
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? What is his ultimate goal? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)I don't own the cover, if this cover belongs to you and you want it to be taken down, just say the word and it shall be done. •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)English isn't my first language, so be prepared to lose your brain cells. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable.

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Victory hides within the guise of insanity (3/4)


The shrill cry of the eagle echoed through the night as it launched itself from the bandit leader's shoulder and swooped toward Uncle Ye's lifeless body, a trail of feathers following in its wake.

In the dim starlight, the bird's beady eyes gleamed with a savage hunger as it ripped through Uncle Ye's clothing, tearing at the skin and muscle beneath as it devoured the flesh greedily. Blood splattered across the ground in a gruesome display, and the metallic stench of blood wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of death.

The bandits carried on with their business, ignoring the sight of the eagle greedily devouring the flesh of their latest victim's corpse. But Chang Ming watched the gruesome scene unfolding before him with a heavy heart.

As the night wore on, the bandit crew's impatience simmered to a boiling point waiting for their prey to surrender peacefully.

"Hmph! Truly undeserving of mercy." The bandit leader's patience was also wearing thin as he waited for the target to emerge from the carriage. He scanned his men, searching for someone to break down the door. His menacing gaze finally landed on Chang Ming, "You!" he barked, pointing a finger at him. "Break down that door, now!"

Chang Ming's eyes widened in fear and he took a step back. "B-but, sir, what if there are guards inside?"

"I said do it!" the bandit leader growled, taking a step forward.

Chang Ming hesitated for a moment, but the fear in his heart was stronger than his sense of self-preservation.

Chang Ming felt his stomach churn as he approached the carriage. His steps were hesitant and his hands trembled as he clutched the saber tightly. The bandit leader's orders echoed in his head, forcing him forward despite his intense fear.

The wooden door of the carriage seemed to loom before Chang Ming, mocking him with its impenetrability. Chang Ming hesitated, his eyes darting around in search of a way out. But the bandit leader's sharp gaze was fixed on him, and Chang Ming knew he had no choice but to obey.

The bandit leader hadn't picked Chang Ming at random to go forward with the task. He had his reasons, wanting to assert his dominance early on and ensure that Chang Ming wouldn't dare to oppose him in the future. Despite their reputation as a chaotic band of savages, these bandits operated with a hierarchy like any other organization, with strength being the driving force behind it.

The foundation of every organization in this world was built upon the bedrock of strength. It was a world where the strong ruled, and the bandit leader wanted to make sure that Chang Ming knew his place. While also using him as an example to show the rest of the bandits that he was still the one in control. It was a harsh approach, but one that had been proven effective time and time again throughout history.

As Chang Ming stood just a step away from the carriage door, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He was acutely aware of the bandits' expectant gazes upon him, their impatience palpable in the air.


A piercing scream suddenly rang out from within the carriage. It was a sound that seemed to tear at the fabric of the night and chill Chang Ming's blood.

Chang Ming's hand shook uncontrollably as he looked towards the carriage, fear etched on his face. He froze, his feet feeling like they were glued to the ground. The bandits around him were also taken aback, some of them even cautiously backing away.

"What was that?" The bandit leader, who had also been startled by the screaming exclaimed softly, but he quickly regained his composure. "What are you waiting for? Finish the job!" he ordered, trying to maintain a powerful image.

Chang Ming's hand was shaking so badly now that he couldn't even grasp the saber properly. He looked up at the bandit leader with pleading eyes, "Can't we just leave? This isn't worth it!"

But the bandit leader just sneered at him, "Are you a man or a coward? Break down that damn door!"

"Damn it" Chang Ming's heart sank, he gritted his teeth ferociously. The regret in his heart was unbearable, he wished he had never joined the bandits, wished he had stayed in the safety of his village instead of venturing out into this dangerous world.

The bandit leader saw Chang Ming still hesitating, his face now contorted with rage as he spoke murderously, "What are you waiting for, break down that door now or I'll slice you down myself!"

Chang Ming was about to plead once again, but before he could utter a word, his attention was suddenly drawn to the carriage.


The window of the carriage creaked open, revealing a narrow gap.

A bloody stench infiltrated the gap, the air was thick with the sickening and overwhelming stench of blood, invading every breath with its putrid and repugnant aroma.

The bandits strained to peer through the narrow gap of the carriage window, but their distance prevented them from seeing anything except the pitch-black darkness within. However, Chang Ming stood closer, his sharp eyes able to discern the horrendous scene inside.

"AHHHH!!!" Chang Ming was stunned for a second before suddenly screaming, subconsciously taking a large step backwards. His foot caught on a loose stone, causing him to lose his balance and fall hard onto the ground.

His face was pale, his expression horrified, limbs trembling and unable to exert strength. Lying on the ground, he frantically tried to get up but fell back down again and again.

"What's wrong?!" In a moment everyone was astonished, all of them frowning deeply.

The bandits cautiously stepped forward, numerous gazes curiously looked towards the window with even more intensity.

