
The Saga of Valorian The Dread: The Savior of a Dying Race

A Dragon Hatchling must awaken to the power that dwells within him to help save his race from the brink of extinction Underlying his struggle to help save his race is his fight for survival against his own kind, as you will find out he happens to have something that many want and are willing to kill to get. I publish chapters with an average length of about 1200 words and publish at least four chapters a week.

Poseidon1378 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


Hello my amazing readers this is just a chapter I felt I needed to post that has no actual story content. I will be posting another chapter on Tuesday that will be about 3000 words or more.

I wanted you all to know that I deeply appreciate your support and always welcome any feedback positive or negative, as I believe we all have room to grow.

Honestly I am extremely excited for when I have more time to put into my writing as right now I am to busy to put out a chapter I feel confident in you all enjoying to it's fullest extent.

Just wanted to give a small update outside of the authors thoughts section as it seems a bit to small for this but just know that I will be resuming my near daily chapter releases ASAP.

Thank you all so much and I look forward to more comments and reviews from you all!