
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC V | Chapter 4: The Words To Say

 Hovering above the Charwoods of Velen Lon, on board the airship Vex-T3, was a girl in a quiet private room writing a report about the World Ending Ash cult—and previously, she dealt with the Hilos cult. With the click of the pen, leaning her chin on her palm, she stared at the documents.

 (Hilos… huh? Is it a coincidence, or… is he just another Dark Spirit, perhaps—the ancient forgotten god? Dark Spirits are lingering souls manifested by strong mana of despair or regret—that was how they all were classed—phantoms with disturbing amounts of despair. Yet, he doesn't seem mad compared to those that have been recorded.)

 At the thought, shivers sent down her spine. She heaved a deep sigh—laying her head on the cold, dry wooden desk.

 (But it seems like he wasn't aware of the cult using the same name—there are too many coincidences for it not to be him. Just like the god the cult worships—he is too perfect when it comes to void magic. Other than his name, I don't know anything about him—Al hasn't told me anything about him either, only that he was his a contracted spirit… but considering the ancient nature of his name… he must be a spirit born at least ten thousand years ago—or perhaps older than our recorded history…)

 The more she thought about it. Hilos, the one she knew, must be the same as the ancient god—the sovereign of the void. Otherwise, how could he manipulate it to his will to such proficiency? Not only did he show her the mirrored realm, a distorted version of the Lethren she knew—at least the facade of it—it was a dark image of the world.

 With a tired sigh upon her lips, it escaped as she went back to work. While she didn't get a whole lot of information from the cultist, she got enough clues about where the tunnels led or where some of them were—which she hadn't managed to get before.

 She removed the crescent silver hairpin—tapping it to call forth a cube. Like a puzzle piece, the crescent moon fits perfectly on one of the sides, activating it—crystal-like mechanical clicks twist and unshaped the cube, floating and unfolding it into an illusion projector.

 Luna leaned back as she placed the papers on the light, letting it scan the contents before they were sent off to her uncle—however, a hologram of her uncle suddenly appeared.

 "Oh, Luna, you're doing fine," Rigeld said softly.

 "I really don't like the way this happens…" Luna complained under her breath.

 "Ha-haha. No can do—we need to be able to tell who's directly connected to the Diloth System."

 "A warning would be nice—isn't my crescent key enough?"

 "UghWell. We wouldn't want this magi-tech to get into the wrong hands, do we? Sorry, Luna, it's the price of the privilege of carrying the Diloth System around."

 "And you're testing it on me…"

"Ah-ha-ha." Rigeld stiffly laughed. "Well, isn't it more convenient than sitting in one of the System facilities?"

 "UrghI suppose."

 "So? Can you tell me about the report you just sent?"

 "…Uncle, please just read it instead. I put time and effort into writing it," Luna sulked.

 Behind the illusionary projection, Rigeld chuckled, and Coral would curiously look at Luna through the projection. He patted the curious phoenix and gave her a treat—she chirped happily and spread her wings as if dancing.

 "Seems like Coral is doing fine," Luna softly giggled.

 "Well, of course! I play with her every day!"

 "—Please do your work, Uncle."

 In response, Rigeld softly laughed—but his expression soon turned more urgent. Luna braced herself for what was to come; her expression turned serious—she had an idea of what it was.

 "I just got a report from Al; he's apparently broken his mana foundation."


 A surprised gasp let her lungs—her eyes widened, and her body stiffened. In silence, Luna waited for Rigeld to explain, but he seemed just as speechless as her—even he wasn't sure how to act. But Luna couldn't blame him for it. Because to him, Alum was somewhat similar to his deceased son…

 (A mana curse but now also a broken foundation…)

 "T-Then… what will happen? He won't be able to stay in the military like this…"

 Luna managed to piece a sentence together, but it seemed like it wasn't the case for her uncle. She noticed his gaze cast downwards—in his hands was the report from Alum himself.

 "It might be for the best," Rigeld voiced softly with a smile. "I mean, the boy has a tendency to run into troubles, but… if he stays and is unable to use his mana—he'll likely die if he runs into more problems." He turned his gaze from the papers to Luna. "He wishes to tell Saint Amethely herself; please refrain from telling her."

 Luna's heart ached, and her chest was filled with guilt—even though she knew there was nothing she could've done—she still blamed herself for his injuries the last time he'd run into the Hilos cult—and now it was another cult—probably one of the seven cult's Alester mentioned.

 "Luna, you should head back to the city. Bring Saint Amethely with you—you can leave Noel and Hero Chely to continue the investigation—I've already sent Delan; I've told you, haven't I? Don't get involved with the cults any further."

 "…Understood, Uncle," Luna replied with her gaze lowered.

 "If you worry he'll leave the military—he won't. He'll take care of the newly arrived wanderers there in Velen Lon until the trainee's graduates finish their training."

 Luna's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh? But didn't you…"

 "Ahaha-haha! I was just teasing you a little—you really are too attached to him, aren't you?"

