
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

| ARC III | Chapter 3: A Parfait Please!

 After a decent amount of time had passed, Noel and Chely almost reached their destination.

 The atmosphere between them seemed calmer than before, and the mundane topics they chose to talk about were the right choice, Noel thought.

 "Hey, Chely," Noel calmly said.

 Still holding his hand, she turned and faced him.

 "...What is it?"


 "...No, really… what is it?"

 "I like you."


 Chely turned quite red, looking the other way. It wasn't the first time he had told her he liked her, but… it got her every time.

 "I-I know… you've told me already," she answered, flustered while stuttering a little.

 Noel was nervous as well.

 "...Is it bad to repeat it?"


 Seeing her, all flustered, made his heart flutter.

 "Do you like me as well…?" he later asked.

 "...I've told you this before….." Chely told him as she tried to control her facial expression.


 She's right. She told him before that she didn't know her own feelings that well; it was her first time experiencing this.

 The day when she overheard Noel calling Luna cute, she felt uneasy.

 While Noel was a charming person who got along well with just about anyone, she thought he had a certain closeness to Princess Luna than the other girls. Not to mention Mui…..

 Then… one day, he told her that he liked her, which came as a surprise. She always thought he was teasing her because she was inexperienced with love.

 Turns out… it was both, and thinking about it made her slightly mad.

 ".....I… I'm sorry, I don't know… but… if you're willing to wait until I'm ready…."

 Her hand trembled slightly, but he firmly held it.

 "Let's go in and order… there is something I want to tell you as well."

 His voice was calmer and more serious, unlike his cheerful, teasing voice.

 What he was about to tell her wasn't something that should be done on a date, but… on this occasion, he felt that he shouldn't hide things from her. After all, he knows that she's insecure as a girl.


 And as the two entered the coffee shop, the waitress almost jumped out of her skin.

 "...Table for two?"

 "Yes, thank you," Noel replied.


 ".....This may be a rude question… Miss Hero….. Is Miss Hero… perhaps on a date…?" the waitress asked slightly devilishly.

 Chely was already flustered from Noel's confession earlier, but now she's being teased by a waitress…?

 Sneaking a glance at Noel a little while facing the waitress, she quietly answered her with a simple 'yes,' and the waitress guided them to their table.

 Chely ordered sweet lemon tea with a shortcake. Noel, on the other hand, only wanted black tea.

 "...Why are you ordering only black tea?"

 To which Noel playfully grinned.

 "Well, why don't you pick something for me?"

 "...Is there any reason?" Chely asked.

 The waitress seemed to understand what Noel was trying to do, making her giggle a little.

 "Well, is there something else you want to eat?" he casually asked.

 "Well… this parfait looks delicious as well, but it's on the larger side….."

 "Can we also add that to the order, Miss Waitress?"

 "Of course," she excitedly replied.

 After that was said and done, they received their order after a few minutes, and the waitress smiled as her eyes met Chely's.

 She turned to Noel and whispered something into his ear, making Chely slightly pout.

 "People will think I'm a glutton," she commented after the waitress left.

 "Well, it's for me. I don't mind sharing, though?"


 Chely glanced at the shortcake she ordered.

 "I'll share mine as well, then."

 Hearing her say that made him very happy, and he couldn't help but want to express that. So, scooping up a bit of the parfait, he held it out for her and tried to feed her.

 "...It's embarrassing," Chely commented.

 "...It is, isn't it…."

 He realised it himself…

 But before he could give up and eat it himself, Chely took a bite. Which surprised Noel since he didn't think she'd actually go for it.

 And being on the receiving end of his stunned look, Chely felt her face and ears heating up while she tried to play it cool, drinking her sweet tea.

 "...Hey, Chely, have you ever been in love before?" Noel suddenly asked.

 "...What?" she calmly replied.

 Although, on the inside, she thanked herself for not spurting her drink all over the place.

 "...You see, I dated Miu once."

 And dropping that bombshell, Chely immediately stopped moving.

 "I… I see," she gloomily commented.

 (...Of course, he had a girlfriend before; he's good-looking and charming, after all….)

 "...Although we did date, nothing ever happened… okay?"


 "You know, Miu is popular, and there were some problems with overly jealous girls, and boys always hit on her."

 "I see…." Chely replied.

 She felt relieved.

 But… was it really necessary for her to know this? What is he trying to do?

 "I wanted to lay it bare for you so there won't be any misunderstandings in the future."

 "...Are you still together then?"

 "No, not at all. At one point, she learned how to deal with it herself."

 "...I'm glad…." Chely quietly muttered.

 "I'm glad?" Noel teasingly asked.

 "N-No, that's not what I meant! I mean…. That means you're just as inexperienced as me!"

 "Does that mean you want more experience than me?" he asked sorrowfully.

 "...No, that's…."

 "Well, to be honest, you're my first love…. if we date now, we both equally gain experience! What do you say?" He cheerfully asked.

 "You... YOU TRICKED ME AGAIN! I'm not falling for that, Hmpf!"



 After fooling around in the coffee shop, not to the point of bothering other customers, they looked around a bunch of stuff around the city. And by the evening, he could feel that Chely was more open with him and even taking his hand, dragging him around all on her own.

 Walking back, holding hands, and hugging the stuffed animal Noel won for her. Chely thought she felt like a proper girl for once.

 "It's cute, isn't it? Do you like it?"

 Chely gave him a nod.

 "Thank you for winning it for me…. Still, why was it so difficult…."

 "Pfft, ahaha… No worries, we have a similar game back in our world, though… some of them feel like a scam…."

 "...? Is that so?"



 "Hey, Chely. Did you have fun today?"

 "...Yes, lots of fun," she gently replied.

