
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC IV | Chapter 5: His Guardian!

 Early in the morning, Noel woke up to a knock on the door. He still felt sleepy but got up, unlocking the door and sliding it open.

 He was greeted with a "...Good morning, Noel." as soon as Chely came to view.

 (…When did she become a morning person?) Noel pondered. But he decided to ask later. "Good morning to you, too, Chely."

 After greeting one another, they headed inside. Noel's roommate was nowhere to be seen, so it naturally made Chely curious.

 "Where is your roommate?" She asked, looking around.

 "Hm? Daniel? Well… he went out to practise." Noel replied. He yawned and unconsciously started to take off his clothes. He was still in his sleepwear, so….

 "...Hyaa~! W-what are you doing!?" Chely asked while covering her face. Through… she did peak through her fingers….


 And realising what he was doing, Noel looked at her as if it wasn't anything special. At least, he didn't think it was strange….

 "...It's just a guy's upper half. It's not like I'm taking off my pants, y'know?"

 "....I-Is that so…?" Chely inquired while blushing as she still eyed him.

 "…." He didn't think it was anything to be embarrassed about at first… but seeing how she was timidly eyeing him like this.…

 Well… it made him feel shy. "O-okay, you know what? Can you… step out for a moment?"

 Realising that she'd been staring too hard, Chely's face burnt up, and she nodded to his request, saying, "...Ri-right. I can do that...." before exiting the room.



 (…Goddamit! Why is she so cute!?) Noel thought internally as he fell down on his knees. Now… he was fully awake.) Wait… how am I going to fix this awkward mood!?)

 And outside his door, Chely had slid down and hugged her knees.) Ahh! What was I thinking!?)

 A little while later, when Noel was done changing, he invited her in again. The atmosphere was a little awkward, so… they silently sat for a while.

 "...So, why are you here so early in the morning?" Noel asked. The silence was becoming a little unbearable, so… where better to start than asking for her reason for visiting? Well… he had a hunch she just wanted to see him, and… to be fair, he wanted to see her as well.


 With a burst of energy, Chely faced and said, "There are high-grade ingredients in the forest below… and they're rare… you… know? I… um… was wondering if you'd want to gather some… with me."

 Chely felt awkward. The reason was that she had never asked him out before. And this was sort of an excuse because the ingredients she was talking about were related to cooking.

 (I… I just want to spend some time with you, just the two of us….)

 She thought that if she baited him with rare ingredients, he wouldn't be able to refuse her. But then again… would he even refuse her in the first place?

 "Hmm~" Noel gave it some thought before asking, "The ship won't stop, would it?"


 "Then… why? Is it because you wanted to eat my delicious food~?" Noel teasingly asked.

 But ignoring his last remark, Chely said, "We could just catch up… and besides…." She didn't finish her sentence.

 Noel had a hunch about what she wanted to say.) …Yeah, I guess with the money she has, buying the ingredients would be easier…. Wait… is she asking me out? Is this a date of sorts?) He examined the skittish Chely, asking, "Are you asking me out? Like… it's a date?"

 Chely shyly nodded and turned her head away while looking down. She then said, "I'm sorry that I couldn't be honest about it…."

 (C-cute….! Right… she's afraid of rejection….)

 Noel chuckled, "Pfts… ahaha... how can I say no to you?"

 He slowly leaned closer and took her hand. "You know, I'm really happy you asked."

 Chely glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. Seeing his smile made her heart flutter, and she'd sheepishly lean on his chest.


 Taken by surprise, Noel froze on the spot.

 "I… I'm not good at expressing myself… but…. I'm glad it's you whom I fell in love with."

 Having no idea how much damage she'd caused, she listened to Noel's increasingly rapid heartbeats. Although nervous, she felt at ease.

 Noel put his arms around the affectionate Chely, pulling her closer and gently embracing her. He was over the moon every time she showed him this sort of affection.

 But… that was also why he needed to have some control. He knew how delicate Chely was; one wrong move could sour their relationship. Or… that was what he thought. In truth, Chely was just afraid to take the first steps.

 But then again, she was the one to confess, and she felt that it was unfair for Noel to not take the next step. That's why she could only hint at her intentions. She wanted to share a kiss, and yesterday even had her wonder about other things as well….

 Even if they'd just recently become an official couple, they'd known each other for a while, and looking back… she realised that they were pretty flirty already. No wonder people didn't question their relationship. It was expected….




 When walking to the deck, Alum noticed Emely leaning on the rail, taking in the fresh air.

 "....Good morning, Emy." Alum greeted her. It's been a little while since they last spoke, especially alone like this.

 Hearing Alum's greeting, Emely glanced his way, "Hmm?" she noticed that it was her cousin, the brat she'd taken in for the past ten years. "Oh! Al, good morning!" She energetically replied.

