
Chapter 14 : Scars

CW: Mentions and implications of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Seraphina’s POV

Rosie sat across from me at the dining room table, pushing a coffee and a bag of donuts over to me. “You’ve been up all night, haven’t you?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” I affirmed, accepting the coffee and taking a much-needed sip. “The nightmares came back.”

Her head slowly tilted to the side, kinship filling her eyes. “I’m sorry, Sera.” She sighed deeply, chewing on a plain cake donut. “I knew this was going to come up.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

“Would you have trusted me if you knew my best friend was related to the man that hurt you?”

I shook my head, replying, “No. But that was months ago now. You had plenty of opportunities to tell me.”

She dunked her donut into her coffee a few times. “If I’m being honest, I’ve been putting it off big time. I figured it would come up in conversation with Kit anyways. His relationship with his brother is complicated.”