The window was slowly pushed open by the person inside.

The bandit leader's grip on his weapon tightened out of reflex.

What everyone saw first, was a hand on the window.

A teenager's right hand.

A right hand dripping with scarlet blood.

A bloody hand!

Seeing this bloody hand, a sudden unease crept into the hearts of the bandits, causing many of them to come to a halt.

The door slowly opened fully.

Revealing a pitch-black darkness that made everyone flinch. Against the backdrop of the darkness, a frail teenager emerged, his silhouette barely visible.

He didn't know why, but the Bandit leader felt a strong feeling of apprehension gripping his heart.

Everyone who had gotten used to the darkness could barely make out who the person was.

What met their eyes was Wei Wushang, bathed in blood, standing behind the window as if he had just gone through an intense battle.

His right hand slowly retracted, while his left hand grabbed onto some hair, dragging along a person's head. The head was completely detached from its body and now hung lifelessly in his grip as fresh blood gushed out of the gaping wound where the neck once was.

"Ahhh, Murderer!!" Chang Ming pointed at Wei Wushang, screaming in horror, his screams getting louder and louder as if they would purge the terror and fear in his heart.

The bandits all gasped.

They looked towards Wei Wushang with shock, and wary expressions, there was also a tinge of apprehension in their eyes.

The Bandit leader was stunned, he did not anticipate such a scene!

After his shock, came intense rage, and his fists trembled in fury as he screamed in his heart, 'I, Yan Tian Zhao, the esteemed leader of the Silver Eagle gang, was momentarily overcome with unease at the hands of a mere youngster. Such humiliation is utterly unforgivable and a stain upon my glorious legacy.'

'Sneaky little brat, do you think I don't know what you're up to? Trying to demoralize us into retreating. Did you actually believe that displaying a decapitated head would be enough to scare us away? How naive!' The bandit leader's cold smirk grew more intense as he glared venomously at Wei Wushang.

Within a split second, the bandit leader flew into a fit of rage, pointing his saber at Wei Wushang, screaming, "Insolent little brat! You dare intimidate my men?! I'll personally cut you down!"

The entire forest echoed with the Bandit leader's enraged screams, the sound echoed and bounced off the trees, amplifying his rage and causing the very ground to shake.

The nearby bandits shuddered as the Bandit leader's deafening screams caused their ears to buzz.

Only Wei Wushang was calm, his eyes dyed a deep miasma, downright indifferent, unable to see any change in his emotions.

After looking around, Wei Wushang let go of his left arm, and with a plop, the round head fell into the puddle of blood, splashing blood onto Wei Wushang's pants.

"Sacrifice..." Wei Wushang whispered, his voice low and entrancing, "This world rests on the foundation of sacrifices. Sacrifices are what sustain this world. Benevolent heroes, unrighteous villains, human principles they are all born out of sacrifices. And without them, life would be all too dull and meaningless."

Wei Wushang paused momentarily, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling fervor. "Sacrifice is the only path to salvation, and Lord Ravana's glory will guide us to it. Join me, and together we will find salvation in this cruel world."

"So, what will it be?" A devilish grin spread across Wei Wushang's lips, without waiting for an reply he slowly took a step back and closed the window shut.

The atmosphere immediately became ghastly silent, as if a heavy blanket of stillness had descended upon the area.

"Damn it, a follower of Ravana! Is Ravana watching us?" A skinny bandit with a scar on his neck spoke fearfully as he glanced at the carriage window.

"Bullshit!" The Bandit leader's expression became grim, "This is nothing more than a ploy by the boy to scare us, he is just trying to trick us."

The bandits all had scowls on their faces but they didn't entirely dismiss the leader's words.

In the Fallen Rooh world, the name Ravana carried the meaning of death and destruction; at the same time, it was the name of an Evil God. And those who worshipped him were known as the 'followers of Ravana' or Blood crows.

In their folklore, there was a mythical figure with ten heads and ten thousand hands, a being of unimaginable horror who brought nothing but death and destruction wherever he went. His every step was marked by the spilling of blood and the crackle of broken bones. His form was so menacing that mere mortals who gazed upon him were driven mad with fear and despair.

He became the epitome of carnage, a true symbol of terror that sent chills down the spine of all who heard his name. A being whose sole purpose was to bring about chaos and destruction. His worshippers, Blood Crows were said to have aided him in spreading his influence of darkness and despair throughout the world, leaving behind a trail of ruin that would never be forgotten.

These twisted followers would often perform unspeakable rituals to appease their dark lord, Ravana. Some of these heinous acts involve the ritualistic sacrifice of innocent humans and animals. Shockingly, there are even instances of these fanatics sacrificing their own children to gain Ravana's favor. The mere mention of their depraved practices is enough to send chills down the spines of those who hear them.

The knowledge of Ravana and his followers had spread far and wide, and mortals across the world were gripped with deep disgust and fear at the mere mention of his name.

Even the bandits, who were typically excluded from societal norms, shared this sentiment. They too detested and feared Ravana and his followers.

