
The Roman and her slave

Peggysue969 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter One

Normally Digitis,a maid of eighteen, would be a lot happier to be strolling the halls towards her Pater's (Dad's) officer. The office was just next to the large library filled with large shelves and generously stocked with all sorts of books in many different languages. It was arguably the best collection of printed literature four miles around and Digitis spent a great deal of her tie there.

Yes, a visit to her father's office for those long in depth talks they had on anything from Roman politics to the new fashion across the empire followed by a visit to the library for an hour or two was usually the high point to Digitis day. But not today she had been summoned to the office and she already had a feeling she knew what this could be about. The four knowledge only made Digitis more apprehensive.

There was a shelf a particularly high shelf in the library that ever since Digitis could remember she had been told it was off limits. Two days ago, with incredible effort Digitis had finally managed to clamber up to the shelf. Off this dusty but amply stocked shelf Digitis had selected a book. It was old with a brown leather cover and velum pages bound flat. Knowing that to carry it around and read the book openly would be the Hight of stupidity and would have led to her getting caught, Digitis had taken the book to her own and there had concealed it.

By flickering candle light at night Digitis had begun to read that book and had soon found out why the shelf was bard to her. The book contained much in the way of illicit material. It was one man's account of his sexual escapades in graphic detail and the graphic nature of the text had only drawn Digitis in further.

Sitting across from her father who was waving the offending text in his hand was one of the most embarrassing things Digitis had had to endure. At fifty Flavius Risus, Digitis father, had a big grey beard, broad shoulders and thinning grey hair. He had always been quit squat but was still fairly slim. He did not say much to his daughter in this confrontation, something that suited Digitis down to the ground. She had no wish to talk with her father about the stolen book or how its texts made her feel. Her father simply decreed her punishment a four week ban from the library and restated the rule that she was not allowed anywhere near that shelf.

For Digitis it was a sore blow, to not be allowed in the library. It was a place she visited almost daily and was always a source of great joy. Digitis was also annoyed that she was not able to finish that she was not able to finish that stimulating book. She had been really enjoyed it.

After the first few chapters Digitis had put her hand on her sopping wet pussy and rubbed it as she read. She had orgasmed after only a few pages. It was just stimulating to read the contents of that book. More than that it had given her ideas and thoughts about sex. It had made of things, things no maiden should ever think of let alone do. It wasn't right but it felt so right.