
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC IV | Chapter 1: His Declaration & Her Acceptance

 When Alum and Amethely met Alester, Noel chilled and strolled around the city. He wasn't sure what to do today, so… he decided to walk around and see as much as possible before leaving for Len Nor.

 Still… it didn't cure his boredom.

 (…Damn… I'm so bored… Al and Miu are doing their own thing, and Chely's busy.) He thought, looking at the sky.

 Ever since he came to this world, he's been training and learning a lot, but at the same time… he doesn't know how to spend his free time. He'd usually cook and tease Chely—of course, he does it moderately so that she wouldn't come to hate him.

 But… when it came to cooking, he'd want someone to eat it as it was hot. And everyone was doing something, so he had no real reason to plan something.

 (…Maybe I should've baked instead?) 

 Noel picked up baking when he realised Alum liked sweets. And since he was already cooking and doing other stuff in the kitchen, he did some practice.

 He wasn't too sure about the reason, but since Miu liked his cooking and praised him, maybe he wanted Alum to do the same when he made something sweet and nice?

 As for his other hobbies, video games were fun, but… there aren't any in this world, at least something he'd be interested in….

 Though… there is the arcade, that's beside the point since he didn't feel like going there.

 (…I went to that specific one with Chely, didn't I?) he thought as he passed the arcade in District 14.

 He first went there on his first date with Chely, though…

 (She almost crushed the machines…) 

 Still… that was a pleasant memory, making him unconsciously smile. He glanced over and saw a family. They remind him of his own family….

 Although Noel moved out to attend a faraway school, he was still close in contact with his family. His younger sister would call him, and now and then, his brother would come over to play when new games were released.

 His father would even drop by when work was in town…

 And yet… in this new world, he only had Miu. She was someone close to a sister; all in all… she was the closest to a family he had in this new world. And it goes without saying that he was the same to her.

 (…It really has been around two months, huh?) he thought,

 'Sigh….' Noel let out a soft sigh.

 He's lost on what to do….

 (Maybe I should've just stayed in the base and baked something to pass the time…?) 

 Maybe it doesn't seem like it, but… Noel really likes to be around his friends, and since both Miu and Alum did something else. He was bored out of his mind.

 And although he could've spent time with his other friends. He decided not to. Maybe it was better this way? So he could think back and reflect by being by himself? Who knows… it at least felt a little refreshing nonetheless.

 Walking around and spacing out, looking at the magi-tech around him, he felt like they didn't give him the same excitement as they once did when he first arrived. Maybe it was because he started to miss his own world?

 He didn't mind living here, but can't help but worry about the family he was so close with….

 Being the social creature he is, he starts to feel lonely and depressed. Maybe this was why he decided to be alone? So that he could reflect a little? After all, he hadn't had a lot of time to just be by himself… maybe this was a good thing….

 (Well, hopefully, I can tease Chely and recharge!) he thought, taking a deep breath as he started walking back.




 After returning to the base, there was a slightly different mood. there

 (Why are there more people on guard than usual? Not only that, they seem uptight too…) 

 "Hyura, what's up?" Noel asked a girl nearby.

 "...Oh, Noel, welcome back," Hyura greeted him.

 "What's going on?" Noel curiously asked, analysing and looking around.

 She wasn't sure how to reply, and to be blunt…. She didn't know the whole situation either. The thing she did know what that an important guest had visited. So important, in fact, that they had to deploy the Knights from the Royal Order and Paladins from the church. And it didn't end there, even The Emperor, Empress and Pope were present….

 "...I'm not too sure, but… behave, okay? There's an important guest, so… you better get to your room." Hyura told him.

 (…? Important guest? But do they need this many guards?) he pondered. But decided to not pry since Hyura didn't seem to know herself.

 "...Okay?" Noel replied and obediently headed for his room.




 Later that evening, there was a knock on his door. He had a visitor—it was Chely. She looked a little sad, but… Noel wasn't sure how to comfort her.

 (Did something bad happen?) He wondered.

 It was unusual for Chely to visit this late… but he had no reason to turn her away.

 "What's wrong?" Noel asked.

 There was clear concern in his voice, which made Chely softly smile. Lightly shaking her head, she hugged him.

 Stunned and confused, Noel hugged her back. He had no clue what caused her to take this action, and the only time they'd hug was when either of them asked for it. So… to him, it was a little strange that she'd wordlessly do this….

 But… receiving a sudden warm embrace like this didn't feel bad. In fact… he was very happy, and since he'd been lonely the whole day, he was overwhelmed with joy that the girl he liked showed such affection.

 But… since there must've been a reason for her strange behaviour, he couldn't help but ask.

 "Chely, what's wrong?" he asked again. "I mean… you're awfully affectionate today…." he added.