Right now these bandits were feeling hesitant, Wei Wushang's display had put them on edge, and some of them were considering retreating.

However, the bandit leader was fairly a strong-willed and persuasive individual. He managed to rally the others with his commanding presence and logical arguments, convincing them to press on despite their unease.

Wei Wushang's plan had not yielded complete success, but he felt content with the outcome nonetheless. His actions had sown seeds of doubt and fear in their minds, and that was sufficient for the moment. After all, this was only the beginning of the performance, the true climax had yet to come.

But was Wei Wushang not afraid of incurring the wrath of Ravana?

Not really, because he knew the truth about Ravana. Unlike these bandits, who were nothing but mortals, Wei Wushang in his past life was an Rank-5 Immortal cultivator, and he had seen and experienced things that made mortals tremble with fear.

The fear that the bandits had towards Ravana was not something that he shared.

The name "Ravana" was actually a mere mortal moniker bestowed upon the Primordial Vein Demon Emperor by the mortal inhabitants of this world who feared and loathed him for his actions. In the cultivation world, Primordial Vein Demon Emperor was revered as the founder of the infamous blood path.

Primordial Vein Demon Emperor was known also known as the epitome of Blood path, there was a time when he went on a rampage, leading to the eradication of 40% of the entire human race. It is also worth noting that the population of the Fallen Rooh world is in the hundreds of trillions, making this a truly terrifying feat.

"Everyone, don't let the boy's words fool you." the bandit leader's calm voice resounded in the ears of his subordinates. "He is at his wit's end and he knows he cannot possibly beat us. He is using this scare tactic as a dying effort." The leader was trying to inject some sense into his followers.

"Ahh, I don't want to die! Lord Ravana, God Ravana please forgive me, grant me your mercy," Chang Ming wailed, his voice breaking with terror as he kowtowed facing the carriage. Tears and mucus dripped down his face, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Wei Wushang's earlier act had left him thoroughly shaken, and he had completely given in to the fear inside him.

"I'll promise to sacrifice a pig, no two pigs every week. So please forgive me, please!" he continued to plead desperately, his words barely intelligible between sobs.

The other bandits looked at him with a hint of pity in their cold eyes, realizing that they were all in the same boat. Wei Wushang's terrifying display had left them feeling nervous, and fear was slowly creeping into their hearts.

The bandit leader's gaze darkened as he noticed Chang Ming's desperate pleading was influencing others negatively. His heart immediately grew cold as he realized that his hard work of convincing them to see reality was slowly vanishing.

He couldn't afford to let them believe in the existence of Ravana, or else his hold over them would be lost!

The Bandit leader's eyes suddenly shone with a cold light as he slowly walked toward Chang Ming, squatting down to firmly grip Chang Ming's shoulder. The other bandits watched in anticipation, wondering what their leader would do next.

"Boy, don't be afraid." the leader began, his voice calm and clear. "This is just an act by the other party to discourage—"

Suddenly, without warning, Chang Ming swung his saber at the leader!

The bandits cried out in utter shock.

The bandit leader's pupils shrunk to pin sizes, but he narrowly managed to dodge the attack, however, he was clearly caught off guard.

"What are you doing!? Have you lost your goddamn mind?!?" the leader shouted, he was both furious and perplexed.

Chang Ming didn't seem to hear him. His eyes were wild with fear and desperation. "It's all your fault! You were the one who led us to attack the carriage, and now we've angered Lord Ravana! If you die, maybe he'll forgive us and let us go. You need to die, you must die!" With that, he launched himself at the bandit leader with his saber.

Chang Ming's words shocked the bandit leader to his core, his face twisted in anger as he raised his saber, "You ungrateful swine! You dare blame me for your feeble mindset, you're better off dead!"

Chang Ming's face was contorted with fear and desperation as he swung his saber wildly, "You need to die, you must die!" But his attacks were clumsy and uncoordinated, and the bandit leader easily parried his blows.

The two clashed in a fierce battle, their blades ringing out in the silence of the night. Despite Chang Ming's ferocity, he was no match for the bandit leader's skill and experience. Within moments, the bandit leader had disarmed Chang Ming and held his saber to his throat.

Chang Ming's eyes widened in terror as he realized the gravity of his mistake. "Please... please don't kill me..." he whimpered. "I didn't mean it... I was scared... I don't want to die..."

The bandit leader's eyes were cold as he regarded Chang Ming. "You made your bed, boy. Now you'll have to lie in it." With a swift movement, he brought down his saber and cut off Chang Ming's head. The boy's body slumped to the ground, blood spurting from the stump of his neck.

The bandit leader looked down at the lifeless body of his former subordinate, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. The other bandits looked on in silence, unsure of what to do next.

The silence was thick and suffocating, like a tight embrace that squeezed the air out of their lungs.

But just as the tension became almost unbearable, a diabolical laughter burst forth from within the carriage causing everyone to freeze like a statute.

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