
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC V | Chapter 7: Meant to Reunite

 Today was the first time I'd spent a day with Luna alone. I might say it was a little unexpected. I didn't know that Luna liked Magi-Steels, but I don't suppose I'm all that surprised.

*soft giggles*

 I did sound a little like Al just now, didn't I? I…I can't help it, I'm not sure why, but it's somehow fun. Well, everything doesn't have to make sense, and I quite like it!

—Still! I am quite mad at him!

*Cheeks slowly inflate with a huff!*

 "Ame…? What's wrong?" a soft, soothing voice suddenly entered my mind.

 Luna, who'd been quietly admiring Tide and Moon, tilted her head with a slight concern in her pretty silver eyes.

 Uuuauh… I got caught!

 Caught off guard, my eyes wandered the streets rapidly, and I happened to notice…

 "…Oh? Al and Miu?"

 Miu's eyes also met mine—they widened in surprise—almost sheepish but soon became gentle. She waved reluctantly as she sidestepped closer to Al as if to hide. And when she did, her pure white hair, which was basked in the golden light of the evening, fluttered softly.

 Al, who'd been paying close attention to her, glanced our way and said something to the beautiful girl next to him—it was…gentle, and his expression was soft…

 I want to cry for some reason…

 In that instance, Miu distanced herself as she raised her arms high in the sky, waving cheerfully at us. Luna, who'd just inquired something but got no answer, sighed softly as she gently shook her head.

 "Ame, we respect you and Al, so… I promise nothing like that happened between them," she calmly.

 "We…?" I reiterated.

 Luna…did she just admit that to me…just like that…?

 "Luna-chi, A-Ame!"

 Miu's excited and bright voice cut my thoughts. But even if Luna said that… Al was with such a cute girl for a day…a whole day.

 'A-Ame's… eyes lost their spark…' Luna mumbled under her breath. 'W-Was it too soon to tell her,' she mumbled.


 Aaaaah I know I let it happen and Al was just on a small friendly outing with her so because she was the only friend he had left that was behind in the city for him to spend time with and Aunt Emy doesn't count because she was the one to raise him besides that Al has a strained relationship with the other trainees because of his usually distant demeanour hence—wait doesn't he have Hilos!? He could've gone on a friend date with another boy instead of the cheerful and pretty Miu… wait a minute! It doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl… I just want to monopolise him in general, don't I…?

—I-It's not a good reason to get jealous at all, is it…?

 I've been so worried all this time—even more so when I saw him with Miu. My heart was achy and twitchy, and the heaviness from my chest was like swoosh somewhere! And…and it was all because his smile was as gentle as always.

 I'm so glad to see him; all my worries seemingly disappear when I just focus on him—I'm simply too easy, aren't I?

*Softly smiles*

 Still, I've already accepted that I'm easy when it comes to Al. My heart flutters and throbs, his touch, his scent and his warmth—the way he tilts his head slightly with slightly widened eyes—the way he scratches his cheek when he's either troubled—or how he slightly shifts his gaze when he's shy only to turn them back—I…I love all of it, and there's so much I couldn't list them all! 

 D-Despite all that… I don't know why I'm hesitating to run up to him—would he be disappointed I'm this clingy? Even though he told me he didn't mind, was that true? Aren't I overbearing? I tried giving him space, but in the end, I always worried instead and ended up getting jealous over the tiniest things…despite the initial alleviation, there was this murky mud in my chest now. I closed my eyes—before I knew it, warmth enveloped my body.

 My head was leaning on something very familiar—there was a familiar warm, deep and comforting scent; Al's scent—even so… there was a lingering sweet fragrance; Miu's… it's faint—they were probably just close in proximity for an extended time, and there was no physical contact. I'm relieved but also feel this murky guilt. I say I trust him, but in the end, there was sticky, sluggish, dark doubt.

—I don't like this about myself at all…

 "Ame," a gentle voice I've longed for entered my head. Al tightened his embrace, too—naturally, I unconsciously leaned and melted into his warmth. "I'm sorry… there are a lot of things I want to say. Will you listen?" he said suddenly.

 Something you want to tell me…huh? I wonder if it's related to…the small amount of thin mana radiating from him…something that usually was rich and warm, slightly ticklish—I can barely feel it now.

—W-Wait, Ame, you can't be stuck in your own thoughts right now… I need to reply, but how? I already sense what he's about to tell me… I looked up.


