
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? What is his ultimate goal? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)I don't own the cover, if this cover belongs to you and you want it to be taken down, just say the word and it shall be done. •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)English isn't my first language, so be prepared to lose your brain cells. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable.

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Victory hides within the guise of insanity(4/4)

The laughter was bone-chilling and insidious, growing louder and more maniacal with every passing second. It filled the air with malevolent energy that left the bandits paralyzed with fear, unable to move or even take a breath.

Even the great Yan Tian Zhao took a few steps back, his face etched with apprehension.

As the laughter continued to echo through the night, the bandits felt as though they were under the spell of some dark and ancient curse. They could feel the hairs on the back of their necks standing on end and their skin prickling with goosebumps.

The laughter eventually came to an end, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

The bandits looked at each other, their hearts pounding in their chests.

One of the bandits stepped forward, his voice trembling with fear. "B-Boss, I think we should retreat. This is not normal, we should not stay here any longer. I think everyone here also feels the same." he gestured toward his fellow bandits who hastily nodded in agreement.

The bandit leader felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead, he who was firm in his decision to attack the carriage, now finally seemed hesitant.

The haunting laughter that had echoed through the night, the gruesome sight of the severed head, the sudden betrayal of Chang Ming, and the fear he saw in his men's eyes were all weighing heavily on him. He couldn't shake off the feeling of doubt that had crept into his mind.

At this moment, the seeds that Wei Wushang had planted seemed to have finally taken root in the leader's heart.

'What if Ravana is really watching us? What if?' the questions swirled around in his mind, causing him to second-guess his earlier decision of attacking the carriage.

The bandit leader's desire to retreat was intense, almost overwhelming.

Every fiber of his being told him to run away from this accursed place.


Deep within his soul, there was a faint voice that told him to forge ahead despite all the signs in this place telling him to run away. Despite being aware of the risks involved, the voice inside the bandit leader's head grew louder and more hypnotic with each passing moment.

It was a strange sensation, one that he couldn't quite explain, but he found himself unable to dismiss it.

The bandit leader considered giving up on this target, reminding himself that missing it wouldn't be the end of the world, but the voice inside him urged him to keep moving forward.

It was truly bizarre...

"Ha, I am gonna lose my goddamn mind!" he cursed loudly, after an intense struggle, the bandit leader clenched his teeth and steeled his heart. He made up his mind to keep moving forward, even if it meant facing Ravana himself.

He took a deep breath and tried to steady his voice. "We cannot retreat now," he said, forcing himself to sound confident. "We have come too far to turn back. We must press forward and face whatever awaits us."

The leader looked around at his subordinates, noting their grim expressions and murmurs. He could hear them chatting among themselves, their voices low and filled with urgency. Many of them were trying to persuade him to retreat, but he refused to listen.

Some of them tried to create distance from the group, hoping to retreat silently, but the leader's sharp eyes quickly caught their movements. He acted quickly, commanding their attention.

"Take another step, and I'll separate your head from your shoulder." the bandit leader declared openly, killing intent flickering in his eyes.

The bandits murmured again, but none dared to oppose. They knew the leader would not think twice to discipline anyone who challenged his authority.

One of the more vocal bandits stepped forward, his face contorted with anger. "But, Boss!" he protested; "we are facing a follower of Ravana here, It's plain suicide to continue forward."

The leader fixed him with a withering glare. "Suicide is when you give up without a fight. We're the ones who'll come out on top, have faith in yourself and our comrades."

The bandits exchanged uneasy glances, but they knew better than to continue questioning their leader's authority.

With a fierce roar, the leader signaled the start of the attack, and the bandits charged forward, their weapons raised high. They were a formidable force, a pack of wild dogs let loose on their prey, and nothing would stand in their way.

As the bandits charged forward, their eyes wild with frenzied bloodlust abruptly dried up, and their fierce momentum came to a screeching halt as the carriage door slowly creaked open!

The bandits had frozen in their tracks, their eyes widening with trepidation as they tried to peer into the interior of the carriage, but only darkness could be seen.

The Bandit leader gulped nervously, before ordering his men to closely surround the carriage. Despite their initial reluctance, they still followed his commands. The bandit leader then turned towards two of his most trusted men and spoke with a heavy voice, "You two, lead the way. I'll be right behind you."

The two men selected to lead the way had dim expressions, silently sharing a glance that conveyed their mutual sense of helplessness. After a moment, they forced bitter smiles and begrudgingly followed the Bandit leader's orders.

The bandit leader was silent as he cautiously trailed behind the two men, his eyes glued on the interior of the carriage. With each passing step, his view of the inside became increasingly clear.

And then...

It showed itself, a nightmare that surpassed their wildest imaginations.

Within the confines of the room, blood and gore splattered everywhere, painting the walls and floors with a sickening crimson hue.

