
The Runaway Husband

In the dark underworld of power and influence, Evelyn Grey reigns supreme. Known as a nightmare, Evelyn's wrath can obliterate lives in the blink of an eye. At 26, she is the epitome of ruthless success, owning numerous gas stations and hotels, and wielding control over the illegal underbelly of society. With a pretty face that hides a demonic fury, Evelyn is a force to be reckoned with, leaving devastation in her wake whenever angered. Contrasting sharply with Evelyn’s menacing presence is Hazel, a 17-year-old boy whose beauty is matched only by his purity and kindness. With hazel eyes and an innocent demeanor, Hazel embodies everything good and gentle in the world. Recently graduated from high school, he is eager to embark on a new chapter of his life at university, embodying the dreams and aspirations of youth. Their worlds collide in an unexpected twist of fate, where power meets innocence, and darkness clashes with light. As Evelyn's shadow looms over Hazel's life, will his purity be tainted by her darkness, or will his kindness illuminate a path to redemption for the both of them? "The Runaway Husband" explores the delicate balance between love and power, and the unexpected ways in which two seemingly opposite souls can influence each other's lives.

Tinyhunter28 · Urban
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20 Chs

An Unstoppable Urge


I can't stop thinking about him .I can't work properly, I can't think straight. I remember how he he hugged me last Sunday. Its been few days now. I can't control now. I need to see him again.

I called his mom, it was 8pm in the night. I guessed he will be with his family, it was there family


HM: Evelyn? 

Evelyn: Hello Mrs. Yates, How are you ? 

HM: I'm fine how are you doing ? 

Evelyn: I'm good , Actually I wanted to talk to Hazel will it be okay if I can come to your house right now. 

HM : Yeah sure. 

I hang up the call. I am going to see him now. 

I drove fast, it was an hour ride to his home from my mansion.

I barged in his house, his parents were seated in dinning room. My love no where to be seen.

"Where is he?" I asked 

" He is in his room" his mom replied then took me to his room 

I walked up to the door. I was surprised to see it was locked as the door was opened and his mom left us alone I saw him looking at window sadly. 

he jumped when he saw me. "Evelyn " Now he knows, I am here. 

He hugged me it feels so good when he is in my arms then he broke the hug and looked around, his Room was pastel colored with white furniture and curtains.

"Dinner together?" He asked softly. His voice was


"Sure." I replied. How can anyone say no to his request?.

"Okay, bathroom is there, please get comfortable.

I am going down to bring plates." He spoke softly.

I nodded.

he left the room. I looked around removing my jacket. Room was clean. I opened his wardrobe, it was filled with variety of clothes. A black satin underwear was hanging out from one of the drawer. I picked up and shoved it in my pocket.

I looked around, "get comfortable." His words running in my mind. The room was filled with photos, his childhood pic, his pic on the horse, family photos, pic of his Claire teasing him, and also a pic of him with Tom. "He likes pictures" I whispered.

I felt him entering the room. he smiled and placed the plates on bed.

he is wearing Breeches pants and Green Plaid Flannel Oversized Shirt.

"So what do we have for dinner?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"I don't know, surprise lies in the vessel." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Egg curry with flat bread " I said opening the lid.

He smiled.

"What will you like to drink? We have fruit juice, cola, ummmm..."

Nervously Biting lips in front of me. Big mistake my love.

"Fruit juice is fine ." I replied coldly.

He pulled out few fruit Juice cans within few moments

We ate in silence 

I noticed his eyes were red , hoarse throat, tear marks on cheeks, bruises on arm.

"Ummm..." he started to speak.

"Why did your parents locked you ?" I asked before he could say anything.

"Actually They grounded me last week and asked me to meet you....then they again locked me up here. I got angry. It was just a club." He spoke softly and I pulled him in my lap

"Evelyn " he gasped and struggled to get off.

"Stay" I ordered and adjust him. His back was touching my front. I hold him in place by pulling him by his waist towards me. wet kisses on his neck and shoulders. 

I let him go when I heard footsteps, within few seconds voice of his father made him jump, he was still in my lap "Hazel" he heard and climbed off me.

"Yes dad ."He replied and I stood front of him while he adjusted his clothes.