
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC V | Chapter 1: Luna Ilifel

 I've been called many things in my life. Those who get close to me because of my status as royalty—those who look up to me and those who see me as a…


 It was the first time I'd killed anybody. Yet, my heart was not moved. Not a bit. Her scream of terror, the visceral look in her eyes and the sight of my blade effortlessly cleaving through her many times in an instant—the horror, the fear and the blood red as the moon that night.

 I remember it vividly.

 Her crime is punishable by death—enslavement, murder, bribe, distribution of drugs—unauthorised magic and alchemical experiments. 

 My uncle wanted me to set an example, and I did, for those who objected to my role as a commander because of my age started to fear me.

 But in the eyes of the public. I am still the imperial Princess who's to ascend the throne one day.

 "Kyaa! Princess Luna, you're pretty today too!"

 "Look, look! It's the Princess! She's as pretty in real life as in papers and projectors!"

 Over thousands of years, this empire has stood the test of time—it's mostly peaceful. But most people are too ignorant to understand how the world really works; it's not that they weren't taught. It's just that they see it as happening on the news.

—Other times

 "Ah-haha! So you're the silver moon? Who would've thought the leader of the Wyvern Squad is the real Princess herself."

 When people leave the metropolises or smaller cities, they're either doing it for work—or they're vile like this man. Hideous as the first woman I killed—they never learn. Trafficking others for their vile experiments and entertainment—life is too peaceful for them. Whether it be humans, elves, beastmen, dwarfs, or fairies—none are innocent.

 "Ar-Argh! P-Please, spare…m…e…"

 Just like the others. He died by my blade—there is no need for others to stain their hands—but they do anyways. Criminals like these aren't worth capturing—they've had their chance, and now, they're beyond redemption.

 But on these missions, it isn't always criminal blood that's being spilt. Despite their education and harsh training or even the amount of experience they've gained throughout the years…

 "—Princess… I'm…sorry."

 With a bullet through his shoulder—a blade in his chest, he apologises to me. Why…? It was my leadership that led to this—my reckless behaviour—

 "Oh! Princess! You're going to be our leader from today onwards? I look forward to working together with you!" he'd cheerfully smile.

 "Princess! I have some of this! My wife baked it for all of us!" he'd brag about his wife's culinary skills.

 Even when members outside of the squad die.

 "Julius…why!? It's too early…! You're just so young…!"

 He'd mourn for longer than any of us—even more than the squad members of the diseased. He'd visit the families—even though it was confidential and the families were upset for being left in the dark—he empathised with them, mourned with them—even though they were previously strangers.

 I… grew fond of him.

 I still clearly remember his wife falling to her knees. Grieving and falling into a deep depression—I couldn't be like him.

 "It's all your fault he died!"

 I knew it. I shouldn't get close to anyone. I admired him as a person. Looked up to him as I did my uncle. But in the end—I should've never forged a bond with either him, his wife or anyone.

 I'm destined to be alone. It always should and should've been—then I would have tears to spare.

 In the end. Nothing has changed.

 "Look, look! It's Princess Luna!"

 "Oh! Your right! She's pretty as always, but it's too bad she never smiles, though…"

 "What do you mean?"

 "Well… when I was at the academy—whenever I saw her, she never smiled once—now that I think about it, she didn't have any friends either… Well, she's too good for us anyways. She did graduate at the age of sixteen, after all."

 "Oh… I knew she skipped grades and was one of the youngest to graduate, but damn… she never smiled nor had friends?"

 "Oh, but I did see her interact with Saint Amethely though—well, at least before she became a saint."

 "Oh! Tell me, tell me! How was Saint Amethely as a student!?"

 "Haha, let me tell you—"

 "…Princess, is something on your mind?"

 "No. It's nothing. Let us mourn Vishelz one last time and head back to the base."  

