
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC I | Chapter 8: A Precious Saint

 In the buzzing cafeteria, regular staff and trainees gathered to eat. Jokes were thrown as people laughed, and the mood was easy and quite bright. Then again… the sense of victory was still in the air for some of them. 

 Noel was sitting with the other recruits and classmates. Excluding himself and Emely, there are 12 other classmates. There are a total of 30 new recruits, and Noel, of course, is one of them. 

 Still… they all seem excited today, and for a good reason, too. The Saint and Hero that most people admire were seated at the same table as them. 

 Noel took a personal interest in The Saint due to a particular rumour, after all… It involves his friend. And his honest impression of her? 

 Well… Saint Amethely is as beautiful or even more beautiful than from the rumours he heard. Not only that, she has a charming personality and is mature. Overall, she's extremely elegant. However… The Hero he first met in the southern Ilifelen plains stared at him. It was as if she was saying, 'Come here for a sec' or something. 

 He had the feeling that she wanted to talk. Thus, he walked to the refill station. Noticing that her message got across, she, too, headed there. 

 Still… Noel was curious about what she wanted, though… he can't say that his first impression of her was that great. 

 As he got close to the refill station, the Hero spoke to him.

 "...Noel Karlson, right?" 

 Noel nodded. 

 "That's right… is there anything you want from me?" 

 Chely noticed that he was flat and neutral, contrasting to the friendly and cheerful tone not too long ago. "...I have a question. It's about your friend, Alum Miller." Chely replied, not taking his somewhat passive-aggressive reply. 

 "...Alum? Why?" Noel tilts his head. 

 "I want to know where he is, that's all." 

 Noticing his surprise, she continued. "You seemed close to him when we first met. And I want to ask you if you know where he is." 

 …He was slightly happy a stranger thought they seemed close, after all. He worked hard to befriend the guy… as he softened up, Noel became more relaxed and casual. 

 "He's still in the base. However… he does things independently from us." 

 Hearing this, Chely frowned a little. 

 (I'm sorry, Ame…. Seems like it won't be smooth sailing…) 

 At the gesture, Noel became curious as to why she frowned. Though, if he had to guess, it was probably due to The Saint, her younger sister. Still… he had to ask. 

 "Is there any particular reason you're looking for him?" 

 After Noel asked that, Chely looked around and got closer. 

 (She's close…) 

 'You see, my adorable little sister actually likes the guy,' Chely said in a low yet mischievous voice. 

 Seeing how different she seemed, he couldn't help but softly laugh. 

 "I see~, so the rumours were true," Noel replied. 

 Surprised that she unconsciously showed this side of her to him, she averts her eyes. But… stopped as her eyes widened. 

 Tilting his head, Noel wondered what caught her attention. Turning around and following her gaze, he found Alum. More surprisingly, he was with Professor Luna. 

 At first, he thought Luna looked young for an instructor and assumed she was older based on her demeanour, but… apparently, she was just about their age. 

 Well, it's hard to blame anyone for thinking so since she was their new teacher and was a commander of an elite squad for two years. 

 Although she ate with them during lunch, they'd never seen her in the mornings. Not to mention… Alum was with her as well. 

 (Maybe Sir Rigeld did something?) he assumed. Although… he had no idea she could look so soft and gentle. (Her faint smile even seems cute… Wait, what am I thinking…?)

 "...Is your friend good with the ladies?"

 "...He doesn't really speak to people at all, though… he's incredibly popular…" 


 "...Let's go," Chely said as she started to walk toward Alum. 

 Giving a slight nod, he followed. 




 Feeling hungry, Luna and Alum decided to head to the cafeteria together. Luna usually didn't eat in the morning, Alum… well, he just slept for the most part. But since they were together and both hungry, they thought, why not? 

 As they entered the cafeteria, many turned their attention to them. 

 Despite this not being anything new to him, since it frequently happened when he was with Noel, making him feel numb to it. Luna was used to people turning their heads as she walked, so she didn't think any of it. 

 Picking what they wanted to eat and with a tray, they looked for a place to sit. But they hadn't looked for long since Noel and Chely approached them. 

 "Good morning, Princess Luna. You too, Mis~ter. A~l~um." 

 (…Did I do something…?) Alum wondered. 

 Chely, for some reason, showed a slightly sour face when their eyes met—even the greeting was slightly chilly. 

 "Good morning, Alum, good morning, Professor Luna."

 (Noel seems a little off. Did he eat something bad…?)

 His friend was usually bright and cheerful, but he seemed slightly amazed and a little bewildered for some reason. 

 ""Good morning,"" the two replied in unison.

 This made Chely glance over at Noel. 

 (Don't look at me like that. I don't know, okay…?) 

 (You said he barely spoke to people…) 

 …Although Noel knew Alum relatively well, his actions were somewhat… unpredictable. And looking at Luna and Alum, he notices that they curiously stared at him and Chely. 

 "...You're looking for a seat, right? Why don't you eat with us?" Noel asked.

 Alum and Luna nodded. 

 As they follow Chely and Noel, they arrive at the seat and notice both Luna and Alum. A bit surprised. They made some space for them. 

 With Alum and Luna joining them at the table, Amethely couldn't take her eyes off him. Meanwhile, Alum didn't expect to meet her at all. He got seated in front of her since… everyone pretty much knew about the rumour and arranged it that way to see how they interacted. 

 Amethely watched him with a lax smile as her elegant facial expressions were thrown out the window. She was happy to see him and exhilarated that he would sit across from her. Chely looked at her adorable little sister as if asking if she understood the current situation.

