
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC I | Chapter 3: Meeting the Saint

 As the gentle rays of sunlight shone through the leaves, a lone girl sat quietly on a bench where the mood was peaceful and quiet. She gently patted and soothed the small animals resting on her lap, sweetly humming as the tiny creatures purred. 

 It was tranquil and calm. The breeze rustled the leaves and gently caressed her face, leaving a slightly cool sensation. 

 (…the breeze feels so nice~.)

 She glanced at the fountain in front of her. The smooth motion of the water running thin sheet of water made a clear reflection. And… in the reflection was a girl. "Ehehe~" the girl giggled when she saw her own reflection. She felt oddly proud for some reason… 

—she was in disguise. 

 She was in the same disguise she had when she was with Keilyn earlier today. Knitwear, glasses and a long white skirt. She even changed her hairstyle! 

 Nodding in satisfaction, she thought, (There's no way people will recognise me!) 


 Still… Since it was calm and she hadn't had much rest as of recently…


 'Uuu… That was unbefitting of a lady…' she uttered. 'Wait… I'm in disguise, so it's alright?' 

 It was so serene and relaxing—in the end. Amethely couldn't help but drift into the land of dreams. 




 After an hour of walking around and asking the locals for directions, Alum finally found his way to the park. He was immediately greeted by a lush greenery he'd seen from the sky. Up close, it was more vibrant and beautiful. The colours varied as the flora was incredibly expressive—unlike he'd ever seen... But then again. He didn't pay attention to those kinds of things in the past, and perhaps this comparison was unfair. 

 Small animals ran around, curiously looking at him… He even got to befriend some of them while strolling around. Taking in the view and enjoying the cool breeze wasn't what he'd imagined when he first arrived in the city. 


 (I like it here…) he thought, taking a deep breath, catching the fresh air. 

 He'd wanted some quiet, and this was perfect. It wasn't that he minded the buzzing streets—he just enjoyed this more. 

 As he strolled around with animals following him in the bushes and trees, he came across some people. The clerk had told him that the place wasn't very occupied at this hour. And that was true…so far as he'd only seen some families of four and couples that looked like students. 

 After spending some time in the park and taking his mind off things, he'd finally been able to relax. Calming his nerves, a soft smile appeared on his face. It made the small animals approach him more, and they'd stare, 'Kyuu?' they seemed to have wanted something and jumped onto his shoulder, taking a free ride. 

 Alum didn't mind and wasn't bothered by it. In fact… he sort of liked it. When he spotted a vendor, he decided to head there. But the small animals fled into the flora again, peeking out of the leaves. 

 (I suppose they're quite shy?) he wondered while walking towards the stall. 

 "Oh? A young man? Here to relax?" the vendor casually asked. 

 Alum gave him an affirmative nod. "Yes," and looked through the items. There was candy, light snacks and drinks. 

 "Can I have this?" Alum asked while he pointed at some snack, "This and this… Mm, this too." 

 The vendor was surprised and let out a chuckle, "Alrighty then!" he exclaimed and started packing down the treats Alum pointed at. 

 Seeing the vendor's excited reaction, Alum faintly blushed as his excitement got the better of him. Alum is a sweet's lover, so…he'd pointed at everything he'd not tried in the market district. 

 Alum let out a sigh. (…I wish Noel were here.)

 Noticing that Alum had a somewhat lonely look, the vendor asked, "What's on your mind?" while handing Alum the bag of goods. 

 Alum softly smiled. "No, nothing special, just got slightly lonely," he replied as he handed over the money. 

 "Hmm…? Is that so? Well…it must be lonesome travelling all the way up here from the southern continent, huh?" 

 "I…suppose…" Alum replied. 

 Technically, he did come from the south, that is, from the southern Ilifelen plains. "Well then, thank you, I'll get going." 

 Alum bid farewell, but the vendor had stopped him. "Wait, young man," he called out. "You don't seem like the sociable type. But I think you'll make great friends!" he excitedly exclaimed, "Oh! Don't forget to bring them here once you do!" 

 Alum glanced back in surprise, but…with a soft, mellow look, he gently smiled. "...In that case, I will," he replied. He waved goodbye and continued his stroll. 

 While he was strolling, the small animals that were following him gathered around again. They rubbed their head against his legs and cheek as they purred. 