 (…She seems to be in a good mood.) Alum thought.

 He walked closer and leaned on the railing as well. He didn't really know what to talk about. Usually, she's one to start the conversation—it's been like that as far as he'd remembered.

 "How are things between you and Ame?"

 "Didn't you ask that before as well?" Alum replied

 Emely giggled, "Hehehe~, I suppose I did…?"

 Alum awkwardly scratched his cheek. Despite having lived with her for all this time, they've only spoken on a regular basis since five years back…. It was the time she suggested they move to Sweden. Alum didn't have much of a say in it, but… looking back. (It sure was a breath of fresh air…) well… not that he cared at the time….

 Still…. At that time….

 / — \ 

 "Alum…" Emely called out to the young boy, who was quietly reading in the living room. His eyes were empty, and he didn't do much during the days.

 Despite it being a school day, he still remained at home.

 (It's a school for gifted children as well…) Emely thought that It was a pity that he refused to attend, and she was confident that something had happened. Though… he wouldn't tell her why.

 At first, he attended every day, but… now. He wasn't for some reason. Regardless, Emely didn't want to cancel the tuition and make him drop out; she just felt like it was a shame he wasn't trying to make friends.

 (…I really thought he could make friends if there were people similar to him… but… did I perhaps make it worse…?) 

 After everything had happened, things started to settle down. She knew that the Alum had difficulty moving on.

 At first, she was furious. What he'd done behind her back was so dangerous and irresponsible that she wanted to scold him badly… but… she couldn't.

 (It was no wonder he was gone for days or even weeks.) 

 At that time, when she asked about it. He just told her that he had gone sightseeing. He even showed her pictures of famous places around the country, making her believe he just wanted to travel. So… she didn't question it too much.

 But… one day, she saw the news and… the criminal that had murdered her Uncle appeared. She was stunned; everything moved so fast, and before she knew it, she found herself in the courtroom with Alum….

 That very same criminal was cursing at the young Alum. it was hard to believe, but… if the words of the criminal were to be taken seriously, then… Alum really was the mastermind behind his arrest…..

 He had risked his life and tricked her. So… naturally, she felt betrayed. It was hurting her so badly, but she was unable to express those feelings, bottling them up.

 (How silly of me… feeling betrayed…. He didn't even show me any interest…) 

 After the trial, she cried herself to sleep, blaming herself for not keeping an eye on him and for letting him get exposed to those dangers. Most of all. She blamed herself for being unable to become his family, something he desperately needed… but… deep down, she knew she was the one who desperately longed for one.

 She would scream into her pillow, 'I'm such a shitty guardian!' and, 'I'm sorry, I… I'm so sorry! For being so irresponsible….'

 But… after that, Alum behaved differently. He took an interest in school and started to attend. Emely wasn't sure if he'd heard her cry at night, blaming herself. But… his empty eyes had turned into sad ones instead. Years had passed since, and they spoke some more on a daily basis even if it was just simple greetings.

 But… recently, he'd stopped going completely. And today would be the day that she'd finally confront him about it. About why he wasn't attending school like he used to.

 "Alum… why aren't you attending school like you used to?" She hesitantly asked.

 Alum slowly turned his head, and she could see his surprised expression. Well… that was only natural since she usually never dug into his business.

 "There's no deeper meaning behind it; it's boring, and there's nothing for me to learn," He replied.

 "Is... that so…?"

 Emely felt sad, but… at his statement, there was probably nothing of interest that he'd be able to learn over there, at least for him.

 She knew that Alum was mature for his age, but at times like this, he acted arrogantly, thinking he knew everything. But… that's just a facade. Emely was aware of that. And that's why she found it strange.

 Alum would usually try and learn about certain things, even if it wasn't in his interest to do so….

 "...Are you being bullied?" Emely hesitantly inquired. She felt nervous as his eyes became colder by the second.

 "No, I'm not. Although there are bullies, they are too pathetic to even do anything to me." He replied, shrugged it off and went back to his book.

 But, Emely wasn't done talking yet, and she knew this was a bit sudden, so… "Alum… how about we move? To another country."

 His eyes that were tracing the sentences stopped. He turned his attention to her, peering into her eyes. His eyes didn't seem as empty somehow.

 (…That is…? Huh? Is he perhaps interested?) 

 "Where to?" Alum calmly inquired.

 "I was thinking of Sweden… it's quiet over there, so… I thought you'd like it."

 "...." Alum pondered a little. Emely didn't know this, but he had an acquaintance over there. So… he actually picked up some Swedish. Though, not to the point of being fluent…. "…When are we moving?"

 Emely felt a little overwhelmed. She didn't think he'd be so eager, that is… if you could call it that. But… his unusual interest excited her nonetheless.

