
The Royal Contract Wife

It was hate at first sight! Vice President Jeannie Boon hated Prince Christopher Sebastian Lucille Spark at first sight. Since his name was as pretentious as him, she would rather not come into contact with him. But that is something that can't be avoided. Not when he is the biggest benefactor that can help her non-profit organisation to reach it's milestone and get more benefactors. Prince Christopher Sebastian Lucille Spark needs a wife. And when the petite little Jeannie Boon enters his office to 'exhort' money, he is not letting her win so easily. Will Jeannie be able to escape the plans that Prince Christopher has for her? Or will a certain prince fall into his own trap?

Hope_19 · Urban
Not enough ratings
180 Chs


"I would have given up the throne in a heartbeat, Alex Mosse." Christopher walked in calmly showing no anger at the fact that he had just happened to hear his wife being propositioned. 

Alex Mosse, did not, however answer as he simply turned in his seat before ignoring his half brother, ready to leave. Before he could make a move, Christopher continued, " I would have if only you had been worthy?"

This caused Alex to bristle and his hackles were raised. "How dare you? Do you think that just because you have had a royal upbringing, you can say things about others?"

"Tsk tsk. So angry. Where does the royal upbringing come into this. I am talking of your worthiness. Not the circumstances of your birth or upbringing."