?) Alum was slightly bemused.

 As Miu tried to address his 'accusations' one by one, the world seemed to spin, and she became more lightheaded.

 "What about the glances? It was more than ten times at the very least," he teasingly noted.

 "U-Umm! I felt a little awkward, so I'd glance over to see if I was the only one, y'know?!" she exclaimed nervously.

 Alum tilted his head slightly. "That makes sense," he replied and let go of her hand.

 As he slowly let go of her hand, each and every moment felt longer than it should. (…He's totally aware and is doing this on purpose, ahhhhhh!) Miu screamed internally.


 (Alright! He's aware! And quite a tease… Now, go full offence!) the devil declared.

 (Devil-chan, Mi-chan has no defence toward people she likes…what if he fires back?) the angel argued.

 (Nah, it should be fine! At least she'll make some progress.) 

 Still a bit absentminded, Miu listened to the back and forth between the two, but she soon realised that Alum's gaze was still on her. Looking directly into his golden eyes, she unconsciously reached out to grab his shirt.

 "Am I really that obvious?" she reluctantly voiced.

 Taken slightly aback, Alum didn't know what prompted Miu to reach out to hold his shirt shyly, but he felt something unfamiliar surface in his chest—which stung a little ever so slightly.

 "Yes, quite—even the densest amongst all would realise."

 His words, however, seemed to have struck a chord in Miu as she recoiled as if her heart had been stabbed by a knife; her eyes grew teary as her cheeks were fully inflated.

 (I see… (T-T) Even the densest of them all would find me obvious…)

 'You're such a meanie…' she uttered barely above a whisper.

 "Mm? That's a first. People would usually call me rude or something more derogatory," Alum shrugged, but a somewhat genuine smile still lingered.

 But that didn't make Miu less teary or grumpy. For some unknown reason, he felt an urge to wipe her tears. He reached out and did just that, gently removing tears from the corner of her eyes.

 "W-What are you doing!?" Miu became bright red and stammered while distancing herself.

 "Strange… I assumed she wouldn't mind," Alum commented to himself.

 Surprised by what seemed to be his thoughts, Miu's confidence surfaced as she shook her head. "I don't mind at all! C'mon! Keep at it!" she smugly declared.

 (There must be a deeper reason, right!?)

 Admits her bold declaration, Alum quietly observed her a little longer. For Miu, it felt like an eternity. Cars passed by, as did other people—who giggled and walked by.

 (It's not directed at me…right?) 

 "Why'd you back away then?"

 His words brought her back, but she was unable to look him in the eyes. "Y-You know…it was slightly abrupt, and I wasn't prepared at all!"

 Alum couldn't help but chuckle while listening to her explanation. "You know? Those tears are gone, but your face is a little damped, though."

 "Ah!" Miu exclaimed. "I…don't have any tissues on me…"

 "Why not use your sleeve?"

 "Alum, you don't understand a girl's delicate heart, do you?"

 "It's not like your makeup is so heavy you'd stain your clothes, though?"

 Alum's reasoning made Miu hug herself as she took another step back. "How did you know I barely have make-up on?"

 "Oh? Noel told me," he promptly answered. "He said something like, "Alum! Miu is a nice girl, y'know! She barely has make-up on, but she honestly doesn't need it; not only that, she has a huge pair of twins! As a childhood friend, I can guarantee she'll make a good partner!" is what he said out of the blue one day."

 (Noel!?! I did tell you I was a 'little' interested. Is that what you've been telling him about me!? "Has a huge pair of twins!?"—it's not a tourist attraction! Like…are you a salesperson!? Noe-chi, you pervert!) 

 "…I'll have a talk with him later."

 Miu's eyes were hollow and cold as if she was ready to take someone down—that someone was Noel, of course.

 "I don't think he's wrong, though," Alum grinned.

 "Perv…" Miu mumbled with her head down while giving him a glance.

 Miu pouted at his remark and was honestly not sure how to react. This was the first time she'd witnessed Alum being somewhat playful. She'd know him to be more caring than he seemed—even if it came across as cold.

 "Are you perhaps hung up on the "huge pair of twins" part?" Alum teased.

 (Huh? He meant something else by that?!)

 "I… I am not…" she mumbled.

 "Well, he's not wrong about that either," Alum said.

 At his words, Miu strengthened her embrace, trying to cover herself more. But it was then the devil remarked, (Are you sure? You have a fine asset, and you'd wanna hide them? Aww, just use them to seduce him!) 

 (No, no, no, Mi-chan, don't listen to her! Don't sell yourself short! He'll think you're easy and is a p-play girl!) 

 (Angel-chan…you're perception is quite twisted…) the devil sighed. 

 (…I do agree.) Miu voiced.

 (N-No way…really?) 

 (Really!) the devil replied with a smug grin.

 It resulted in the angel covering her face as steam seemed to reek from her head before she poofed into the air. 

 Unconsciously, Miu began to twirl her hair and fidget. "H-Hmm~ so…do you wanna cop a feel?" she suggested as she felt daring.

