
The Roman and her slave

Peggysue969 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter two

Digitis, a maiden of eighteen years, leaned back against the couch she was stretched out on, next to her, resting on a similar one Pondors, a maiden of twenty year, yawned and stretched.

"Have you had any action yet."

It came out of the blue and although it was an old talking point it still shocked Digitis. Pondors was very promiscuous, she had sex with anything that moved, and she always told Digitis all about it. Digitis knew that her friend was truly bisexual, she had heard as many tales about sexual exploits with women as she had heard about men.

"Thought about it recently?" Pondors asked before taking a measured sip of her spiced wine.

Digitis's face immediately turned crimson and her blue eyes didn't dare meet Pondors's green eyed grace.

"It's that new slave isn't it?" Pondors swiftly deduced.

"Nice but he is so attainable, to easy. You're a Roman, girl, if you want something go take it. He's a slave. His body belongs to you if you want him to plough your slippery love tunnel, he can't refuse." Pondors continued.

Digitis was bright read now, looking as if she just wanted the earth to close up around her.

"I brought some toys with me for us." Pondors reached into a sack next to the coach she sat on and pulled out a stone object. It was seven and a half inches long carved out of a polished smooth stone that was cold to the touch. Phallic shaped it could be nothing other than a replica dick. It made Digitis wet at the thought of it entering into her previously untouched body.

"Oh, my Goddess, now?" Digitis questioned excitedly.

"I am going to teach you." Pondors told her gently as she got up and pulled off her tunic and lay back down on the couch."

Pondors beckoned Digitis over and told her to take off her tunic also. As Digitis began to undress a worried look crossed her face, she had never been naked in front of someone before. Pondors saw that expression steal across her best friend's face. When Digitis had removed her tunic top Pondors tentatively reached out and firmly but gently squeezed Digitis small round tits.

"Don't think just act." Pondors advised her friend gently.

When Digitis was finally naked, Pondors beckoned her down beside the couch. Pondos opened he legs, grabbed the back of her friend's head and pulled her closer.

"Lick." Pondors commanded her gently as she pulled friends head even closer to her dripping cunt.

Digitis took a tentative lick and then another, her friends juices tasted musky and sweet but not unpalatably so. She continued licking.

Over the next hour Digitis proved an excellent pussy pleaser bringing Ponors an innumerable amount of breath-taking orgasms. After which Pondors returned the favour.

Digitis lay there enjoying the sensations, the long, agile, clever tongue dancing across her most private parts. It felt overpoweringly good, all she could do was moan it was like she had lost control of her own body. She never thought it would feel so good.

Ponors lead Digitis to the cushion she had set out on the warm mosque tiled floor heated by the underfloor heating system. She had been eating he best friend for about an hour now, but she wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. This was the main event.

Pondors lay on the ground next to Digitis holding the intricately carved, smooth stone dildo she had showed Digitis earlier. She aligned the spite coated stone up with Digitis's pussy and pushed it in. The dildo only sank in about an inch before it encountered resistance. She turned to Digitis who gave a brave face nod. Bringing the dildo back out until only the smallest fraction was still in Digitis, she forced it back in breaking her friend's hymen.

It was wrong Digitis knew, it was wrong for a Roman maiden to lose her virginity, to another woman like this let, alone outside of wed lock. But she wanted it so bad, so she let her friend take away her virginity.

The pain was immeasurable and Digitis screamed out in agony. The dildo was buried up to the hilt in Digitis's love tunnel and Pondors left it there knowing it was best to wait a bit before doing anything.

"Legos!" Pondors shouted loudly three times.

"No. Please." Digitis whimpered still in too much pain to really put up much of a fight, she did not want him to see her like this. She was naked, in a scene of scandalous nature with her best friend and now the man who made her quake at the knees, sent shivers down her spin just by talking to her, was going to see her as a whore in all her passionate glory. The very notion was enough to made her feel sick.

"What do you need mistress." Legos, a slave who was twenty four and a full four years older than Pondors, said bursting through the door. The words died on his lips as he surveyed the scene in front of him.