A group of malnourished children were pouncing one another with primitive brutality, the sounds of their grunts and growls echoed off the walls as the children fought with unbridled desperation. Their sharp nails clawed at each other's skin, and their teeth sank deep into the flesh, tearing off chunks of meat in a desperate attempt to satisfy their growing hunger. They chewed and munched on each other's flesh like savage beasts as their eyes glazed over with an unquenchable hunger.

Fingers and toes were ripped from hands and feet, leaving behind jagged, gaping wounds that dripped with fresh blood. The children's faces were twisted with pain and hunger as they gnawed on the flesh of their fallen peers, tearing off chunks of meat with their teeth and savagely gulping them down.

The sounds of flesh being ripped apart and bones snapping echoed through the room, mixed with the children's animalistic cries of pain and hunger. It was a grotesque and harrowing sight, a nightmare made flesh in the form of these young and desperate souls.

It was a hellish scene, one that no human being should ever have to witness, much less experience. The children were no longer human; they had been reduced to nothing more than animals, driven by their basic survival instincts.

But what was even more disturbing than the carnage was the sight of a teenager calmly seated in a pool of blood, methodically devouring the flesh of a human corpse cradled in his arms. The air around him seemed to thicken with an aura of malevolence, and the other children avoided him, sensing that he was something far more sinister than a mere participant in their twisted game of survival.

The teenager in question was none other than devil himself, Wei Wushang!

Wei Wushang was a horrifying sight to behold. His clothing was torn and soaked with blood, there were layers of intestines coiled around Wei Wushang's neck like a garland of flowers, brain matter and chunks of flesh were splattered all over his face and body, yet he seemed completely unfazed by the blood and gore around him.

He brought a human leg close to his face, then opened his mouth wide and chewed off a big lump of flesh before munching on it like a savage and then audibly swallowed it with a look of utter satisfaction and joy.

Chomp chomp chomp.

He once again opened his mouth and chewed on the corpse before him, large amounts of blood gushing out from its mouth, issuing a watery sound.

As he feasted on the human corpse in his embrace, he emitted a deep, guttural laugh that echoed through the room "Ha-ha-ha, truly a delicacy for the ages! More, I need more!" Wei Wushang ate and ate, with every bite, he relished the taste of the tender, juicy meat and the pale, soft human skin.

Despite the smile on his face and the laughter in his voice, Wei Wushang's heart was ice-cold. He didn't feel a shred of disgust towards the repulsive act he was committing, to him be it humans or pigs what difference was there? weren't they all made of flesh and bones.

The screams of his victims meant nothing to him, just as the squeals of a pig being slaughtered were nothing more than background noise.

To Wei Wushang, all that mattered was the result.

Outside the carriage, it was starting to get lively once again.

The bandits guarding the leader stared inside the carriage, and their blood ran cold as they beheld the gruesome scene before them. They could hardly believe what they were seeing, for it was a display of sheer savagery that surpassed anything they had ever encountered.

Their pupils dilated in horror as they observed the grisly scene with wide-eyed revulsion. They had heard rumors of Ravana's followers engaging in heinous rituals, but witnessing it firsthand was a whole other level of terror.

One of the bandits clutched his stomach and retched, his body convulsing as bile rose in his throat. He knew that he should be ready to defend himself at all times, but the sight of Wei Wushang tearing into human flesh made him feel sick to his core.

Meanwhile, the other bandit took a step back from the carriage, his eyes wide with terror. He tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground, his sword clattering out of his grasp. He let out a shrill cry, as he scrambled away from the carriage on his hands and knees. He didn't care about looking foolish or cowardly; all he wanted was to get as far away from the scene as possible.

They were not the only ones who were affected by this cannibalistic display.

Yan Tian Zhao's eyes widened in shock and horror as he looked inside, his face drained of all color, and his heart pounding so hard he could feel it in his ears. It was as if every fiber of his being was seized by a sudden chill, causing his body to shiver violently.

'Come on, move! Move, damn it!!' he roared in his heart, but being overwhelmed by a sense of extreme fright, the bandit leader found himself paralyzed, unable to move, speak, or even breathe properly.

His body felt like it was made of stone, and he could feel the icy fingers of fear gripping his heart, threatening to squeeze the life out of him. Despite his efforts to calm himself, his mind was in chaos, racing with a million thoughts, each more terrifying than the last.

The rest of the bandits surrounding the carriage noticed their leader's fear, their expressions immediately turned dark, their hearts sinking like pebbles as they realized the severity of the situation.

Some of them acted quickly, understanding the need to flee for their lives, while others hesitated, uncertain whether to stand their ground or retreat.

As the remaining bandits hesitated, a dark shadow suddenly leapt out of the carriage with a fierce growl.

The bandit leader's face turned pale as paper, having been ambushed, he tried to put up a fight, but Wei Sang was too fast and too powerful.