 "Sh-shut up!" Chely tried to deny her show of affection. "It's not like I'm more or less affectionate or anything!"

 (Cute…) he thought, as she spaced out, but snapped out of it with a chuckle, "Pfts! If you say so."

 Although one could argue that the two were lovers, neither affirmed nor denied it, partly because the two never said the words of affirmation. They've never uttered 'like' or 'love' to the other.

 But then again, it wasn't difficult to figure out that they liked one another, and based on that, they just leisurely spent time as they used to. Who knows… both of them may be afraid to define their relationship by words. And no one dug any deeper into their relationship since it could be assumed they were already a couple.

 Now… they have been embracing one another for quite some time….

 (She's Very affectionate today…) he thought again.

 He'd assume she came over to see him before bed or have some snacks as usual, though not this late… but… she was embracing him tight and wouldn't let him go….

 (I wanted to prepare some drinks and snacks for her… but she's not gonna let me go, is she? And… well… her chest is pressed against me… somehow… they feel sofer and more voluptuous? Wait, wait, wait, Noel, you're going there?) 

 "...Chely," he called her name and bluntly asked, "Has your chest gotten bigger…?"


 (Curse you, Al… your bluntness is contagious!`? Wait, Luna, yours too!)

 In turn… Chely quickly distanced herself and lightly tapped his cheek, making a 'Slap' sound as she said, "Pe-pervert!" turning red and covering her chest.

 (…Okay, Noel, play it cool and make it look intentional. In that case, it won't make me look like an airhead who says before he thinks! Genius!) 

 "Sorry, sorry," Noel apologised with a grin—he didn't seem sorry at all. "Y'know, you kinda hugged me for a long time… so I… uh, ended up thinking about it…. But ended up accidentally saying it aloud when I tried to say something else." and 'te-he~' kind of excuse…

 (Great job me! Saying it like a confession and making it sound like an accident while making it look intentional! Wahahah…. What am I even up to…?) 

 Chely quietly watched the smug Noel and pouted. She made her way to his bed and hugged his pillow instead. And seeing her pouting at him, he chucked and went to get some drinks and sandwiches… after all, were he to bring sweets this late, she'd scold him again….

 But then again, he learned that Chely enjoyed fruits more than sweets, so… he had that on the side instead. Of course… she doesn't complain about it since fruits are okay in her 'before bed snacks.' He thought it was kind of cute that she had a policy like that.

 And well… unlike some certain people who enjoy sweets all day long, seeing someone like Chely who refrains from the things she likes was a delight as he could sense that she wanted some whenever he brought them out.

 And by the time he'd gotten back, he realised that Chely had fallen asleep while hugging his pillow. And despite her looking adorable and defenceless, Noel knew better than anyone….

 (She's not asleep, now is she?) Noel thought while putting down the trays.

 He walked over to the bed and sat down by the edge.

 "Chely, if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you," Noel teasingly said.

 He could see that she was getting a little rosy. Still… she pretended to be asleep. So… he repeatedly poked her cheek as she was getting redder and redder—he was kind of annoying as he said, "Soft, squishy, mushy, pulpy—" etc.

 (…Dammit!? Does she really want a kiss… like… like this!? Arghhh! Why is she so cute!?) Noel thought as he started to panic.

 Sure… they've hugged and held hands, but never once kissed. Besides… their relationship was a little strange, to begin with, as they didn't define it properly. This made it difficult to say what was okay and what was not.

 Holding hands, hugging—people who aren't lovers do that too. Well… only people close to one another, and in this case, they are… but kissing?

 (Is it… really, alright to kiss her?) 

 "Sigh… There's no helping it, I guess," Noel said, bending down and going for it.

 Hearing it, Chely's eyelids flew open as she blushed in anticipation. Her eyes met his—she saw a big grin as his fingers were placed on her lips.

 "Gotchaa~," Noel playfully said, smiling ear to ear.

 "..." Chely stared blankly at him.

 (…Well, I wouldn't want our first kiss to be like that….) Noel thought, trying to hide his embarrassment with a grin.

 It felt like his heartbeats exceeded the limits, but… he tried to play it cool. After all, he's known as a cool guy who's good with everyone.

 (…He's really the kind of person I thought he was.) Chely thought as she also placed her fingers on his lips, later overlapping it with his fingers—the two fingers he used to fake a kiss, that is.

 Her face turned red as she turned to the side and innocently snuck a peek at him.

 (!!?!=#!? HUH!?) Noel panics as it is now his turn to take a big crit.

 Seeing this, Chely giggled and said, "What was it? Gotcha~?" with a grin.

 "...Honestly, Chely," Noel said, looking away and hiding his face. "You're in a wolf den, y'know? What if I lose control and pounce on you?"