 Today was like any other day. I heard there was a spatial quake that brought otherworlders into this world—it wasn't too uncommon, but more often than not, it was beasts or abominations—in this case, humans.

 Whether they're hostile or friendly, it's the duty of the state to keep an eye on them—I can't say I'm not involved, but it isn't in my field of work.

 "Princess, about the upcoming mission in the east continent of Mifal—Sir Rigeld assigned us to investigate a research facility in the small kingdom of Hulthen—they lack the manpower, and the cases of missing civilians have spiked over the past year."

 "I see…it's a long journey ahead."


 Minam stiffened for whatever reason. Her face and complexions of the others—did I say something out of the ordinary? I suppose it was a gloomy day—it was the day Vishelz passed away. Even after having been with them for two years—I couldn't form the same bond I did with him, neither do I want to… Nobody has died since.

—am I doing a good job?

 "What is it? If you're going to refuse the assignment, I'll just have to do it alone."

 Flustered, Minam and the others solidified further until Minam herself said something truly shocking.

 "That's not it, Princess! We're going, but…you won't."



 She fumbled and squeezed her arm—it was a habit she had when she couldn't outright tell me things.

 "It's as she says, Princess," Meldawn said—he looked me in the eye, something many fail to do. "We worry about you—the way you take on these missions! It's always mission after mission—you never get any rest!"

 "You should keep it down. We're in a resting place for the dead."

 "…I'm truly sorry. But Princess…you need to rest."

 "Why? We're needed, and you work just as much as me—"

 "That's not true at all!" Minam intervened. "Sure, we work every day—almost none stop… But Your Highness is always out on a mission or two—no, even three at the same time. Sure, we work every day, but we're not on the field every blink of the eye—Sir Rigeld want you to rest too…"

 "I am the commander, and I am responsible. Thus, the answer is no."


 "But what?"

 After those words, nobody said anything, and we walked away from the cemetery.




 Luna was called into Rigeld's office early in the morning before the departure. However, she was suddenly told, "Luna, you're staying."

 While maintaining a calm expression, she glared at her uncle, trying to figure out the meaning behind the blunt words.

 (What is he up to now?)

 "As you may know, otherworlders have appeared through a spatial quake. Our job is to determine if they can live alongside us or if they're a target of elimination."

 "…Isn't it The Hero who's on that task?" 

 "It is. However, we might need you in her stead—for the record. Dethosis is busy with resealing the Selges beast; it seems like we might need to slay it. Hence, we'll send Hero Chely as soon as she returns, and you'll take care of the wanderers."

 With a slight frown, Luna raised her eyebrow. "Really? Is there nobody else for the job?"

 Her uncle shook his head. "Sadly, not. Everyone is quite busy with preparation in case the resealing of the Selges beast fails—the church is planning a welcome party for the new arrivals—the predictions of the oracles are rarely wrong, but… there might be someone who is capable of becoming a Hero amongst the wanderers."

 "A…Hero candidate? Like how they found Hero Chely?"

 "Correct. But we don't know which one—one is cursed, and he'll arrive today—actually, he's here."

 "And the sages are fending the island city of Mezen at the west coast now means… Did the massive ocean beast Otalloathe migrate to the west sea earlier than anticipated?"

 "Yes, Illegal hunters stormed the blackmarket with Flithmus meat, scales and so on… well, the Flithmus wasn't the only thing they hunted around those areas."

 "…Flithmus? They mass hunted those things?"

 "It's a trade secret the authorities over there have yet to find out—well, their problem is also our problem now as well—even though we don't keep contact with outside nations all that much—it's still great they warned us beforehand."

 "Hm? Is that so? Isn't it more like they'd lose our magi-tech and aide if a monstrosity too much for them to handle were to appear," Luna remarked.

 "How old were you again, Luna? Eighteen since a month ago, right?" Rigeld grinned.

 "…Yes, why?" she replied suspiciously.



 "I haven't said anything yet, though…"  


 "You were going to ask me about marriage and stuff, weren't you, Uncle?"