 "Urgh, that's…" Luna grumbled in return.

 "Anyhow, leave. Delan will arrive soon, so you can leave the rest to him."





 On the balcony of Vex-T3, Amethely gazed into the distance with her hands resting on the railing. Her silver-grey hair danced solemnly in the air. Her amethyst-coloured eyes glistened in the sun, and a faint, tired sigh escaped her lips.

 (Al, you dummy.)

 She huffed, her cheeks swelled slightly along her pout.

 (Dummy. Dummy!)

 Amethely didn't understand it herself—Alum was safe, he was healed…

 (Why. Why is it difficult to breathe? It is as if I'm out of breath. My face is hot, and my hands are shaking slightly—I feel so mad!)

 Deep in her frustration, she couldn't hear the sound of screeching metal—the railing was being bent as she unconsciously stared into the distance. Behind her, however, was a pair of silver eyes watching the scene unfold.

 "Um Ame, you're bending the railing," she said calmly in a familiar manner.

 "H-Huh!? O-Oh…" Before it was pointed out to her, she hadn't even realised that she bent the railings of the airship. Flustered, she squeezed, trying to fix it—only to make it worse—raising her anxiety. "U-Umm… Luna, this is…"

 Luna giggled before walking up and placed her hand on the guardrail. "You must be anxious," she said. She looked into the distance—her thoughts still lingered on how Alum had injured his mana foundation—her failure to capture the cult leader, the priest. "The air feels more dense than usual, doesn't it?"


 "We are rarely alone, are we?" she said suddenly.

 Amethely's eyes widened briefly. Slowly, she calmed down and fixed the metal, bending it back as it was—feeling guilty she broke it in the first place.

 "That… That is—we rarely do. Do we?"


 Their words were stuck in both their minds—they had so much to talk about and so much in common—yet was there so little to say. While they were friends—or so Amethely believes, they weren't the best of friends. She was aware that Luna had feelings for Alum, but she also knew that Luna wouldn't do anything to hurt their relationship. However—at the moment, she didn't want to talk about Alum; it felt wrong.

 But… Amethely found it difficult not to talk about him—all that's been on her mind was him—all the time, like an obsession, and she didn't know what to do about it. She always felt so happy thinking about him, longing for him and spending time with him. But now—whenever she thought of him, all that she felt was worry—anxiety and perhaps… Anger.

 (But at the end of the day—I always feel warm and cosy by his touch—his embrace, and his kisses…! Urgh! Thinking about it actually makes me feel all jittery! I was supposed to be mad at him, wasn't I?! In the end, I'm just hopeless, aren't I?)

 But unexpectedly, the first one to speak up was Luna herself. "Ame. You know… I've always admired you," she gently said. Her voice was like a lullaby dancing in the dense, warm winds. "Back at the academy, I was always by myself—but when I saw you, I'd feel a throb in my heart. You were sparkly and bright, always."


 "I don't understand it myself, but watching you gave me so much energy—your radiance is always so genuine. People may say you're talented—but all I see is a bright, hardworking girl. One that didn't run from her family."


 "You have a talented sister—Hero Chely. Your parents are Mister Ethym Ilis and Miss Emerine Ilis—your grandparents are the headmasters of Ilifel's educational and research institution. On your mother's side were Saint Riria…"

 Luna paused. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes—soon running down her cheek, dripping on the metal railing, drop after drop. Stunned by Luna's sudden tears, Amethely did not know where any of this came from or where it was leading. She grasped Luna's hands. Her warm, tender hands.

 "A-Ame…?" Luna said, her downcast gaze rose—meeting the pair of clear purple eyes.

 "I don't really get it, but I'm here," Amethely said gently and reassuringly. She pulled Luna into her embrace. "E-Ehehe…" A bashful giggle followed. "This is a little embarrassing… but I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries, Princess."

 (…H-Hmm, Ame isn't as soft as Miu—w-wait, what am I thinking?! B-But it's her fault for being such a comfortable pillow!)

 "I… do not mind at all… Ame." Luna shook her head. "Sorry, this must have been sudden, it must be troublesome..."

 "No. Not at all. After all, I get to hug a cutie like you!" Amethely lightheartedly joked. "So, Luna. What is in your heart, or would you refrain from telling?"

 Luna shook her head. "I wanted to thank you… What I wanted to say earlier was that you never ran away. Meanwhile, I ran. I crumbled under the pressure and escaped—when we met at the academy. I thought our situation was similar, yet different. Thanks to you—I changed my way of thinking."

 "I see… I'm glad? Luna, you've been working hard, haven't you?


 "But… I believe it is fine to run away sometimes as long as you can pick yourself up. Still… It must be tough being an imperial princess…"

 Luna wiped her tears and began to giggle lightly. "Maybe so. But aren't you a princess as well? Ame?"

 "Uuh… not an imperial one… but you're right. However, our responsibilities differ—you're the future empress… after all."



 Confused by what Luna meant, she tilted her head and distanced herself a little, looking down to see Luna with a somewhat melancholy look.

