
The Royal Agreement

"This was your plan all along wasn't it?" she screams at me tears falling freely and ruining her makeup. "What? No of course it wasn't, Camila, we're sisters" I desperately say, looking at mom and dad for help, but they look as distressed as I feel. "I don't have a sister anymore." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Carmen Hernandez always dreamt of having a simple life. Finish her last year of high school, go to Harvard, become a prosecutor, marry, and have a small family of 4 children and two dogs. But when her family moves to Aldovea and attends the royal ball, everything changes. Now she has to juggle a life of royalty and high school while trying to maintain a good relationship with her sister. And all the while her parents and the royal family are hiding secrets from her that could explain the wolf she's been seeing in her dreams and people from her past are haunting her. Will Carmen be able to handle all the pressure or will she crack?

ClaudiaNgan · Teen
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21 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Christophe

"Your Majesty, it's time," Lloyd says as he knocks on the door of my bedroom.

"Coming" I answer, tying on my full face mask. Even though Mère is against it, I decided to also wear a mask, this way nobody recognizes me, especially my mate although she may be able to smell me.

I take one more look at my room before stepping out and meeting Llyod at the end of the hallway. "Will Grayson be attending the ball?" I ask, hopeful.

"He might later on." Grayson is Lloyd's 5-year-old son. He and I have been hanging out since his mom died of cancer, so about four years. He's like a little brother to be and much rather be playing hide and seek with him than going to this ball. We walk downstairs to the ballroom full of people and meet up with Jesse and Xavier. Three days, when we found him riping up that punching bag in the sparing area, we discovered that Claire was pregnant, with TRIPLETS. Overwhelmed, Xavier went to the sparring area and got carried away.

"Do you smell her yet?" Jess asks.

"No, not yet," I say scanning the room. The women were wearing the most elegant dresses, I could only spot five or six of them wearing yellow.

"You should go dance with them," Xavier nudges me.

"Fine," I say begrudgingly and head into the crowd.

I was already dancing with the fifth woman when the smell hit me.

Chocolate and roses.