 I accidentally bit my tongue!? B-Bright blinding lights! I did not just do that! U-Umm!—in the end, I ran away and hid in his chest. I couldn't possibly look him straight in the eyes in this sorry state…but…

 "B-But…A-Al… how did you know it was me…?" I reluctantly asked. 


*Huff, inflates cheeks*

 I can't believe he chucked! Al, you dummy, dummy dummy! You know I'm insecure about my blunders… and yet, beaming crystals resonate in my heart, all jittery and excitedly!


 And then, Al suddenly released me—only to lift my chin and kiss my forehead…


—W-Why is he this affectionate in p-public…? I-I don't mind bu-but… he usually refrained from kisses in these settings… and that time was…circumstance…

 "Why wouldn't I be able to tell when it's the girl I love?"

 S-So he said, looking straight into my soul! But his ears and cheeks were a soft shade of scarlet—his ears, too! T-There is longing in his eyes that I only come across during our most intimate times… A-Al…c-could he...now? H-Huh!?

*Slightly shivers*

 T-There's no way that is the case! He must be teasing me or trying to make me forget he broke a promise by being extra sweet!

 "But I love you more…" I replied with puffed cheeks, pretending to sulk.

 Before I knew it, Miu's eyes met mine, she brightly smiled and ran up to Luna, hugged her while wearing a bright, cheerful, and beautiful smile…

—I'm so petty, being jealous of her when she's so nice and wouldn't think of stealing Al from me, whom she also likes…

 Then, all of a sudden, Al's eyes gazed somewhere—he gently released me from his hold and slowly walked toward the somewhat impolite boy from earlier… YB, was it?

 "YB, aren't you going to greet me at least?" he said chillingly.

 His voice sounded more hoarse than usual—filled with reluctance and regret. But what caught me off guard more was that Al knew him…





 Basked in dusk's golden glow on the lively street of Velen Lon, the sound of construction and hammering mixed with the crowd buzzed as the sweet aroma of food and flowers in the nearby shops softly tickled the nostrils of those passing by—none of that mattered.

 As though the gears of time stopped—a frozen crowd, followed by a silent echo as the intense scent of red obstructed his vision—YB's heart throbbed, blood rushed, boiled, and his ribs were to burst. In a mere instance, he was before Alum—catching everybody off guard. The radiance of hostility and unease, as a sense of space-time fractured a sense of disbelief and shock, waved through the onlookers.

 "SCREW YOU! JERK!" a loud, hot cry ruptured from his lungs as his fists connected with Alum's face.

 In spite of the intensity, YB stood there, silent. Vivid reds caught his downcast gaze—the crimson drop of blood dripped on the ground steadily and rhythmically.

 "Shit…" he mumbled.

 Falling to his knees with an audible thud, his right hand grasped onto Alum's shirt as his left lost its strength and rested on the cold stone plates.  

 (Again…) YB resented.

  On his knees and defeated, YB's tears flooded down his cheek, clustering on his chin until their bond tore, screaming in torment as the tear hit the cold stone surface.

*Damped drops*

(Again…) YB sobbed.

 Those who passed only glanced briefly as they continued to move on. Olivia was too speechless to utter a word. Luna showed a pained expression while clenching her arm, and Miu gasped and covered her mouth. As for Amethely…


 She couldn't understand why she wasn't able to move. It wasn't as though YB was too fast. Rather…he was slow and could've been dealt with relative ease, but in spite of that, not a single fibre of her body could move, and she wasn't able to burst her mana fast enough to free herself.

 (Why is he crying? Why…did Al take it head-on…and… what did he do to us…?)

 Amethely was unsure; nothing made sense to her. Literally, nobody acted. She glanced at Luna, who'd been squeezing her arm with an exasperated look. She herself—her chest that was just filled with gentle warmth was now boiling. But she couldn't act on it because—

 "YB, I'm sorry," Alum gently said as he crouched down. He patted YB's head and pulled him into an embrace—making everyone more confused than they already were. "I…I'm sorry for leaving."

 Still, there was no response from YB, at least a verbal one—he tacked into Alum's embrace and clung tightly. Alum continued to tell him the same thing over and over until…


 YB's inner voice leaked out—as if time had stopped, so did Alum. His hands froze in place as his eyes widened—never once in his life did he expect YB to call him that. The others seemed just as confused as him, too. Amethely, who'd clenched her chest, had eyes filled with worry—it was simply too overwhelming, and the only thing she could do was watch.

