
The Saga of Valorian The Dread: The Savior of a Dying Race

A Dragon Hatchling must awaken to the power that dwells within him to help save his race from the brink of extinction Underlying his struggle to help save his race is his fight for survival against his own kind, as you will find out he happens to have something that many want and are willing to kill to get. I publish chapters with an average length of about 1200 words and publish at least four chapters a week.

Poseidon1378 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The Tournament (3)

POV Valorian

After seeing Corentine collapse onto the arena floor while Janara prepared to end her life, a sudden thought took a hold of my mind.

'Not once did the elder say that interference wasn't allowed'

I quickly looked at the elder and said "you never mentioned that we could not help if someone was in dire need did you?" As I was standing at his side only he picked up on my words, he quickly looked at me with his eye without giving a response.

But that was all I needed before I leapt off the platform going straight into a dive to save my sister. I would not allow her to die after such a grand display.

I quickly approached the ground and just when Janara was about to launch her spell I landed behind my sister. Immediately she launched the spell at Corentine, but just before it hit her I summoned my destruction mana and had it swallow the spell whole. 

As if she sensed she was no longer in danger Corentine fell unconscious, I walked forward and removed the ice spike from her shoulder she let out a grunt of pain before relaxing again.

I then turned my head to Janara "You can clearly see that she was unable to continue yet you still went for the kill. Have you no honor? Killing a defenseless dragon is nothing that would earn you anything."

She scoffed at me before turning her head up at the elder seemingly waiting for his input.

"The winner is Janara." The elder said in his booming voice.

Instead of averting my gaze I narrowed my eyes at the dragoness then turned back towards my unconscious sister.

I summoned a spell that caused her to levitate and brought her to the edge of the arena where there was a small recess in the wall for the hurt challengers. Upon placing her their I rubbed my head affectionately against hers then leapt into the air to return to the observation platform in the sky.

Upon landing the elder spoke to all those present, "We will now be moving on to the next battle Valorian and Hendrik proceed to the arena floor."

Before I could leave the platform one of the other younglings spoke up, "Elder what of Valorian's interference in the last battle, will he not be penalized for his actions?"

The elder turned his massive head to look at the young dragon then said "I never said that interference was not allowed, only know that if you do so and are hurt while doing so, you are still expected to continue in your assigned battle. Unconscious or otherwise, so do so at your own risk."

Surprise fluttered across the faces of all present, with a snort I leapt off of the platform and made my way to one side of the arena. My opponent Hendrik followed suit and soon we stood at opposite sides of the arena and awaited out command to begin.

Soon enough I heard the elder's booming voice "Ready? Begin!"

As soon as the final word was uttered I rushed forward as I was not as confident in my flight abilities as my sister I wanted to keep this battle squarely on the ground were I could use my massive size to my advantage.

As I rushed forward I started to prepare my first spell of the battle, a weaker version of the sky locking spell that I had observed in the memory I had obtained from father.

As I made my way closer my opponent seemed to have the idea that he did not want to engage in close combat with me and leapt into the sky while preparing a spell of his own.

To bad for him that I was more practiced with runes from my time in the forest and was able to activate my sky locking spell near instantly. Causing Hendrik to jump straight into the opaque surface of the spell above him, which made him lose concentration of the spell and caused it to dissipate.

I grinned despite myself as I stead as I saw him regain his footing while activating my next spell, I was now a mere fifty yards from him and closing fast, with each leap giving me an extra few yards in distance.

I could see panic flash across my opponents face as he hastily constructed another spell, as soon as my spell was finished I activated it sending a large ball of flames directly at him, then began to create another. Obviously we were still to far for him to be hit by my attack, but it was only a distraction.

He quickly jumped to avoid my attack while launching his own spell causing a spear of earth to launch in my direction. I didn't bother to dodge as I summoned my destruction mana and coated my body with it.

When the spear impacted my I didn't even feel it as it was turned to ash upon contact. I was now around thirty yards from Hendrik and I launched my next attack, causing multiple smaller balls of flames to shoot towards him. But this was only a distraction as I had also been preparing another spell which was my real attack.

As he dodged away from the fire I activated the other spell as soon as he stopped moving, A spear of ice erupted from the ground impaling him straight through the gut causing him to cough up blood. the spear pierced straight through his body and out the other side. For any other creature this would be a mortal wound, but for a dragon as long as we are given ample rest it was trivial so I continued my assault.

Now that he was weakened and trying to remove the spear of ice he didn't notice that I was now upon him I lashed out with my claws tearing them across his chest.

He barely had enough time to bring one of his forelimbs up to stop them before I decapitated him outright.

However instead of killing him, I wanted to teach him a lesson. I quickly slashed at his wings turning them to ribbons then turned and brought my paw down on his neck pinning him to the arena floor.

He let out a whimper of pain as lowered my head down to him and said, "If a youngling with the mark of destruction can deal out this level of power how much do you think my father possessed? Next time I hear you slander him I will not stop with mere injuries."

His eyes glinted in understanding before the elders voice boomed once again through the arena "Valorian is the winner."

I nodded then removed my paw from his neck and dispelled the ice spear before taking flight, leaving Hendrik to escort himself to the side of the arena.

A special thanks to the top three power stone contributors, Anas_Bin_Javed, Ap0ll0go, and Teozin for continuing to support my book even with my small leave of absence. I will start my regular updates with the release of this chapter!

I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

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