
The Royal Agreement

"This was your plan all along wasn't it?" she screams at me tears falling freely and ruining her makeup. "What? No of course it wasn't, Camila, we're sisters" I desperately say, looking at mom and dad for help, but they look as distressed as I feel. "I don't have a sister anymore." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Carmen Hernandez always dreamt of having a simple life. Finish her last year of high school, go to Harvard, become a prosecutor, marry, and have a small family of 4 children and two dogs. But when her family moves to Aldovea and attends the royal ball, everything changes. Now she has to juggle a life of royalty and high school while trying to maintain a good relationship with her sister. And all the while her parents and the royal family are hiding secrets from her that could explain the wolf she's been seeing in her dreams and people from her past are haunting her. Will Carmen be able to handle all the pressure or will she crack?

ClaudiaNgan · Teen
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter Six: Carmen

"Why not?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The invitation said to wear red or orange," she says, mimicking my pose.

."Yeah, if you're interested in the prince, which I'm not."

"Well, wear yellow then. There might be rich single men at the ball," she says.

"I'm not interested in the rich perverts that will only attend the ball to stare at women," I say running my hands through the fabric.

"But, Mami," she starts.

"Cami, I'm going to a social event, which I never wanted to attend in the first place, and I'm going to wear a dress and be fancy for the first time since," I trail off. "The least you guys could do is let me wear what I want."

"Fine," she groans, "but it's all on you if something goes wrong."

I roll my eyes as I carefully unzip the back of the dress and slip it over the head of the mannequin. Cami follows me to the fitting room and sits outside while I go in and change.

As I took off my clothes, I was concerned that the dress might not fit. I'm not overweight; I just have a lot of curves, and the chest area of the dress seemed a little small. The dress, though, was surprisingly easy to put on. When I gazed in the full-body mirror, a large grin appeared on my face. The dress was long enough to cover my feet, meaning people wouldn't be able to see my shoes unless I wanted them to, but the chest area made my already large boobs look even bigger, and the amount of cleavage shown was a little excessive for me, but the pros outweighed the cons.

I stepped out after removing my hair from its bun and messing with it. Cami let out a gasp.

"Oh, my God! You look incredible! It would be impossible for anyone to ignore you if you wore some makeup!" Women in the area gave her weird looks as she jumped up and down clapping, but she didn't care one bit.

Bursting in pride from her praise, I check the price tag and my face dropped.

This dress cost $15000.

"What's the matter?" she asks, seeing my expression sink.

I show her the price tag without saying anything.

"Didn't Mami tell us to spend as much as we need? Plus, they now have a terrific job, okay? It's all right."

Finally, I persuaded myself that it was all OK, changed back into my clothes, and we checked out, paid, and left. Outside, I texted Mami.

Me- 11:05a.m.

We're done shopping for dresses😀👍

MommyPooh- 11:10 a.m.

Great! Meet me at FRIENDLY NAILS💅

Me- 11:11


I tell Cami what Mami said, and we get our dresses, which had been stored in garment bags.

Mami motions us over when we arrive.

"Hey," she says as we get closer.

"Hey," we both say, nearly in sync.

She'd gone to the library and gotten a lot of books on etiquette and social events, and she was even reading one while getting her nails done.

"Please excuse me? Is it possible for my daughters to get their nails done as well? "She asked the elderly lady who was doing her nails

"Yes, yes," said the woman, who had a Chinese accent. She then summoned two other women, both of whom appeared to also be Chinese, with pale skin and jet black shoulder-length hair.

She spoke something in Chinese before introducing them as her daughters, Mei xing and Mei Zhen, and telling us that they would be doing our nails.

They showed us where we could put our dresses down before showing us a range of different nail sets from which to choose.

Mami came over after they finished our nails and asked if they could give us full pedicures, which they gladly agreed to. They escorted us to a different room in the salon that I hadn't noticed previously and told us to lie down on massage beds.

I was getting excited since I thought we'd be getting messages until they came in with waxing supplies and drew a curtain between Cami and myself. I'm pretty worried at this point, so I look around and see soundproofing panels. It's not until I hear a rip and then a bloodcurdling scream from Cami's side that it hits me.

We're getting waxed.