
The Royal slave

Elizabeth, a young and beautiful princess, thought she had finally found her prince charming in Nicholas when they first met at the ball. However, she soon learned that he was indeed the devil. In one fateful night, her life came crashing down when her kingdom was destroyed, her parents were killed by the king of Eratreal, and she was taken as a slave to Eratreal. What happens when she finds out that her beloved Nicholas was the prince of Eratreal, and she is now his slave? He had one goal: to make her life a living hell.

Francesca_Anthony · History
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight: Scheming.

Jack entered his chamber, his anger coursing through his veins. It was hard for him to believe that Nicholas had already bitten him and revealed Author's secret to Elizabeth. His brow arched in surprise when he spotted his younger sister, Jasmine, perched on his bed.

"Jasmine, what brings you here?" He inquired, scrutinizing her from head to toe.

Jasmine gazed up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Jack, may I have a word with you about something of importance?" Her earnest tone hinted that this was no casual conversation.

With a heavy sigh, Jack, though not particularly eager for conversation, acknowledged the necessity. "Of course, what's troubling you?" He moved closer and took a seat beside her on the bed, ready to listen.

"I know this might sound unconventional, but I implore you to help me persuade our parents to allow me to marry Arthur," Jasmine rushed to say.