 "Hmm? You're a what now?" she playfully responded. Seeing how he's all panicky, she gained her regained her cool. And as she shifted her position to better look at his face. "You sure you're not a sheep?" she later added.

 "..." Noel didn't reply. Instead, changing the subject, he said, "Whatever! Here, I got some fruits, drinks, and sandwiches!" and hurriedly got up.

 He then started to munch some of the treats, looking a little sulky as he did. Chely soon followed, sitting across him as she watched him with a soft smile.

 "...You're really strange today," Noel said. "Well, it's different from that last time, right?" he later asked.

 Noel didn't know that his friend had gone missing, nor that her parents were as well. What he did know was that she felt really depressed over something at the time.

 "Sorry," Chely meekly responded, then said, "I'm doing better now. A-after seeing you… that is…." while blushing.

 (Seriously? What happened!? She's so… affectionate! Not that I'm complaining… it's just slightly confusing…) Noel thought and raised his eyebrows in surprise.


 (like…Is she the same demonic instructor!?) 

 "...Really, what happened?" Noel asked, feeling like a broken record at this point.

 Seeing how she was making him worried, Chely began to speak.

 "I… I met someone strong today… he was a lot stronger than I imagined…" she said, looking a little defeated, having admitted that and… "Honestly… if things ended differently, maybe I wouldn't be able to protect anyone…."

 "Hmm," Noel made a sound to tell her that she had his full attention. (Still… it's hard to imagine that…) Noel thought as he watched her sad face.

 "Someone stronger than you?" Noel meticulously asked, pressing for more detail.

 "...We don't even compare…." Chely admitted, sipping her tea. "I couldn't sense any mana at all. Besides that… he had an overwhelming aura. It wasn't killing intent, but… I felt a sense of crisis just being near him…."

 (…Was it that bad?) 

 This was the first time she's opened up about things—specifically, her admitting her weakness. Even from that time, she didn't say anything. But he was happy that she'd let him see her vulnerable, making him very happy.

 "...I see," Noel reluctantly replied.

 (Chely must've had a lot of pressure—she's a hero, after all….) 

 But… that time, he had already made up his mind.

 "I don't know who you met. But… I'll get stronger as well, and I'll take your role as The Hero…." Noel paused and looked Chely in the eyes.

 "...huh?" Chely stared at him. Her expression was filled with nothing but astonishment.

 "That's our promise, right?" he later added.

 "...Promise…?" Chely reiterated his words.

 "Yeah," Noel replied. "After all, I promised to shoulder your burdens, right? So… don't overthink, let me carry that burden, after all," he paused and grinned. "I'll be the next hero!" he boldly declared.

 (Did… he know…? That I'm feeling shackled by my role…? But… how?) Chely couldn't believe it.

 She looked at the young man, three years younger than him. He seemed reliable, yet…

 "Idiot," she uttered with a soft giggle.

 Although she wished to be treated like an ordinary girl, she felt like it was already too late for her. Then… he showed up in her life, treating her… not as an ordinary girl. Neither as a hero. But a girl he fell in love with, one he cherished.

 Her heart throbbed. She couldn't feel happier than this. A smile appeared, and tears formed around her eyes.

 "It's unreasonable and unrealistic," she expressed in a shaky voice.

 "I know."

 "Too idealistic," she said, trying to deny burdening him.

 "I'm aware."

 "...You're too cheeky," she said, finally relaxing as her tears started to fall.

 "Hey~, what does that have to do with it?" Noel complained, still… he had a soft smile, seeing that she was finally accepting his words.

 "...Is it really okay…? Isn't it too heavy? For me to share my burdens...?" Chely asked.

 She was trembling, and tears fell as her chest felt heavy, making breathing difficult.

 "I mean… you're not heavy… I think"

 (An answer like that is very like him…) She thought.


 "Hey! Was the last part really necessary!?" She retorts, wiping away her tears.

 Noel chuckled as Chely looked at him with a sour pout.

 "Ahaha, Chely… y'know? I think you shouldn't keep everything to yourself. Despite how I look, I'm reliable~,"

 "...Yeah, right," Chely replied with a giggle and softly pinched his cheek across the table. "...Thanks," she said, looking determined.

 "Fow whas?" Noel replied.

 "...N-nothing!" Chely said and headed toward the door. "T-thanks for the food," she added as she fidgeted and glanced at him until she finally said, "I-I'll head back now… th-thanks again, Noel, g-good night!" and headed out.

 Noel touched the place where she'd pinched him and waved, "good night, Chely!" he energetically said as he watched her leave.


 After she left, he headed to bed and plopped down. With his heart still throbbing. And his bold declaration…. He meant every word of it, therefore… 'I'll prove it…' he determinedly murmured.

 But… it seemed like he had a long road in front of him….. 

 (Dammit! She's cute today, tooo!) He thought, trying to fall asleep despite his restlessness.