
The Royal slave

Elizabeth, a young and beautiful princess, thought she had finally found her prince charming in Nicholas when they first met at the ball. However, she soon learned that he was indeed the devil. In one fateful night, her life came crashing down when her kingdom was destroyed, her parents were killed by the king of Eratreal, and she was taken as a slave to Eratreal. What happens when she finds out that her beloved Nicholas was the prince of Eratreal, and she is now his slave? He had one goal: to make her life a living hell.

Francesca_Anthony · History
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty Nine: Cruel Princess.

"What is going on here, and why are you on the floor crying?" demanded Nicholas, his voice taut with anger as he gazed at his sister.

"Oh, brother, your slave here slapped and pushed me to the floor because I scolded her for coming late to her duties," Jasmine, tears streaming down her face, choked out her explanation.

Nicholas's attention shifted to the trembling Elizabeth, his gaze burning with fiery wrath that threatened to scorch everything in its path. "How dare you lay your hand on the princess? Have you lost your mind, slave?"

Elizabeth recoiled from his harsh words, the weight of his accusation pressing down on her. She stood there, her eyes wide with shock and confusion, still reeling from the manipulation of the situation by Jasmine.

"Are you deliberately ignoring me?" Nicholas's lips twisted cruelly as he addressed Elizabeth, who couldn't tear her eyes away from Jasmine, still on the floor. "How dare you?"