 "You don't mind?" Alum inquired curiously.

 "HUH!? A-Awawa!" 


 Alum couldn't help but laugh. "Miu, you're quite entertaining," he remarked.

 "W-Wow! That's so rude! At least word it differently, like "funny" or something!" Miu retorted back as she lightly slapped his shoulder. "A-Anyway, I was just kidding, let's go! We can't stand here forever!"

 (Ahh! Nanase Miu, you idiot! He'll think you're a weirdo offering her "twins" up for a cop!) 

 (Njihihihi! Mi-chan! You're absolutely on the right track!) the devil exclaimed excitedly.

 (Shus! Devil-chan! I should've listened to Angel-chan—that way, I wouldn't be seen as a weirdo, at the very least!) Miu retorted.

 However, the devil teasingly giggled. (My my! It wasn't like I told you to ask him! I just told you to get a little touchy—not ask him to fondle them, y'know, directly?) 

 (…Ahh!? I'm the one that did all that on my own!) 

 (Njihihi, you silly girl!) 

 Miu decided to ignore the devil on her shoulder and began walking hastily, only to be grabbed by the hand again.

 "Miu, you're heading the wrong way."

 "I…I am not. I-I wanted to eat some ice cream, that's all," she excused. "Also, why do you keep grabbing my hand?"

 "Is it weird?"

 "Yeah, it is! Usually, you'd tog on the sleeve or grab the wrist, but the hand? That's just weird…"

 "I'm aware."

 (…You're aware!?! Then why ask? Also, why do you keep doing it?! Awawa!? My heart can't take it anymore. Is he just playing with me? What does he want!? I don't geeeeet iiiiiit!) 

 "I just thought you wouldn't mind."

 "…I mean. I don't," Miu grumbled grumpily. "Seriously, are you just toying with me?"

 Alum's inexpressive face surfaced a somewhat gentle smile. But before he could answer her, a small plea could be heard from above—it was a kitten that had gotten stuck in a tree.

 "Poor thing," Miu voiced.

 But before she could do anything, the kitten jumped off the tree. Panicked, she tried to catch it, but it perfectly landed in Alum's arms.

 "It's a Good thing we didn't have to climb for you," he told the kitten, who meowed and looked at him affectionately.

 It left Miu speechless as she stared while maintaining a somewhat awkward pose. (Did it jump into his arms just like that? He wasn't even gesturing it to…) 

 He glanced at Miu and said, "Small and cute animals seem to like me. I don't know why," in a playful manner.

 "…I'm not a cute little animal."

 "But you're cute."

 "…That's right! I am cute!"

 "Yeah, you're popular and intelligent. Both men and women adore you. You're physically attractive. You're mature—usually."


 "I think there are many who crush on you, not excluding women—I'm honestly impressed."

 "Then…do you have a crush on me?" she voiced reluctantly and shyly. She knew she came across as overconfident, but she wanted to hide her shyness somehow.

 Alum chuckled as he patted the kitten in his arm; it rubbed its face against his finger as it bit and nibbled lightly.

 "Not sure, to be blunt."

 "Why not? You complimented me a lot and stuff," Miu huffed. "Also, you're always blunt…" she added.

 "Is that so?" Alum inquired as if he was unaware.


 "Hmm, in any case. I've just never experienced romance. I didn't even know what a crush was until I met Noel."

 "Huh? You have a crush on Noel…?" Miu teased.

 "Maybe?" Alum replied without a change of expression.


 "It was a joke."

 "I-Is that so…" Miu stammered as she recovered from the shock. "I-I mean…are you sure…?" she reluctantly asked.


 Miu took a deep breath and proudly puffed her chest. "Then I'll make you fall for me!" she declared with a beet-red face.

 "Are you sure? With how easily flustered you get, isn't it going to be difficult?" Alum inquired, and he added, "I've also rejected many girls thus far."

 Miu twitched a little, but her resolve didn't waver. "I-I see…it's because I like you, I don't easily get like this usually…" Miu muttered. "*A-Ahem* I mean, I've also been confessed to…" She cleared her throat and stood firm. She looked directly into his eyes, brimming with confidence. "So I'll you fall for me!" she boldly declared again.

 Alum chuckled and reached for her hand, grabbing the right one. "Well then? Do you mind?"


 Seeing Miu's newfound confidence crumble in an instant, he gently smiled. "The reason I reach for your hand is that I don't dislike holding them—is what I just found out."

 Miu's head reeked of steam; she struggled even to form a sentence as she watched her hand being gently held. But the finishing blow was…

 "I already like you."


 He let go of her hand as he brushed her hair to the side to see her face more clearly. His palm moved down, caressing her cheek—eventually resting there.

 "Not like that. At least yet," he said confidently.

 "You…you really are toying with me?!" Miu burst out in protest.

 Alum shrugged as he removed his hand. "Well, I suppose I can visit Noel once in a while. So, we'll walk in the same direction all the way. You don't mind, right?" he teased.

 (…Is this torture!?)



you might ask what the hell I'm smoking; same; I wanna ask the same.