
The Royal Revenge

A captured princess, a bastard prince, joined by a wedding neither of them wanted. Once a warrior princess, Elysianne now lives the life of a slave. She had a solid plan to avenge her people - infiltrate the vampire hierarchy and eliminate the monarchs. But then all of it went to waste with one crazy mistake that ultimately led her marrying the enemy. Aleksander was rumored to be cursed. Believed to bring the kingdom's doom if he stayed at the castle, he was sent away to live in a rundown manor with only two servants. Brought together as a joke, mocked and set up for death, Elysianne and Aleksander were two opposite poles of a magnet with the same hunger for vengeance. When the reigning monarch dies a mysterious death, while the crown prince gets murdered in battle, the unlikely couple ends up rising to the throne! Bounded by an agreement solely on revenge, Elysianne and Aleksander turn the vampire kingdom upside-down. But what if they find themselves entangled in the heat of a passionate love they never knew could happen? Could enemies turn to lovers then? +++ EXCERPT: "I want this kingdom to fall apart, I want to hunt down the people who made my life a misery, burn those that humiliated me." "And where do I fit in that grand plan of yours, your highness, soon to be king, Prince Aleksander?" The prince smiled and his canines glinted in the moonlight. A cold wind blew from the open window and the princess bit down her impulse to tremble under his smoldering gaze, "Lend me your power Princess Elysianne… become my queen, and together we shall get our revenge served in a silver platter." +++ Only Volume 3 contains R18 scenes. Volume 3 and MGS ended last June2022. Marked it "Completed" but will continue the story by publishing another book soon. Join my discord server https://discord.gg/ZQRG7bfJsr

yu_chan_desu · Fantasy
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238 Chs

Through the Palace Gates

The day which the masquerade ball was to be held came like the summer breeze.

The tailor had exceeded Aleksander's expectations and delivered the customized dress and suit three days prior. The prince made a fuss over some minor details, just to make the man miserable for another day, and now he was back with the final output.

Just in the nick of time.

"Hmm…" Aleksander hummed as he looked at himself in front of the huge mirror.

"I have done what you specified, your highness," the tailor said, his hands trembling as he arranged the tassels in the prince's costume neatly. "Would there be any more you might want to add or lessen?"

'Please just don't,' the man begged in his head, 'I just can't take the pressure anymore! The ball is literally less than two hours from now!'

The prince smirked as he heard the tailor's inner monologue.

"Actually…" Aleksander raised the mask away from his face, then put it on vice versa for a couple of times.

"Yes?" the tailor asked.

The prince could hear the man's heartbeat drum on as if it was about to explode with anxiety. Did he drink too much morning coffee or was Aleksander's teasing a bit too much already?

"Stop tormenting the tailor, Prince Aleksander," Henry joked from the sides. "You already look dashing in the ensemble, the mask accentuates your eyes as well," the old man then turned to the tailor, "you did a good job."

The tailor sighed with relief, but was immediately frozen when the prince scoffed.

"Don't expect me to compliment you just because you told me something I already know myself," Aleksander said.

Henry could only chuckle, as the prince was somehow in a good mood.

On the other side of the same fitting room, Elysianne didn't need to control herself from rolling her eyes. Aside from being ill-tempered, sadistic, and cynical, Prince Aleksander was egotistical too.

His head was clearly stuck up in the clouds.

At the same time Aleksander was admiring himself in the mirror, Cordelia was helping Elys in the dress the tailor had brought over. She laced the bodice on, made sure every piece, ever ribbon and tassels of the dress were in its right place.

Out of Cordelia's incessant – but gentle – suggestion, Elys asked for Aleksander to provide them a bit of make-up and accessories to pair the costume. It proved to be the right thing to do, as Elys glowed more with the fancy extras.

The maidservant took one last glance at her work and then nodded in satisfaction.

"You look stunning, princess," Cordelia said.

The princess smiled sheepishly, "Thanks to your help."

"Shall we?" the woman suggested, waving her arm outwards, wanting the others to see the beautiful princess.

The princess took a deep breath, "Yes," she replied.

Elys stepped out from the curtains, and jaws started to drop one after the other. Well, to be exact it had been only Henry and the tailor. Aleksander kept his mouth shut, but his eyes were glued on every movement she made.

The princess walked towards the prince, standing beside him to see if the costumes fit perfectly together.

They did – more surprisingly than it should. The costumes and the couple that wore them matched like they were made for each other and not for the person wearing it only.

The grandfather clock's bell dinged, and Henry said, "It is time. We should get ready. Your highness, let us now go to the carriage."

Aleksander straightened his back, turned around without acknowledging Elys, and then started to walk out of the fitting room.

"Won't you walk with me?" Elys matched Aleksander's steps. "The show starts here."

The prince merely glanced at her with cold eyes, and then said, "The show will be at the castle. I won't waste time pretending in my own property. Save the act for later, slave."

Elys' eyes reciprocated the coldness in the prince's words.

Henry's mouth slipped information sometimes with carefully constructed conversations and queries from Elys. She had tried to be nice with the prince, knowing the ball was going to be something he hadn't participated in for a very, very, long time.

He was donning his defenses yet again in the form of arrogance and pomposity, but Elys knew better.

The two boarded the carriage which Aleksander had magically turned lavish. Or had it been a new carriage? It was certainly didn't match the rundown manor's design, that was for sure.

Henry hopped into the front, and whipped for the horses to pull on the carriage. Cordelia waved goodbye to them, apprehension bubbling inside of her as she was left to tend the manor alone.

She wanted to be by the princess' side to protect her, but she was only a maidservant as of the moment, and the invitation didn't allow additional servants to come along.

Henry was an exception, although he would later just be waiting by the carriage as the celebration proceeded.


It had been a long walk from the outskirts of the capital to the center where Elys was set to be executed a week ago. But with the convenience the carriage provided, it didn't even take them less than half and hour to reach the dark castle.

There were carriages that lined up from the entrance, security was tight with guards taking too long checking each nook and cranny of every carriage that entered the palace grounds.

Elys's heart raced as they came closer to the gates. Several carriages lined behind them, but it looked like they were now one of the last batch of guests.

"Invitation please," the guard asked Henry, which the attendant obligingly handed over the envelope containing King Raxus' letter.

The guard's eyes widened then took a peek at the carriage's window, apparently skeptic of the names he read. He called over another guard, whispering in rushed hushes as they rechecked the guest list.

"Prince Aleksander Ardorlean and his – err – wife, aren't in the guest list," the guard announced to Henry firmly. "I'm afraid this means they cannot enter the palace premises."

"What's wrong?" Elys asked, poking her head through the open window.

"Get your head back in, Elys," Aleksander suddenly spoke, "Henry will handle this."


A/N: additional update since I felt motivated to write haha! To motivate me more, some comments and feedback would be awesome :)

Your golden tickets, gifts, and powerstones are the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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