 "Actually, I've grown tired of that too, so I just told Enon I'll find you a suitable man—unless you're into girls, of course—"

 "I want neither, Uncle."


 Rigeld cleared his throat. "Sorry, that wasn't what I was going to say, but since you brought it up, it wandered there."

 "You're not going to say?"

 "What's this? Is little Luna curious?"

 "No. Not at all," Luna flatly replied.

 "Ughyou're so jaded for someone your age…" 

 "…excuse me?"

 Luna stared at her uncle in his eyes; her silver eyes were as chilling as the harsh gold Zederes mountain tops.

 'Uh…no, nothing…' Rigeld mumbled under his breath. He didn't want to get hated by his favourite nephew, after all. "Anyways… you're coming with me as a representative of the royal family—"

 "What are you talking about? You're royalty, too."

 "No, I meant as direct ascender of the throne."

*Tsk* Luna clicked her tongue soundlessly.

 "That motion… Did you just…"


 "Ah-hahaha! That frown on your sour face is quite endearing in its own right; too bad others only see you as indifferent," Rigeld teased lightheartedly.

 "There must be something wrong with your eyes if you find this endearing."

 "Luna, you wouldn't understand, but if a person who rarely reacts at all suddenly showed them a side usually not shown, would you not find that endearing?"

 "—not at all," she bluntly replied.

 Rigeld chuckled and walked up to her, patting her on the shoulder. "Well, someday," he gently said and gestured for her to follow him.


 All she could do was stare at his broad back.

 (What if I don't want to understand…Uncle?)




 After a few days had passed, the Selges were defeated—though with many casualties—around 50 elite soldiers. The wanderers decided to join the military—except for one.

 The first time she met him was when he first arrived for some…probing. His world seemed less technologically advanced in some areas and more in others—there was no such thing as magic in their previous world either. But one thing stuck out to her—it wasn't related to his world, but the individual in question.

(Alum Miller, huh? I thought he was just a dunce—unaware of his situation and surroundings—he was too suspiciously carefree. We assumed it might've just been the nature of the people of his world, but as it turns out, he was an oddball for seeming so relaxed; I must say, he piqued my curiosity. Why did Saint Amethely fall for him at first sight? He is quite good-looking, but it isn't as though there's a lack of good-looking people around.)

 Despite her usual indifference to most things, she found her heartbeat a little more jittery than usual. She was curious. Curious about the guy who'd make the person she idolised the most, Saint Amethely, fall for.

 But she later found out that Saint Amethely had been injured in the battle against the Selges, and she'd destroyed her mana foundation, making her unable to perform magic. She was shocked but, at the same time, learned a secret her idol had been keeping—she was able to recover from a broken foundation; it was something almost unheard of.

 When she thought she couldn't be more surprised, she was forced to watch a recording with her uncle. In the three-dimensional illusionary space was a scene where a double agent had been murdered—someone unexpected entered the frame—it was the wanderer, Alum Miller.

 With a calm demeanour, he looked at the culprits and the dead body; his indifferent expression turned cold as he glared at the culprits that were about to jump him—inside the city, magic was too restricted in all areas, and the fights that occurred were just raw biology.

 He was calm, dodging the jab by a small margin only to headbutt the culprit, knee him between the legs, and interlock them to swoop him onto the ground. Then, a kick flew his way. He dodged it skilfully, and the man hit the wall of the narrow alley. But he twisted his body unnaturally and swept his blade toward the unarmed youth—only to be grabbed by the wrist. Alum grabbed and twisted the arm of the second culprit, slamming him down on the first one.

 He then caught a blade in midair and kneed the third culprit in the abdomen, who'd jumped head toward him. The third had just come back, and more of them followed suit. He was surrounded by three defeated and only had a short blade in his hand.

