

I looked towards my instructor and even though I know she is female it's hard to see it through the probably intentionally baggy clothing and blank mask that hides her hair and face. She motions me to follow and I climbed out of the bed to do so. Still without talking she led me to one of the walls and upon nearing it a section sinks into the ground allowing us out of the room into a dark grey corridor similar to the room. A noise behind me catches my attention and I watch as the section of the wall rises back up and seals off the room. Some kind of Earth manipulation probably.

My new sensei leads me through the purposely similar maze like corridors until we stop at another blank section of wall which like before sinks down to admit us to some type of lab. Another androgynous person in a mask is waiting for us, at least this one speaks.

"Sit on the stool here." The doctor commanded. I did so and he started attaching monitors to me. "Before we start training you we need to know what level you are already at and if your bloodline grants you additional features that aren't readily apparent. To do that we will need to do some testing first. Some of these tests will be painful or stressful but you will need to move past that. Do you understand?" I nod and the battery of tests begin.

It seems pretty normal tests for strength, dexterity, reflexes, memory retention stuff that seemed to be standard tests. Then we got to test my healing factor. The doctor made a little cut on my arm that completely healed within a minute. What I assumed raised eyebrows was how it healed. One minute it was still bleeding and the next it was fixed. No visible healing just blink and you would miss it. The doctor took it well and made a series of small cuts with one longer one on both arms that healed one by one in the same fashion as the first. The longer one healed in parts but still the same fashion as the others.

The doctor made some notes and thankfully moved on to the next test. This one involved Chakra and how fast I regenerated it. The doctor attached another node to me and told me to expel a quarter of my Charka. I did so and we waited for about an hour for it to fully recharge. It was probably foolish of me but in order to receive better training I explained that I could regenerate Chakra if I fell into a meditative state. He had me do the same exercise again except this time it took 2 minutes for me to fully recharge. A momentary pause was all the reaction I got before the doctor finished writing on his clipboard and dismissed both of us.

My sensei led me through even more uniform tunnels to what seemed to be a storehouse for equipment. My sensei blurred away and returned with a bundle of clothes which she gave to me to put on. The chainmail mesh went on first then the darker clothes on top with open toed sandals for footwear. Finally the full head facemask went on last covering my white hair and adhering to my face. I knew that they had to see out of the mask somehow but it still surprised me when, after a brief moment of blindness, the mask turned transparent to my view and I looked around marveling at it. Getting over it soon enough I finished putting two kunai pouches, one on each leg, and five shurikens up each sleeve. I had to get help with the last part.

That over my sensei led me to a large open room with posts with numerous nicks and gouges on them. Going to the center of the room she turned to me and spoke for the first time. "Impress me." Then there were kunai flying at me. For the first time I could actually sense her Chakra and knew that she was doing it for my benefit. I barely had time to process the fact before I had to dodge, one kunai slicing a line through my arm when I didn't dodge quite fast enough.

Quickly palming a kunai and chucking it at her, and ignoring the resulting pop up, I blurred through the hand signs creating a clone that went right while I went left. She dodged it of course. It was almost lazy the way she did it, moving not an inch more than necessary to dodge. That was fine it wasn't meant to hit her. With a twitch of my finger the Chakra string attached to it sent it flying at her undefended back. Once more she dodged with enviable grace not that I expected anything less.

Making the clone stop and look like it was controlling the now attacking kunai I sent my Chakra inward, empowering myself and ignoring another pop up. Palming another kunai I charged forward towards my sensei where she was now lazily slapping away the kunai when it got too close. I charged faster and faster until I was right next to her arm poised to strike when it felt like a mountain crashed down on my face sending me tumbling away.

I didn't land very well rolling along the ground as my fingers lost their grip on the kunai sending it flying away. I stumbled to my feet, cheek aching, to see her arm still extended and palm out. She bitch slapped me an incredulous portion of my mind spoke up before she was right in front of me and oh there is her leg. I must admit I have no idea how to move my body in a physical fight so what happened next was a complete and utter slaughter at close range fighting. When she seemingly tired of using me as a human punching bag she held up her hand in a stop motion and spoke for the second time. "Pathetic."

A mixture of shame and anger welled up within me before being smothered by calm. "I know sensei." I stood with some difficulty and eyed my stats, half health and a quarter Chakra left, enough for now.

"Good. 200 pushups, 200 situps and 50 laps around the room. No Chakra. Go." A woman of few words. I pushed my aching body into the exercise while looking at the pop ups I dismissed earlier.