 "Ame. Have you ever killed a person?"


 Amethely's eyes widened at the sudden inquiry; she couldn't understand why she was asking. Of course, she hasn't killed a person—she might've failed to save one, but… to deliberately end one? She felt like she could never.

 "I thought as much. You're a saint, after all."


 "…More than once. I don't know how many—I don't want to know. Of course, they're all bad people—irredeemable. I don't regret it one bit," Luna flatly and calmly said, but there was a hint of sadness in her voice.

 "…I see. I… can't say I agree. But… I'm not so naive as to think the world is always kind… I've almost died once or twice—it was scary. I couldn't stop shaking; dying is scary, and I couldn't possibly inflict that on somebody. But I'm not innocent either—I've taken lives. Most people would say beasts and creatures do not count, but still… aren't they also alive? Afraid of death?"

 (…Nobody truly is innocent—even her. But… somehow, my image of her never shattered. She's still the bright, hardworking girl I admire.) 

"…I see… C-Can you hug me again?" Luna almost silently requested.

 While it all was still confusing for her, without saying a word, Amethely wrapped her arms around Luna's petite frame. Her small body was warm, and her smooth, silky black and silver hair tickled her neck a little.

 "M-My head… can you pat it too…?"

 At Luna's second request, Amethely noticed her red ears. "Of course. Princess," Amethely lightly teased. "I'll spoil you all you want."

 "—You really…are alike in some ways." Luna accidentally said aloud.

 "Alike? To whom?"


 "To Al, right?"

 "How…did you know?"

 Awkwardly, Amethely giggled. "Well… Al embraces me like this and pats my head and combs my hair like this too—I'm just imitating him… but I always wondered why he was so good at it… this was the reason, huh?"

 "W-Well… I'm not sure that's it… when he did it to me, he was already…good at it."

"Huh?" Suddenly, the light in Amethely's eyes disappeared. "I-It…couldn't possibly be…another girl, could it…?" she jokingly added.



 Watching the two from a distance, Chely leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. A gentle smile was on her face as the sweet air from the two reached even her. She glanced at Noel, who was beside her; he had a faint smile on his face as well—but she was worried. He had bags under his eyes and seemed a little dazed.

 "Noel, are you alright?"

 Chely couldn't recall how many times she'd asked this question by now, but ever since he came back with Luna, he would have this distant look in his eyes.

 "Oh… I'm fine~. Just taking in this sweet view is all," he chuckled.


 Without warning, Chely pulled him closer toward her bosom…

 "—Wait, wait! You'll crush my face!" Noel half-jokingly exclaimed. But to his surprise, it was warm and soft—too soft. "Huh…Chely, you're not wearing your armour—wait! Nothing?!"

 "S-Shhh! Just quietly enjoy!" Chely shyly replied in a fluster.

 Her face was bright red due to embarrassment, but she'd always felt guilt when she'd hugged him before—she'd always forget about the armour underneath.

 "Haha…I am. Can I squeeze?"

 "If you dare…"

 "Huh…what did you think I meant…?" Noel teased.


 "M-Maybe when the setting is…completely private…"


 "You're insufferable…" Chely pouted bashfully as she tightened the embrace so that he wouldn't see her smile.

 Unbeknownst to them, Amethely and Luna watched. Luna rolled her eyes while Amethely smiled and giggled.

 "Sis and Noel sure are cute together…" she said warmly.

 "Right…" Luna monotonously replied.

 But despite her flat comment, Amethely didn't miss the faint smile on her face as she watched the couple in their own little world.




 Walking among the lively crowd of Velen Lon's streets, Amethely led Luna by the hand as they picked out treats and drinks from street vendors, walking and enjoying the other's company. They wanted to relax a little after a long mission, and since they'd never hung out alone, both felt it to be a good opportunity to get to know each other better. Amethely wanted to become closer friends with Luna, and Luna felt the same.

 But suddenly, Luna spotted two familiar figures—Miu and Alum. Amethely noticed, too, yet she didn't say anything. Luna was concerned since she had recently learned that Amethely got more easily jealous than she'd thought.

 To her surprise, Amethely faintly smiled toward them—even if they didn't notice her. Her smile was warm even though her lover was with someone else without her knowing… Until she saw the face of a maiden in love on Miu's face—turning her into a statue.

 "Hmph! I still am mad at him!" Amethely sulked and puffed her cheeks. "Fine, we're on a date too, Luna!"


 Perplexed by Amethely's actions, Luna couldn't help but wonder why she didn't rush to his side—she seemed mad and was sulking and everything, after all. But when she saw her gentle smile directed at Miu, she became even more confused.

 (Miu… seems like you're finally being honest. But Al is mine, and he's mine alone—I trust him with all my heart…a-at least in this department. So…Al, don't cheat on me, okay? I believe in you…always.) 



I updated Arc II, chapter 11. It's double the length—it is more in-depth, but the message and contents are still the same. character wiki is also updated