 "How about next year!? I'll do all the preparations!" Emely exclaimed. (Maybe… just maybe. Does he want to restart?) Just the thought made her happy. If he wanted to restart, then… maybe he'd be able to make friends?

 Maybe their relationship would improve? Would they finally be able to become a family? For him, she was willing to move and leave everything behind.

 \ — /

 Thinking back to those times, Emely faintly smiled. Although Alum didn't make friends, the change in scenery made him look more alive somehow. It was as if he'd finally been able to rest his mind.

 (That was probably the best decision I'd ever made.) Emely thought before teasing her cute cousin again, "So!? How are things between you?"

 "...Emy, you're being extra pushy today…." Alum responded, feeling a little awkward and scratching his cheek. He said, "But… I suppose there is something we decided yesterday…."

 "Oho! What's it, then~?"

 "Well… I was going to consult you about it, too. Long story short. I bought land a few weeks back, so… I was thinking of making a villa out there," Alum blushed a little. He wasn't sure how to word it, but… "…I was wondering if you wanted something built over there as well…."

 Emely blankly stared at him.) …Huh?) She honestly wasn't sure how to take it…. And seeing how Emely reacted, he felt more awkward.

 "I'm happy you're the one that took me in. and… well…. It feels like I've never done anything for you, so…" Alum took a deep breath, "A-and I… I haven't apologised for putting you through so much pain… truly… I… I'm truly sorry for everything, and… thank you, Emy."

 Feeling overwhelmed by her emotions, she clenched her chest, her eyes became moist, and tears started to run down her face.

 (…He's happy? That… I was the one to take him in…? Me? But… I was such an incompetent guardian… do I really deserve his gratitude?)

 Negative thoughts started to occupy her mind, but… Alum would gently hug her before she would fall deeper into her thoughts.

 "...Thank you for everything, and… I've spoken to Sir Rigeld that… you can quit. Have a normal life—well, at least… a more normal life—"

 "N-no…!" Emely shakenly answered, "I… I chose to be in the military. I… I want to keep watching over you—that's my happiness…."

 "...What about the guy you met? Don't you want to see if things will work out between the two of you?"

 Emely was at a loss for words when she heard his unexpected inquiry. "H-huh? How did you…?"

 "...Who did you think told Luna?" Alum replied with a grin.

 "...." the shock stabilised Emely's emotions again, and her tears stopped. She pinched his cheeks, "You're so cheeky! Telling my secrets to her majesty!"

 "...Buw she already knew… though," Alum replied. His words didn't come out properly, but Emely could understand them. "I mew, shwe wanted me so clariwfy…."


 Emely let him go, and with red cheeks, he pouted a little, "...You didn't have to pinch them so hard…." Alum later complained.

 Emely sighed, but her lips then curved into a smile before she ruffled his hair, "That's what you get. You arrogant, cheeky, stubborn… brat…."

 While she ruffled his hair, all the emotions she had previously felt came back, hitting harder this time. Tears flooded again, but this time, she tightly embraced him.

 Memories flooded her mind. The time she was left alone as a child. Her parents always neglected her. The time was when she first met him, seeing how similar they were. Neglected and alone.

 She couldn't bear it, so… she took him in. Her parents and her other relatives cut her off because of it. But… they weren't even in her life anyway.

 She thought that they could form a special bond, be the little brother she never had. But… that was just wishful thinking.

 But… recently, it felt like he had accepted her, which made her happy, but… now that he'd expressed it in words. She felt nothing but happiness. She felt like all of the loneliness she'd endured was worth it….

 (Maybe… maybe now's the right time to say it….)

 "Alum… I… I love you…" Emely said. Before bawling her eyes out even more. "I-I was finally able to say iiiit… waaahhh…."

 Not once had she told him she loved him. Maybe that could've changed something, but… she had never once heard those words herself. So… she wasn't sure how he'd react to it. She'd wanted to say it all this time. But she wasn't able to… and she felt nothing but regret.

 Reciprocating her words, Alum gently embraced her as well, "Mmm, I love you too, Emely."

 (…These are the words I've always wanted to hear from my parents… any family member really… and… finally. I was able to hear these words—I'm so happy….)

—Suddenly, Emely spotted Noel and Chely… they awkwardly looked this way, staring at them…. Then, at each other before jumping from the ship….

 Emely released Alum and tried to wipe away her tears.

 '...I really hope they won't misunderstand that….' Emely uttered.

 "Misunderstand what?" Alum inquired as he took out a handkerchief to wipe off her tears.

 Emely shook her head, saying, "No… nothing. Let's go back, shall we?"

 Alum tilted his head in confusion, but… he wasn't going to keep asking her if she didn't want to tell him, so… he just said, "Okay…."