With lightning speed, Wei Sang tackled the bandit leader to the ground, sending him crashing onto the dirt road with a thud. The impact knocked the breath out of the bandit leader, leaving him gasping for air.

Without wasting a second, Wei Sang pounced on the leader, his razor-sharp teeth sinking into the leader's neck as he tore off a large chunk of flesh.

Blood sprayed in all directions, painting the ground crimson as the bandit leader screamed in agony, his body convulsing in pain as he desperately began thrashing his arms and legs wildly in an attempt to push Wei Sang off. But Wei Sang was relentless, his grip on the leader's neck was unyielding.

Despite the intense pain, the bandit leader refused to give up so easily. He desperately reached out for a nearby rock and raised it with shaking hands, attempting to strike Wei Sang's head. But before it could make contact, Wei Sang grabs the rock and twists the leader's arm, causing him to drop it.

"You're only a lowly sacrifice, how dare you fight back!?" Wei Sang's eyes were bloodshot, his expression crazed as he shouted at the bandit leader's face.

He lifted the rock and started bashing it against the Bandit leader's head. Blood splattered across Wei Sang's face as he continued to bash the rock against the leader's skull.

"You're nothing, you hear me?! Absolutely nothing!" Wei Sang screamed loudly as he continued to rain down blows with the rock, his eyes wild with madness. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the forest, accompanied by Wei Sang's crazed screams.

The bandit leader's body twitched and convulsed with each blow, his screams turning into gurgles as blood poured from his mouth. His limbs thrashed about wildly, but it was no use. Wei Sang's grip was like a vice, and the bandit leader was powerless against him.

Wei Sang lifted the rock again, his voice took on a fervent, almost religious tone. "Oh great Lord Ravana, accept this sacrifice that I offer to you with all my heart and soul. Let this lowly being's blood flow to nourish your divine power, and let his screams of agony be music to your ears."

Finally, with one last deafening strike, Wei Sang delivered the killing blow. The bandit leader's body went limp, his head a mangled mess of bone and flesh. Wei Sang stood there for a moment, panting heavily, his hands still gripping the blood-soaked rock.

The other bandits watched in horror as their leader was mercilessly beaten to death. Their faces were pale with shock and fright, some of them tried to run, but their legs refused to obey, rooted to the spot by the sheer terror of what they were witnessing. "What... what have you done?" one of them managed to stammer out, his voice shaking with fear and revulsion.

Wei Sang turned to face them, he sighed in his heart deeply but on the surface his expression was malevolent. "This is the will of Lord Ravana," he declared, his voice cold. "His sacrifice will not be in vain." With that, he fell to his knees and began to feast on the bandit leader's flesh, tearing off chunks of meat with his teeth and devouring them ravenously.

As Wei Sang feasted on the corpse of their former leader, the bandits' murmurs came to an abrupt end.

Silence immediately engulfed the area as the forest which was once alive with sounds of nature, was now quieter than the grave.

As if struck by a bolt of lightning, the bandits watched in frozen horror, their faces a canvas of disbelief and terror, etched with the darkest shades of shock and dread.


A cold wind suddenly blew, bringing with it the sound of slow, deliberate footsteps.

As the footsteps grew louder, Wei Sang stopped his actions as he directed his gaze towards the carriage, the bandits instinctively followed his gaze, their hearts trembling with pure dread.

Wei Wushang slowly emerged from the carriage, his expression cool like a devil walking out straight from the depths of hell. In his right hand, he held a bundle of severed heads, each one bearing the expression of agony etched on their lifeless faces. And in his left, lay a pulsating heart, still dripping with fresh blood.

The bandits shuddered as their gaze landed on Wei Wushang, the fear in their eyes intensifying with each passing second. Their mouths turned dry, and their hearts pounded like war drums. In their eyes, Wei Wushang looked like an incarnation of a demonic God, who had descended to the mortal realm to claim their lives.

Wei Wushang took a step forward, and the bandits instinctively took a step back. His eyes swept over them, and for a moment, it felt as though he could see into their very souls. They trembled under his menacing gaze, feeling as though they were nothing more than insects to be crushed underfoot.

Wei Wushang's eyes shimmered with cold brilliance as he slowly lifted the pulsating heart to his lips.


Taking a harsh bite, he chewed loudly and without care. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste of blood and flesh in his mouth.

The bandits were utterly stunned, their mouths hanging open as though they were unable to utter a sound.

With a giant smile spreading across his lips, Wei Wushang opened his eyes and glanced at the surroundings with indifference.

Everyone was silent.

"Mm, aren't you all gonna run?" Wei Wushang said lightly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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You go down just like Holy Mary

Mary on a, Mary on a cross

Your beauty never ever scared me

Mary on a, Mary on a cross

If you choose to run away with me

I will tickle you internally

And I see nothing wrong with that

EvilGrandpacreators' thoughts