 "I see. I'll invite you again."

 Chely shook her head.

 "No, I want to do the planning next time… is that okay?"

 "Next time, huh…? Got it."

 And without thinking, he said something with a faint smile.

 "Well… I have fun just being with you."

 In that instant, something soft was pushed onto his face. He couldn't see her expression right now. But he could tell that she didn't want him to look at her face, thus shoving the stuffed animal onto him.

 "Jeez! You always say the most embarrassing things! We're not like Ame and Al yet!" Chely retorted.

 But anyone could tell that she was happy about it.

 (Yet… huh? Well, there's no need to rush, and besides… I think this is plenty of fun as well….)

 He pushed the plushy to the side to see her cute face, and well….

 "Chely, you're cute."

 "...If you still spout nonsense like this when we get back… I'll seriously get mad."

 "Wait, so you weren't mad before?" he playfully asked.


 She didn't comment, and to be frank, she liked it as well, which is why it conflicts with her stubborn personality.

 "Well, there is a bit until we're back." he grinned and squeezed her hand.


 Although she didn't say a word, he could tell that she didn't hate it. So…

 "I really like you, you know?"


 At this point, some steam came out of her head, which Noel found adorable. Thus playfully teasing her on the way back.




 After entering the capital again, Alum felt strangely nostalgic. Maybe it was due to the ruin warping space and time, but….

 "It feels like it's been a while, hasn't it?" Amethely asked.

 Beside him was Amethely, getting off the ship with her parents behind them.

 "It really has been a while, hasn't it, Ethym?"

 "...It indeed has. Maybe we should visit Chely, oh… maybe my parents as well."

 "Mm, we should definitely visit them at the academy!"

 ".....While we're here, we should visit mother-in-law's grave too…."

 Amethely overheard her parents talk and turned around.

 "Then we should gather everyone and go," she gently said.

 ….Emerine still hasn't healed from her father's disappearance, only for it to be followed by her mother's death. She is saddened by all of this, and maybe this is why she's stuck on her research and rarely visits Ilifel….

 "....Thank you, Ame, Ethym… would you like to join us as well, Al?" Emerine asked.

 Alum shook his head.

 "No, you should go with just family… but, one day. I would like to attend as well…."

 "Al…." Ethym teared up as he patted Alum on the back.

 "....I see. I look forward to when the day comes," Emerine gently said as she smiled at him.

 Amethely grabbed his hand and didn't say a word. She smiled softly and faced forwardly.




 The next day, after reporting everything to the guild, Alum stood in front of people he was familiar with. Amethely stood beside him and formally introduced him to his trainees and former classmates.

 "This is Alum Miller. He will be joining us from now on. Please get along!" she excitedly said in the introduction.

 Everyone stared at him, despite knowing him already… although the same couldn't be said for him since he only remembered a few names.

 After being introduced, he sat down beside someone he didn't know since Noel and the rest were seated in the back, which was packed.

 "...Nice to meet you," Alum greeted his new neighbour.

 It was a guy with brown hair who was a little rough-looking.

 'Why is The Saint interested in someone like you?' he commented to himself.

 He clearly showed hostility toward Alum, but it didn't bother him since he knew some people were like that as well when he was out in the city.

 "...Sigh… My name is Noar Eliken. Don't bother talking to me."

 Alum nodded.

 (...He at least introduced himself.) Alum thought.

 Amethely watched it all, and although it hurt watching him get treated like that, she stayed quiet since Alum didn't want her to do anything about it.




 After the theoretical lecture, they all headed to the newly repaired training grounds. This time, more magic barriers and antimagic insulators.

 And since many of the trainees thought Alum had mana control issues, they had him perform magic to show that he wouldn't severely injure someone in a spar.

 So… he made needles out of ice and pierced each practice dummy, creating a small hole in their supposed heads.

 Everyone just watched the dummies being penetrated with ease….

 While he had control… isn't that a bit much?

 Someone even asked Luna to be sure.

 "....Instructor… aren't they supposed to be magic-resistant?"

 "They are, however… his spell travelled at a speed that made the physical impact greater than the magical," She calmly replied.

 It was at that moment they all knew….

 His magic wasn't made to fight humans. Instead… they were made to instantly kill or penetrate the heavy armour of beasts and monsters. So, if he were to spar with someone, he wouldn't be able to utilise the potential of his spells.

 But Noel, on the other hand, was excited and came forth.

 "What about you have a match with me?" Noel asked.

 "...A match?"

 "Yeah, the instructors can step in anytime, and you don't need to hold back."

 With a surprised look, Alum then showed him a soft smile. Although Noel had seen it many times, that time felt different.

 "...Are you kidding me? I'd instantly lose if I held back toward you."

 Although Alum had improved a lot, the same could be said about Noel.

 "I won't lose. After all, I've got the best instructor ever! And she's pretty, which motivates me even more!" Noel loudly declared.

 "NOEL! WHAT DID I SAY YESTERDAY!" Chely said and pulled him by the ear.

 "Yeah, you said, "when we get back," back to the dorm, right?"


 Alum watched the exchange; it was as usual, but even he could tell it was more playful, and both seemed to enjoy it despite the other yelling.

 "...I'm sparring with Ame as well, you know…?" Alum commented, but they didn't seem to hear him.


Sorry, the chapter was late... 

Though... man... Chely is sweet, albeit in another way compared to Ame...

But my man Noel, LOL. He's so bold! 

Anyways, who would win, Noel or Alum? 

Welp, I just felt like leaving some of my own personal thoughts since I don't really do that, do I? 

So... I'll do that from now on. Also, if you find it annoying, just DM me or something...

Sesealcreators' thoughts