 Alum was still a frozen statue, but that didn't stop YB from continuing what he'd always wanted to say, the feelings he'd always wanted to express but couldn't—he was too childish and stubborn to…  

 "I… In my mind, you were always a Brother to me…" he said softly. His voice was weak and still muffled but came across concisely. "I respected you—no…I still do respect you…" YB tightened his grasp and held Alum more firmly. "You were the world to me…my mentor, my friend… a reliable big brother…"

 Alum was simply left speechless and firmed his embrace. "YB, I'm sorry…" he said simply.

 "You've changed," YB suddenly said as he pushed Alum away. He wiped his tears. The corner of his eyes was red, and so were his ears—his face was slightly flushed too, *sniff*. "Gross…" he remarked after wiping his nose. With an intense glare deep into Alum's eyes, YB stood back up. "…shit this is embarrassing," he cursed.


 "I think so, too," he gently replied and patted YB on the head again.

 Seeing Alum being like this, along with everyone staring at them as though steam *puffed* out of his head, his face turned more crimson red—he tried covering his blushing face with his arm, but that didn't stop the small bursts of laughs around him.

 Olivia, who'd been too overwhelmed to do something, rushed toward him. "YB," she exclaimed. "Here…" she worriedly handed him a handkerchief.

 "…Thanks," YB snatched the handkerchief and blew his nose.

 "Cute…" Olivia uttered with an infatuated peer.

 (The hell are you saying!? It's gross ass shit!)

 She was met with silence, however, but that didn't discourage her as she clung to his arm.

 "H-Hey! Don't do that; I'm all gross and everything, you idiot!"

 "Hehe, I don't care…"

 Despite Olivia's cheerful voice, YB noticed her shaking slightly—her eyes were filled with sorrow. In the end, a sigh escaped his lips and grasped her trembling hand.

 "You're shaking too much," he bluntly remarked.

 "I…should tremble more often…" Olivia sheepishly answered instead.


 With no comeback in mind, his gaze shifted toward Alum, who'd been healed by the girl with silver and black hair—but before he realised, she became someone he'd seen before.

 (The Saint? Really?)

 While healing Alum, Amethely could feel somebody's gaze—it was YB's. She shook it off, and as she finished healing his cheek, she gently caressed them.

 "Al…did you…"

 Alum met her eyes directly and placed his forehead on hers. "I did suspend you that time; I'm sorry. YB is… he's not at fault," he reassured as he gently kissed her cheek. "I'll tell you all about it, okay?"


 "Okay…" she replied and hugged him.

 "Ame, your…disguise."

 "I don't mind. I don't at all," she shook her head, her hair nuzzled and rubbed against the fabric of his shirt, 'Replacing his scent…replacing his scent…' she mumbled under her breath.

 (I'll pretend I didn't hear that…) Alum noted down in his mind. Still, he couldn't help but find her adorable—even if she's gotten slightly more possessive. (I'm the same, who am I to judge…)

 Alum soon snapped out of it and realised just how many people had gathered—it didn't help that Miu was such a beautiful girl and that the empire's princess was there herself.

 (Luna…why did you undo your disguise also?)

 In the past, Alum didn't mind what others thought, but for whatever reason, he started to feel shy in a way he never had—he couldn't go back to being cold and indifferent—because Amethely was too loving.

 "There's…too many people around, and…we're gathering quite the crowd…" he said as he scratched his cheek.

 Looking up, Amethely's flush red face and dazzling eyes met his. With Alum's troubled look and her previous murky feeling of jealousy, she couldn't contain her emotions and wanted to show the world that he was hers—and hers only.

 "T-That's…because I want to. People can watch all they want—a-actually…it's probably a good thing!" Amethely sheepishly exclaimed loudly—it got too much for her, and she retreated back to his chest.

 A loud crowd cheered, and many more people gathered. Of course, it wasn't because two people displayed such affection—it wasn't too uncommon, but because it was The Saint herself and her Fiance.


 Alum gritted his teeth a little, and he pulled Amethely closer.

 (I'm still "The Saint's Fiance,"…huh…)

 (I knew about Luna and…never really didn't mind them after a while—I thought so too for Miu, but… I just can't for some reason—I don't want her to take him from me. Never. Ever.)