 (…it's slightly difficult to walk,) Alum thought. Though, he didn't mind and patted them a little. (If that's the case, I need to find somewhere to sit… Anyhow…today was eventful, huh? There's a grand library, too. I should head there afterwards…) Eventually, as he was planning his next destination, he came to an area with a fountain. He noticed that there was a seat behind the fountain and decided to head over. 

 As he walked closer, he saw birds happily chirping and playing around in the water. And… the other small animals went to play with them. (I guess this is a good spot,) he thought. This way, he'd be able to enjoy seeing the small creatures play while he snacked. 

—only to find it occupied. 

 Someone was already there, and they were sleeping in a sitting position. They had great posture, and…the scene was quite serene. The beautiful and elegant girl was resting whilst small creatures cuddled up to her as well. 

 Alum couldn't help but get captivated. Was it by the scene, or did his heart flutter because he saw her? Nevertheless, he still thought, (How did she even end up like that?)


 He thought that it would be the perfect place to rest and relax while he ate his treats and watched the animals play. But…it was occupied, and he didn't want to bother her. 

 He spotted another bench not too far away and decided to head there instead. However… as he was about to head there. He heard a sneeze—it came from the girl… 

 Alum glanced at the girl again. (She seemed cold… Now that I think about it, it's a little cool and breezy, huh…?) 

 Usually, in cases like this, he'd ignore it and do what he'd planned to do. But…the small animals that slept soundly had woken up. They were peering into his eyes, and with pleading looks, it was as if they'd asked him to cover the soundly asleep girl. 


 Not only was Alum weak to sweets. But…he was to small animals as well. It would've made him feel guilty if he'd just left. 

 "…I was going to cover her anyways before going…" Alum awkwardly reassured them. In fact…he wouldn't have forgiven himself if he hadn't covered her with a coat or something. 

 (…if she wakes up and accuses me, I'll have Chely vouch for me...) Alum thought. He lent her his coat and sat down beside her. It was an unconscious decision. However, that was a mistake on his part. Hastily, the animals would surround him, making him unable to leave. 

 In the end…with no other choice, he just sat there and waited for her to wake up. (…well, that doesn't seem to be anytime soon.) Though he'd soon realise that he himself felt drowsy as well. Today has been eventful, after all. 

 Alum sighed as he glanced at the girl beside him. He thought that she was pretty from a distance. But closer up. He realised that she was very cute. At that moment, the small animals cuddled up to him even more. 

 (…it perhaps isn't too bad, I suppose. Still…a beauty, huh? Long silky silver-grey hair that shines beautifully in the sunlight—you don't see someone as pretty as her too often.) His heart fluttered again, and he didn't know why. 

 He let out a small yawn and saw how peacefully the animals slept while cuddling up to them… The serene look on the girl's face didn't help as he relaxed even more. Getting more drowsy, he reflected on the day. 

 (It's been a long day…)

 Until this point, Alum hasn't had any rest since he left the others. And it was only until he entered the park he'd been able to relax his nerves. 

 With the gentle breeze, with the birds singing and playing. With the warmth that surrounded him. Drowsiness overwhelmed him as he, too, fell soundly asleep. 




 Slowly opening her eyes, Amethely felt well-rested. It was warm, and she felt fuzzy. Now that she felt energetic again...she found it strange that she didn't feel stiff sleeping the way she did…

 She wouldn't usually fall asleep during the day—even on her day off. Still… this was one of those days when all the stress and fatigue had caught up to her. 

 'Phew…' Amethely sighed in relief as it was still daytime around noon. Had it been in the evening, she'd be done for… (At least I won't have to explain to Miss Lily…)

 Still half asleep, Amethely hadn't realised that she'd been leaning on somebody—until a child pointed it out. "Look, Mom, look, Dad, a pretty couple just like you two!" the child energetically exclaimed. 

 Amethely was confused at first, and the child's parents would look her way. And as their eyes met hers. They froze for a brief moment before giggling and waving at her. (Huh…? Me? A couple where…?)

 In a fluster, she'd realised that she was comfortably leaning on somebody. She even had a coat covering her. Turning bright red, she was unable to look at the person beside her, but she could tell that they were soundly asleep. Shyly, she waved back at the family. In response, they'd giggle even more before continuing. 

 (Ohhh! My! Oh, my! This is… I-I'm so embarrassed and ashamed!)

 Her heart pounded fast as her face was steamy hot—she wanted to run away! But…it would be rude to do so, not thanking the person who'd lent their coat to her. Still… her brain was frying! 

 As time passed, she'd finally been able to calm down, and the small animals would excitedly play. She'd eventually find out that the small animals had convinced the man to lend her his coat. 