 (Oh well, she's happy…) 

 The two people next to Alum were Noel to the left and Luna to the right. However, Noel had to ask since he found it strange. 

 "...Why were you two together?" 

 Chely was also curious, but… as for her sister, she seemed to be in her own little world to notice the things around her. 



 Chely couldn't stand it! The two are basically in sync! She directed her gaze at Noel as if to ask if he knew anything. However… with a defeated look, he breaks eye contact and makes it clear he doesn't know anything. 

 After replying, Luna was again reminded of how captivating Saint Amethely is. And it's been a while since she last saw her. 

 Still… it excited her that she would be teaching alongside her. After all, she had admired Amethely since her academy days. 

 "Good morning, Saint Amethely," Luna said as she greeted her. 

 Noticing her greeting, Amethely smiled gracefully.

 "Good morning to you, too, Princess Luna. It has been a while… and please don't be too formal since we will be working together from now on. That's why… call me Ame instead." 

 (What is this bright light…!?) Luna thought after seeing the light and feeling like she ascended to the afterlife… 

 "...T-Then you can also call me Luna… just Luna." 

 Trying to stay calm and replying softly, she could understand why her friend Alum had fallen for The Saint. 

 Speaking of said friend… 

 Isn't he quiet? 

 Too quiet? 

 Luna glared at him. 

 (Why aren't you saying anything?! She's here, isn't she!?) 

 Alum avoided her gaze. 

 (I can't help it! I don't know what to say!) 

 Stepping on his toes and staring even more intensely at him. 

 (Introduce yourself, for heaven's sake!) 

 Darting her eyes between the two, Amethely had no idea why Luna and Alum had a staring contest. She started to feel strange and uneasy, and it was a feeling she'd never felt before—It was jealousy. She also wanted to talk to him but needed to figure out how. 

 (…Ohh! Right! I haven't introduced myself yet!)

 Feeling shy and fidgeting, while her face flushed, she tried to get his attention. 

 "E-Excus me… y-you're Mister Alum Miller, r-right? N-Nice to meet you! I'm Ame Ilis!"


 Everyone at the table froze. They had no idea that their saint could be this endearing. 

 Yet… there was something on their mind. 

 (She messed up…) 

 (…Well, let's see how this plays out…) Noel thought. 

 Watching the scene leisurely, Noel ate his breakfast as he tried not to get involved. He glanced at Chely, who was watching Amethely with a face full of adoration for her sister. 

 (She's cute… but I think you're cu—what am I thinking…? Geez…) 

 Luna elbowed Alum and stared at him. Others were staring at him as well. 

 (Don't you feel bad for her!?) 

 Alum, on the other hand, slightly blushed as he thought Amethely had gotten a lot cuter since they last met. 

 "Nice to meet you too, Miss Ame Ilis," he calmly replied. 

—He messed up as well. 

 (…..Ahhh, wait! That's not my name!!!!)

 Everyone at the table stared daggers at him. 

 (Are you serious?! Didn't you listen to Professor Luna greet her?!) 


 Alum also realised that he screwed up…

 "W-Wait…! S-Sorry for my blunder… My name is actually Amethely… O-Or rather… please call me Ame…" 

 (What is this feeling in my chest…? I'm sick? I suppose I am, in a sense…)

 Alum calmly nodded, albeit stiffly.

 "Then… Ame? Right?"

 Hearing her name in his calm and soothing voice, she happily smiled. 

 "Yes~! It's a pleasure seeing you again. I truly apologise for the trouble I've caused you in the park…"

 Alum didn't think it was troubling at all. In fact, he enjoyed her company, which he found strange but not unpleasant. 

 "It wasn't troublesome at all. That's why… you don't need to apologise," Alum said as he softly chuckled. 

 Amethely cheerfully smiled and played with her silver-grey hair.

 "I-I see… Ehehe~. I'm looking forward to our lectures together~!"


 Hearing her say that, everyone just felt pity for her at that point. 

 "...I do things independently… therefore, I won't be attending…" 


 Amethely was on the verge of tears after she saw her grand plan miserably fail before it could even begin. She couldn't help but cry (WHY?!!!!!) in her head. 

 'Do you regret it now?' Noel whispered in a low voice.

 'Sure, kick me while I'm down…' Alum replied. 

 Amethely didn't want the conversation to end just yet. 

 "...I see… that's a shame…" she depressingly uttered. 

 Luna watched the two as it got uncomfortable and awkward, even for her. 

 "...Hey, Alum, why don't you join us today?" 

 Amethely turned her head to Luna, and her eyes sparked. Her mood had brightened up as she found some hope. Seeing their saint act like a typical girl in love. The trainees found her sweet and precious— all eyes fell on Alum as they anticipated his reply. 

 "...Please let me join today…" he replied while clumsily scratching his cheek. 

 Amethely, who had turned off her [saint mode] a long time ago, blushed even more and celebrated inside her head. 


 Glancing at Luna and saying, "Thank you" with his eyes, Luna replied with a smug gaze. 

 (We're friends, aren't we?) 

 But seeing their short yet natural interaction, Amethely puffed her cheeks as she pouted. 

 (How envious…!)

Trivia: Ame not yanyan… okay? She’s a deredere…. Okay? 

Okay, seriously, this time.

He chose to study independently because he had more freedom that way. He isn’t restricted by a specific schedule and is allowed to enter and exit the base. 

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