 They cautiously observed him—it was as if he'd become another person; his aloof attitude from before had vanished completely in place of total hostility as if looking down on them, but before they could attack him…

 "Uncle…did you have to appear at that moment?"

 "Ugh…that's cold, Luna; I saved him, didn't I? Well… I can't say I'm not curious what he was about to do…" Rigeld shrugged. "Well, while he certainly didn't lie about how the people over in their world don't show too much physical aggression—it's clearly different for him, wouldn't you agree? The others are timid and depressed about falling into this world, but he simply does not care."

 "Well, he's not half bad, but far from an elite."

 "Aww, don't say that; I've taken quite a liking to him. Besides, he helped me clean the mess—of course, in exchange for keeping it from the other wanderers."

 Confused, Luna tilted her head. "Why?"

 "Well, perhaps he wants to belong—in his own way, of course," he chuckled.

 Luna stared at the illusion of the scene, thinking to herself. (Belong? Really?) She was sceptical. The more she got to know him—unbeknownst to him, she thought. (We're the same… yet he wants to belong somewhere…)


 Despite her unwillingness to admit it—Luna was indeed lonely; she wanted a place to belong to; the only place thus far was her work, but could it be considered belonging? Isn't it just all a distraction to keep her loneliness away?

 "You're probably thinking he's quite similar to you in a way, don't you? By the way, he's a sweet's lover apparently—just like you."

 "I am not."

 "Even though you have a private pastry chef?"


 "Or is it perhaps because you haven't forgiven yourself for Vishelz's death? Well, his wife seems to have recovered enough to work for someone she once hated. But gaining her forgiveness wasn't all, was it?"

 "—Uncle, please… I don't want to talk about it," Luna voiced in a weak tone.

 "Sorry…" Rigeld said, looking apologetic. "Hey, Luna, why don't you meet Al? You can afford to open up a little, can't you? He's different and doesn't know how 'this' world works yet."

 "…Al? As in Alum Miller? What do you mean open up?"

 "I believe you could at least become friends. You both have the same interest, and he seems to idolise Saint Amethely too—or well, it might be love, ah-haha-ha!"

 "…I'll consider it," Luna sighed distrustfully, sensing that her uncle was plotting something.

 "Great! I'll actually meet him later today—he'll be my assistant for all the extra work he'd put me through the past days; I'll send him over around midnight!"

 "…Do you know how absurd you sound? You're going to let a man have a private meeting with a Princess at midnight?"

 "What's the harm? You're not magic-restricted like everybody else in the base; what could he possibly do? Besides, didn't you call him half bad? Then it shouldn't be enough to do anything to you."


 Rigeld grinned. "I must say. I am quite fond of the guy. Even if it doesn't seem like he's paying attention—he's closely observing us subtly, even testing our generosity—I quite like his…dare I say arrogance?"

 "Well, it can't hurt, I suppose…"

 "Great! Actually, if he turns out to be someone trustworthy—I want him to join your squad."


 With a frown, Luna silently glared at Rigeld.

 "Unlike you, he doesn't immediately think to kill; he's the kind that doesn't get his hands dirty unless it's the last resort or… he hasn't killed anyone yet. Either way, he'd probably be a great asset if he's properly trained."

 "Hmph, we'll see. I don't take in weaklings."

 "Well, for someone who's yet to learn how to use magic, he averted a total of three assassination attempts on his own, even though the assassins aren't used to attempting things like this with total magic restriction, while the ladder was not familiar with magic in the first place—I find it impressive nonetheless, wouldn't you agree?"

 "I suppose…"

 "And I've also told him not to leave the base, but the guy doesn't care—it's like he's looking for something out there…you curious?" Rigeld sighed.


 (Something…? No, more like someone.) Luna remarked in her mind. (Well… Uncle made me more curious; we like similar things and appear to have similar pasts—could I really get along with him? Or would we be too alike to get along? Still, could it be that Uncle wants to use him or…is it something more personal…?)