 But… leaning onto him—that was all her doing…! 

 'I-Is it true…?' Amethely quietly and hesitantly asked the small creatures. 

 They'd tilt their head, answering with an adorable 'Kyuu!' 


 (Uuuaaaahhh! I want to dig a hole and never climb back up again!) Amethely fussed inside her head. She was agonising so much over it, and she felt too shy to face the stranger beside her! 

 Yet… she mustered her courage and slowly peeked his way—only for their eyes to meet. (—beautiful…) was the first thought that came to mind when she saw his eyes. 

 It was as if time had stopped. Now that she had gotten a closer look. He had golden eyes and jet-black hair. He was also a little taller than her…by about one head. His unperturbed yet soft expression and his sleepish-looking eyes captivated her. She found the stranger very handsome and cool. Yet…adorable.

 (A… foreigner…?) she pondered. Their eyes were still locked. But she'd soon turn away due to her fluttering heart. 

 The man let out a soft 'Yawn…' and uttered. 'Oh…? I suppose I fell asleep too, huh?'

 Hearing his words, Amethely unconsciously turned to him—even his voice was soothing, she thought. Their eyes met again, and the man faintly smiled at her.

 (Wh-what is happening to meee!? I-I… my heart! I feel so restless, and I'm not even able to utter a single word!)

 Alum, who, of course, didn't know what went on inside Amethely's head, was stunned. He found her shyness simply too endearing and was struck by the same strange feeling yet again… 

 Losing his cool, he tries to hide his increasingly hot face with his arm—he, too, was unable to say anything.

 From a distance, the two of them could hear people giggling as they passed by. Feeling self-conscious, they assumed it was about them and their awkward predicament. 

 After a short period of time, the two of them had calmed down. At least enough to face each other. But at the same time, they looked away and would sneak glances at the other. Whenever their eyes met, both blushed, feeling nervous around the other. 

 Alum noticed that Amethely had clear amethyst-coloured eyes. He couldn't help but feel a strange agitation for some reason. Was it because she was a pretty girl? No, it shouldn't be. Alum doubted that since he'd interacted with one almost on a daily basis. 

 (…What is this? What should I do?) Alum pondered over this predicament, asking himself how to handle the situation the best he could. He'd never experienced anything like this…so…he struggled. 


 Alum wasn't alone. Amethely was in a similar thought process as she made a big fuss inside her head. She didn't know why she acted all flustered like this, and it wasn't like Alum was the first handsome man she'd interacted with… And for some reason, her switch didn't work… (I-is it because I'm shy? NO! That's not it! I-I'm not like this with others, even if I'm shy!)

 Unexpectedly, she'd vocalised her thoughts. "Uuuah! What should I doooo!?" Once she realised what she'd cried out loud, she quickly covered her mouth. 


 Yet another silence befell them. Well…it was already silent, but it was now even more awkward and silent… It became so unbearable for her that she felt dizzy as her face turned completely red due to shame. Thus…she took shelter by covering her face in the coat Alum had lent her. 

 Seeing this adorable reaction, Alum felt relieved. Seeing someone in more distress made him calm, which resulted in him letting out a soft and relieved laughter. "Pffts… ahahaha."

 Amethely—who was dying from shame was displeased when she heard him laugh. She felt so embarrassed and ended up headbutting him. She looked up with teary eyes and inflated cheeks, expressing her dissatisfaction, "You're so mean! Laughing at a lady's struggles!" she retorted with a pout. 

 Meanwhile, all that Alum could think was, (Adorable…wait…adorable?) At the thought of that, he began to blush. Yet, for some reason, he felt incredibly happy. (Is…this…?) Thinking along those lines, he finally figured things out, which led him to let out another chuckle. 

 "H-Hey! Mister! Y-You're so!? Dummyyyyyy!!!" 


Another trivia! 

The creatures living in this park are magical creatures. Some are spirits, and some are magic beasts. However, since they are intelligent, they know which people to approach or befriend. In most cases, they avoid most people. 

Chapter update: some changes and expressions were changed. Though this edit was supposed to have come earlier, I was working on chapter 12's edit, which is a super long chapter. Still not finished, but I thought that I'd take a break from that one and do this. Regardless, different chapters have different priorities, but they'll all get updated sooner or later. Next, before I edit, chapter 12 would probably be chapter 7. It's a little iffy and an important chapter, so I want to make it the best it can be.