
The Royal Mark

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] Born with a mark that was never intended… Gifted with intelligence and skills far more advanced than her peers. Elsa Morgan didn’t experience the normal childhood that everyone had. Always been haunted by her nightmares and by unexplainable events since she was young. Elsa became a doctor to find answers. Destined to bear sufferings and do what is right for his people… Chris Jorgensen was bound to the woman he had not met yet and marked without knowing what he had done. In order to lead his kingdom to glory and victory, he must find her first no matter what it takes, even if it means crossing the other world. Two worlds apart that defy what is the norm in their worlds. Brought together by the invisible tie that binds them together. Or is it true love that defies all reasons? When accidents turn out to be fate in disguise, will they be able to reject the strong pull towards the person who turned their whole world and everything they worked hard for upside down? ******** “What the hell! I told you not to move!” Elsa shouted while running back to the man, who lifted his head and smirked at her. Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. She heard her dogs growl and come closer to the man but quickly calmed down when he gave them a quick glance, and it absolutely surprised her. “What are you doing!” Elsa pushed the naked man on the chest for she could feel him hard down there and it was making her really uncomfortable. “Your smell… Mmm… Lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine…” The man casually said before burying his face in her neck and sniffing her hard. “You pervert!” With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again and slapped him so hard that she also hurt her palm, making his head turn to the side on impact. She briskly stood up and shouted, “Nile, tackle! Girls guard!” In a swift move, Nile jumped to the naked man tackling and pushing him to the ground while Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, not removing their gaze from him while growling and showing their sharp teeth and fangs. But then a more powerful force is pulling her eyes beyond the man’s buff chest and deep in her mind she convinced herself that she would do this because she is a doctor and he is her patient– an injured patient, she reminded herself. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more. She is a doctor… A licensed professional for God’s sake! ‘How can I buckle him up if it’s on the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?’ Elsa was having a battle in her head ultimately muddled about whether she would touch it or not. From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her car for both their safety. ******** Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time. He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman’s hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing. Chris’ eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, “Wake up! There’s a glowing mark on your wrist!” But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she’s not opening her eyes. “You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours.” Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it’s from the man that you call Dad.” Chris whispered as if someone would hear him. Completed Book: CEO's Contract Obsession ******** This book is currently on Hiatus due to the Author's medical condition. Please check CH234 or CH264 for more details.

Shiroi_Nami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
354 Chs

Katherina Morgan

"Do your friends know about your glowing arm?" Chris asked as they walked towards the coffee shop where Nadel and Jai were waiting.

"No. I used to tell my dad about the weird things that were happening to me but he did not believe any of it and I felt stupid. He is a doctor and I understand that he only believes in science so I did not tell others as well." Elsa clarified.

"OK, good. Keep it that way. Don't tell anyone, except me. I want to know everything that is happening to you, including those two." Chris is not well-versed in magic since he is a werewolf but he is sure that the woman doctor is using some form of it.

Even though his main goal is to find Princess Hera, he is also determined to ensure the safety of his mate. He was prepared to protect her no matter what.

"I never had any intention of sharing it with anyone, not even you, but you witnessed it yourself. But why do you want to involve my friends?"

"I don't trust them. Nadel resembles someone very powerful and dangerous in my world. And as for Jai, I simply dislike him for his interest in you," Chris explained before courteously opening the cafe door for Elsa.

Elsa couldn't help but notice the small gesture. She offered a faint smile that she quickly cleared before turning her attention back to her friends. It didn't escape her notice that Nadel's gaze remained fixed on Chris as they settled into their seats.

"I went ahead and ordered for both of you, hope that's alright," Nadel mentioned as she handed the Iced Latte to Elsa. However, before Elsa could reach for it, Chris snatched the drink and downed it in one go.

Elsa's jaw dropped, stunned by Chris's brazenness. 'He's truly something else. Is he trying to embarrass me in front of my friends?' she wondered.

Meanwhile, as Elsa glanced at her two friends, Nadel appeared less surprised than she did, in contrast to Jai, who had wide eyes as he observed Chris empty the glass.

"Thank you. I was really thirsty," Chris remarked, setting the empty glass on the table.

Elsa tilted her head, casting a questioning look at Chris. He exchanged with a similar look and used slight eye signals to relay something about Nadel.

Jai cleared his throat, noting the non-verbal talk between the two, and inquired of Chris, "So, when do we get to witness the wedding?"

Chris reclined against the back of his seat, arms crossed, and replied, "You won't. It's going to take place in my hometown."

"And where might that be...?" Nadel asked swiftly, prompting Chris to raise an eyebrow.

"Arcanis," he responded tersely.

Nadel offered a smile, while Chris smirked, maintaining an intense gaze on Nadel.

Elsa observed the exchange between the two, feeling the awkwardness in the air. It was as though there was an invisible battle happening between them, that they didn't know about.

"It's far. But you are welcome to come. I'd love for you to witness it," Chris remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'll certainly make an appearance then, dressed in my finest gown. Just make sure you remember you invited me," Nadel retorted in a similarly sarcastic tone.

Elsa sensed the conversation veering toward an argument and decided to intervene. "Alright, I think we should put that topic aside for now. It's not happening anytime soon," she suggested, hoping to prevent any potential conflict.

"You never did answer my question from earlier. What brings you two to Santa Fe?" Elsa inquired.

Nadel and Jai exchanged glances as if silently communicating in pushing one another to speak up.

"We're considering to move to Santa Fe," Jai began explaining. "We applied for a job here, and we've been accepted."

Elsa expressed her concerns, saying, "Are you certain about this? The town's hospital is quite small, and you may not gain as much experience as you would at city hospitals."

Nadel responded, "There's a large hospital currently under construction here. It's expected to be completed in six months, which syncs with the end of our residency program."

A furrow formed on Elsa's brow as she sensed there was more to the story. "Why didn't I hear about this from my dad? What's the name of the hospital?"

Jai and Nadel, in the midst of sipping their coffee, swallowed hard upon hearing her question. They exchanged another meaningful glance.

"The hospital is named 'Katherina Hera Morgan Memorial Hospital,'" Jai sighed.

Elsa and Chris exchanged puzzled looks.

"The HR department told us not to inform you yet because your father wanted to surprise you. I suppose he'll be quite upset when he finds out we spilled the beans," Jai added.

"That's quite a lengthy name for a hospital," Chris casually remarked.

"That's Elsa's mom's name, which you should be aware of, considering she's the mother of your future wife," Nadel pointed out.

"You're correct, but where did 'Hera' come from? My birth certificate lists her as 'Katherina Morgan,'" Elsa asked in confusion.

"I inquired with HR about that too, and they told me it's your mom's full name. I guess you'll have to confirm it with your dad. By the way, speaking of your dad, could you check if it's okay for us to stay at your house just for tonight? We need to submit more documents to HR tomorrow," Jai requested.

"No need to ask him. It will be my house too once Elsa and I get married. Of course, you can stay," Chris replied with his characteristic confidence.

Elsa felt a wave of embarrassment as Chris made such a bold statement. "H-He's right. You're welcome to stay at our house anytime," she added. "Chris, I'm not sure what you like. Would you like to join me in ordering some coffee?"

Chris didn't need a second invitation; he understood that Elsa wanted to have a private conversation. He got up and followed Elsa to the cashier. His mind was full of questions and he just hoped the information Jai had informed them was something that could potentially tell him the location of Princes Hera Van der Aart.