 Present day Lesich Imperial calendar, year 5212, Hiseu, 20th.

 On the airship Vex-T3, Chely overlooked the ground below and at the destruction site. She was a little conflicted about the fact that Noel would join Luna on the field—she knew he was competent; she sparred with him daily, and as The Hero and as a lover, she saw him grow day by day at a rapid pace.

 (It might perhaps be a learning experience for him to fight—possibly kill. These criminals are vile, after all…)

 "Hero Chely—ah, Princess too! I've come to report. Investigation team Selp found survivors—they are otherworlders, and Saint Amethely is currently there treating them and Sir Alum."

 Upon hearing the report, Luna, Chely and Noel sighed in relief and looked at one another with a faint smile. Still, Chely wasn't sure if anybody noticed, but Luna seemed so relaxed; her legs looked shaky, and it was as if all the tension was gone.

 (I knew it… I've always suspected it, but Princess Luna really does see Little Al as more than just a friend… I trust her, and I know her well enough she wouldn't get between him and Ame, but I can't help but worry for her—having feelings for someone already taken when—in her eyes, was the only option for her… if I were in her shoes, and Noel was taken by somebody else—in the same group of friends… I doubt I would be able to handle it… but the same goes for Miu, doesn't it… wait? Does it help that there are two of them? Like…they split the blow?)

 Chely shook her head slightly at the weird direction of her thoughts. "Well, I'll be here overseeing things(as usual…). Luna, please take care of Noel."

 "Ooh… I'm slightly anxious, but take care of me, Luna!" Noel smiled cheerfully.

 At that moment, Luna's eyes widened briefly. Noel's face had just overlapped with Vishelz. They are completely different people, different in most if not all possible ways—except for the similar lighthearted cheerfulness in these grey moments.

 "I will, Noel," Luna replied with a gentle smile.

 In a panic, Noel turned to Chely. His eyes were filled with astonishment as it was the first time she'd flashed him a smile this gentle.

 (Hey Elly! Is the world going to end today!?) he spoke with his eyes.

 But Chely, on the other hand, stood there frozen and dazed. (…huh? Was I wrong?… Could it be Noel that she's interested in!? W-Well…he's attractive, and they've spent time together a lot… wait, before we became official—didn't they spend a lot of time together?!)

 (Hey! Elly!? Are you there?!)

*Soft chuckles*

 (They both are quite amusing; one is trying to communicate with the eyes alone while the other is having a misunderstanding—I believe Chely got the wrong idea, but… I don't think I want to clear that up just yet.)

 "Noel, let's go," Luna said.

 "H-Huh?! W-Wait!" Noel and Chely exclaimed.

 However, it was too late, and Luna had already grabbed Noel by the arm, throwing him into the other side of a void that led to the ground right under the ship. But before she herself entered, she glanced at Chely, who'd reached her hand out like a frozen statue.

 Luna giggled lightly, mimicking Miu when she was playful—of course, it was all intentional as Chely's inner bewilderment became visible on her face.

 "I'll take care of him," Luna giggled yet again.

 "H-Huh!? W-Wait, Luna! What does that mean—"

 But before Chely could finish her panicked inquiry, Luna had already jumped to the other side of the rift, leaving Chely behind to dry.


 (LUUUNAAA!? What was that smirk and giggles—what was iiiiit!?)

 Meanwhile, down on the ground…

 "Hey, Noel, Chely can't cook, right?"

 "Hm? That was a bit out there, wasn't it? Uhhgwell, we've actually been cooking together as of late—she's…gotten a little better… wait, why are you asking? Shouldn't you know?"

 Luna tilted her head slightly. "To confirm?"

 "Errm…right," Noel replied while looking at her suspiciously.

 (The overlap…from before, well, I've moved on, and this is something else entirely. Still, mimicking Miu was quite… thrilling and fun in a way…ah…was that perhaps a bad influence from her…?)